Core G.
Early Middle Ages.
Week 16 "A".
Nov.9-13, 2015
(56th Week on Core G)
King Arthur
Christianity begins, fall of Romans, Founding of Byzantine, rise of Russia as a state

Hello Friends, one more week until our Thanksgiving week off from lessons. Let's see--our big things from this week---well, last week Dd had a test in band, to figure out her "seat". We got the results this week, and she got last place or last chair out of the beginner alto sax's. You'd think that might be awful news, but she took it like a champ. I always think we learn more through failure or "tough lessons" than we do from success. She has only been playing for just over two months now, and is still figuring out what "tonguing" means---and I guess that has to do with where you place your tongue on the reed as you play? This week she figured out how to play, "I'll Fly Away" by herself--by ear. That is one of my **favorite** hymns, and it brings me such joy hearing her play it on the piano, and now on the sax! I'm very pleased with how she is taking this news, and this will only inspire her to practice more often. She already plans to "challenge" her fellow players in July, when they are allowed to try again.
We had two great 'lesson-days' on Monday and Tuesday, two semi-decent days on Wednesday and Thursday, but Friday was just bible and math b/c she had to pack her gear, and the van, to go with Pappa to the family farm in Indiana. It takes at least seven hours to get there without traffic, accidents, or breaks...most likely eight or nine hours in practical terms. This is opening weekend for deer hunting, and Dh is keen to provide our meat for the year. It looked like we might get all our assignments done for the first bit of the week, but it didn't happen. Part of the problem was that I got a migraine on Thursday and had to go to bed early.
It snowed off and on Friday; which might be nice if we weren't still waiting for the company to finish closing up our pool for the winter! We had to order a new cover....and it still hasn't come in, so here we wait! I will enjoy the snow much more when that job is completed and we are out of danger of having our pool pipes bust due to the cold.
Agnes, Dd's new kitten, is doing well. It is really neat to see Dd having to take care of her, and snuggle with her! I can see how much love she has for that kitty! The kitty is growing in leaps and bounds. She is heavy to pick up now! So glad she has a good appetite!
We just have one last co-op day left, and then our schedule will be SO much easier. It is very hard to get much done on our lessons after co-op!! More so than after band, for some reason.
King Arthur
Sonlight wanted us to read by Andrew Lang, but I also checked out the audio by Howard Pyle from our library. I have to say, I am just about done with the SL book, and am listening to the audio with Dd. The SL book (by Lang) gets the job done, but doesn't add any details or frills to the story; whereas the audio by Pyle is fantastic! I am so glad I got that version, as it is so much the superior of the two versions. Perhaps SL chose a more edited, more abbreviated version so the students could get through this story faster, but they are really missing so much that the Pyle version has. We will be continuing to listen to the Pyle, probably all next week. But, I feel like it is worth it.
This week Dd's reader was an "add-in"--not a Sonlight book--called Anna of Byzantium. Dd is almost done with this book, though I scheduled it to take two weeks, but she has liked it SO much she has kept reading past each day's schedule. She hasn't been this excited about a SL book in a while. Here is what Rainbow Resource has to say about this book:
This emotional story of Anna
Comnena, a Byzantine princess who was betrayed by her family members and denied
the throne, is a mix of history, mystery, and intrigue. Anna is trained and
raised to be the empress, but instead spends most of her days exiled in various
nunneries. Follow her as she develops as a woman and discovers who she really
is and what is important in life. 212 pgs.
Veritas Press Chronicles Through Malachi:
Card 95: passed
Malachi Prophesies To The Jews
433 BC
Believer's Bible Commentary [BELIEVERS BIBLE COMMENTARY -SS] [Hardcover]
by MacDonald, W.(Author) ; MacDonald, William(Author); Farstad, Arthur L.(Editor)
Malachi 4: Bible & Believer's Bible Commentary
Survey of the Bible: pg 278
(summary on Malachi)
Card 96: in process
Trials of Job
(Dd is very excited about us really getting to know this book better; as she says it is one of her favorite books in the bible.)
The Inspirational Study Bible: Life Lessons from the Inspired Word of God New Ce
Our Max Lucado Study Bible is very nice, whenever we start a new book it has a page dedicated to giving us a review of the book ahead. Plus, in the margins he has many "Life Lessons" that go along with many of the chapters we read...sort of like a mini-sermon that relates to that specific chapter.
