Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March 5, 2019 Nature Post: Grand Rapids, MI. PileatedTrees, Bird Holes, Woodpecker

March 5, 2019
 Trees, Bird Holes, Woodpecker
Nature Post

One walk I decided to take a few pictures of some of the many holes, up high in the trees, from the many woodpeckers in our woods.  We often have Downey, Hairy, Pileated, and Red-Bellied Woodpeckers pecking away around our house.  I adore birds; especially woodpeckers and cherish each sighting.

The past few weeks I've come across trees that have a bunch of dried up old bug bodies and cocoons all circled around the base of a tree.  I'm guessing something is desperate for food and is digging into old chrysalis's looking for nutrition.

I'm guessing this is some kind of squirrel nest

Pileated Woodpecker--the largest woodpecker in our area

I believe this is a Red-bellied Woodpecker

I was really far away using my scope to get this picture


First signs of spring:
