Aug. 26-Sept. 1, 2018
Wisdom Teeth Removed
Well, to top off our rough August, it seems fitting to end it with Dd getting all four wisdom teeth removed. She literally was on the sofa for four days; miserable, swollen, bruised, and pitiful. Of course, I heard from friends how easily other kids recovered from their surgery, but Dd was one of those that struggled with recovery. She didn't get any real 'academic' work done this week! But, she is healing up!! Now she can meet back with the orthodontist about getting her braces.
Her jaw turned black and blue |
Our rescue dog, Henry, is still growing more and more comfortable with us; which is nice in some ways, but he has lost his 'roaming' privileges and is back on the leash until he can come when called instead of redirecting himself towards the road!!! Nothing worse than a puppy seeing you, hearing you call his name, and then see him make the decision to disregard your plea's! Dd has already taught him to sit, down, and shake! He does the 'come,' but only when he feels ready to do so...typical puppy behavior, not a surprise, just something we need to work on for safety's sake.
We sure are enjoying our walks back into the woods around our house, under the guise of 'walking Henry!' The old trails have been getting freshened up and cleared up as we walk each day. I'm getting ideas of how to lengthen the trails so we won't have to do so many circles and loops. I am thoroughly enjoying spending more time in the woods and luckily haven't seen one tick this year.

Headaches and Migraines:
I went to the doctor this week complaining of a huge increase in headaches and migraines---instead of 1-2 weeks of issues I have had problems this entire month. I'm afraid that Amitriptyline I went off was helping me more than I knew. I still don't know if I can rally without it or if I need to reevaluate the benefits of this medication. I hate to mess with body, but having 13 bad days out of 31 isn't a great score. I'm tired of feeling awful.

Henry tears his stuffed animals into shreds of thread by the end of it; here are new ones for him to destroy |
We sure are enjoying our walks back into the woods around our house, under the guise of 'walking Henry!' The old trails have been getting freshened up and cleared up as we walk each day. I'm getting ideas of how to lengthen the trails so we won't have to do so many circles and loops. I am thoroughly enjoying spending more time in the woods and luckily haven't seen one tick this year.
Headaches and Migraines:
I went to the doctor this week complaining of a huge increase in headaches and migraines---instead of 1-2 weeks of issues I have had problems this entire month. I'm afraid that Amitriptyline I went off was helping me more than I knew. I still don't know if I can rally without it or if I need to reevaluate the benefits of this medication. I hate to mess with body, but having 13 bad days out of 31 isn't a great score. I'm tired of feeling awful.
The repairman fixed the van and we picked it up on Tuesday. For now we have 3 of 4 auto's working. I'm hoping all three of these auto's will keep running for at least a month!! I pray!
The repairman fixed the van and we picked it up on Tuesday. For now we have 3 of 4 auto's working. I'm hoping all three of these auto's will keep running for at least a month!! I pray!
Some of our produce this year |
It must be molting time of year again as the number of eggs has been down all week. They are all doing really well. I'm really working hard on getting as much fresh greens and weeds as I can since the weeks are winding down on being able to gather them. I remember our first October here and it was feet and feet of snow!
The garden is doing really well; I just need more time and especially more energy to get the canning started. Everything is growing well and coming along nicely.
My Bible Study:
I've been wrapping up the few pages left on Entrusted: A Study of 2nd Timothy, a Bible study from Beth Moore and begun a new one I saw on Amazon called Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story by Angie Smith.
A picture with ALL THREE cats in it! That doesn't happen |
My Bible Study:
I've been wrapping up the few pages left on Entrusted: A Study of 2nd Timothy, a Bible study from Beth Moore and begun a new one I saw on Amazon called Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story by Angie Smith.
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee : COMPLETED
(I've requested the movie from the library to watch next!)
A good amount of cooking this week---we bought lots of different kinds of soups, apple sauces, sorbet, and other 'liquid' foods for her first days after her teeth were removed. On Friday, feeling better she made me some No Bake Cookies and tried eating some solid foods. She soon realized that she had to stick to the liquid foods as anything solid, even cereal, went into her wound and caused problems trying to get it back out.
Piano one time this week
Fun Book:
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Dead Poet's Society
I remember watching this movie in high school and feeling so motivated to Seize The Day and live a full life. I'm not sure how Dd felt about it, but she said she liked it. I somehow forgot that one of the main characters commits suicide---you'd think I would remember that key part!

(I've requested the movie from the library to watch next!)
A good amount of cooking this week---we bought lots of different kinds of soups, apple sauces, sorbet, and other 'liquid' foods for her first days after her teeth were removed. On Friday, feeling better she made me some No Bake Cookies and tried eating some solid foods. She soon realized that she had to stick to the liquid foods as anything solid, even cereal, went into her wound and caused problems trying to get it back out.
Piano one time this week
Fun Book:
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Dd doing a good job keeping us supplied with No Bake Cookies this summer! |
Dead Poet's Society
I remember watching this movie in high school and feeling so motivated to Seize The Day and live a full life. I'm not sure how Dd felt about it, but she said she liked it. I somehow forgot that one of the main characters commits suicide---you'd think I would remember that key part!
We scheduled Dd's driving test for next month, she only has her parking left to master. She worked with Dh this weekend on her parking. She has been doing almost all of our driving the past few months and doing really well at it.
Agnes |
Next Week:
The church's Wednesday night children's church program, Olympians, starts back up. I assume Dd will continue to volunteer to co-run the Games portion and I will continue to help with the classroom work.
I am sorry to hear about the headaches :( :(