What The Bible Is All About:
pg's: 197-203
(About Job)
Job 1 & 2:
read in bible and Believer's Bible Commentary
Adding in a new bible supplement:
Christian Studies IV by Memoria Press
page 4 & 5
Alto Sax: 30 minutes each day
and Choir: 25 minutes each day
a few days this week, 2 hours
BiblioPlan Companion: In Process
a Text for Medieval History
pg's: 31-40
Peril and Peace: In Process
We will be reading this for a while, doing a few sections each week.
pg's: 71-86
Trial and Triumph: In Process
We will be reading this for a while, doing a few sections each week.
Key People:
Polycarp-Witness in the Arena(69-155),
Blandina-Martyr of Lyons (155-177),
Constantine--Defender of the Church (272-337),
pg's:11 -30
King Arthur by Howard Pyle
(we are liking this very much! I'm reading the SL book by Lang, but am preferring the Pyle version.)
Drive Through History: Vol 3
Bethlehem to Caesarea, Miracles, Messiah, and the Roman Empire
We are liking this very much. It doesn't seem as jumpy as the one's we watched a few years ago. I don't know if WE have changed, or if this one was just not as fast-paced!
Timeline/ Book of Time:
Adding in our Science personalities:
Robert Grosseteste
Dietrich Von Freiberg
Roger Bacon
Nicolas of Cusa
Thomas Brandwardine
and I've fit in a little extra on the history figures too--anyone else love doing the timeline?!!!
We were *suppose to do*: SOTW: Ch. 2, but didn't get to it this week.
Some History Highlights this week:
Dead Sea Scrolls, Essenes (Jewish ascetics who dedicated their lives to writing and preserving the sacred tests), Jews lived in communes so they could eat and sleep in commons. Jews made copies of the sacred texts. First Jewish Revolt, AD 70, Jews revolted against the Romans. Josephus asked the Jews not to fight but they did--and were massacred--though some fled to Masada, and were killed there. Bar Kokba built a temple on the top of the spot of the Jewish temple that Solomon built. Bar Kokba was fiercely against the Jews, and ruled with extremely strict rules. He claimed that he was the Messiah (as in, God's son). Many people believed him, that he was the Messiah, instead of believing in Jesus, who had died 130 years earlier. In the Second Revolt Bar Kokba was killed--along with hundreds of thousands of Jews and Romans. The Jews fled to hide in caves, hiding from the Romans. St. Valentine
Apostles Creed
Mayans were enjoying their Classical Period at this time.
St. Augustine of Hippo
Mystery of History (MOH), Vol.II, The Early Church and the Middle Ages:
Lessons 8-13
Key Points/People: Dead Sea Scrolls, Bar Kochba, 1st Jewish Revolt, 2nd Jewish Revolt, St. Valentine, Apostles Creed, Mayans 350-900 BC, St. Augustine of Hippo...
Anna of Byzantium by Tracy Barrett. Dd has given this book very good reviews. She is really liking this very much!! She is reading way faster than I scheduled, and reading it during her free reading time.
Math U See: Algebra I:
passed test for 5,
6A, B, C, D (and some of H)
although she did all the pages, she still gets the graphing wrong some of the time. So, we will do lesson 6 over again.
(I have to admit, I had more pages assigned than we got accomplished this week, but we did our best.)
Apologia: General Science Text Book:
pg's 12-23
General Science Notebook:
pg's 16-21
Experiment 1.4
Completed: a drawing an eclipse
(I'll do a blog post on this alone)
Khan Academy:
watched video:
The Lungs and Pulmonary System: 20:32 minutes
Language Arts:
She has been working on her book, 3 hours this week
Literary Analysis:
For co-op class
2 hours
Busy Hands:
She made an omelet, and must have felt good about it b/c she took a picture of it!
Fun Book:
Hoot: Completed
she loves this movie too! She watched it also.
not sure what else she read this week for fun.....I think the Anna of Byzantium was so good she read it a lot.
Dh and I got a few things done this week: besides continuing to try to drain the pool and keep it clean of leaves! We also bought a bunch of insulation to put in our attic above garage.
We *Finally* got my anniversary clock up! This is the second thing we have got up so far! |
We got the curtain shelf back up above the master window. I hung up some curtains in our room. After 4 months, it is about time we get some curtains up!!! The leaves are falling off all the trees around our house, and that made curtains suddenly important!