Aug. 19-25, 2018
Truck home, Van in Shop, Grapes turn Purple, Shipshewana Trip & Play
Hello Friends!
Oral Surgery Evaluation:
Monday was our long awaited evaluation at the oral surgeon's. Dd needs braces and the first step is getting her wisdom teeth removed. What a slow process, it took weeks to see the orthodontist, then another six-eight weeks to see the surgeon... Surprisingly, they had a cancellation which made an opening for next Monday! At least this way we won't have long to fret about it and we did fret! We also went grocery shopping for all the foods on their list---soups, pudding, jello, sherbet, etc. etc. I think Dd had fun picking out all her 'recovery foods!' The orthodontist (who puts on the braces) won't be able to fit us in until mid-October! I guess it is nice that this isn't a fast-paced process. The upcoming surgery seemed like a little dark cloud hanging over our heads this week, as a result, we really didn't even pretend to get much academic work done.
With two weeks under his collar, Henry is adjusting nicely to his new home. Last week Dh tried walking Henry without a lease on our paths out in the woods and he did very well.
Now he can run, at full blast speed, around the trails and really get his energy bursts out while outside, which has been really good for him. Dd has been teaching him all sorts of things--sit, down, come, stay, and she has started on "shake" for shaking his paw.
He is a very smart dog and doing so well. He is afraid of our outbuilding/barn; it must have to do with the fact he was rescued from a Mennonite barn where he wasn't being fed or cared for, it must bring back bad memories.
I drove Dh to and from work on Monday, as the Subaru was the only available running auto. Monday night we took the van to the repair shop (45 min away) and left it to be fixed and drove the newly fixed truck home. At least now we have two auto's running---only two more to be fixed before all is right in our auto world! It has really been an amazing expense this summer; very overwhelming! We were totally blindsided by all this; though the Lord knew! I'm glad we haven't had to borrow or rent a car as we get the auto's repaired. A friend at church actually offered for me to borrow her car; which was such a kind offer, one that doesn't come very often in this world!
Red leaves: fall
As our pool continues to be empty, the hornets pleased with their numerous victories of running us off time after time this summer, the leaves have quietly started to change color. Besides noticing red leaves on the ground I've also witnessed the gusts of wind pull whole blankets of leaves off the deciduous trees by the dozens. It is unbelievable that fall has arrived already, but it so clearly has!
Purple Grapes:
A bonus of the fall arriving is that the same time the leaves started turning the grapes also turned! One by one, the grapes are turning from green to purple. They taste bitter still; but they are coming around. Now, what do I do with them???!!!!
Chickens: Visit
Dh sells our eggs to a few people that he works with and I had been selling to one homeschool friend during our music classes in Grand Rapids. She asked to come out to our little home after not being able to meet us during our shopping visits when we were in GR. This was her first visit out to our house. In the past, I would have to have my kitchen perfect, dining room table cleaned off, and much effort put into making our house look presentable, but the past ten years I've been slowly convincing myself that it is okay to portray myself for the imperfect person that I am and put down the facades. It is hard for me, but I encourage us all to be real and honest and show each other that we are not perfect. She really liked getting to meet our chickens and see my garden. In the end she only had about 30 minutes for the visit, but it was nice for me to be a mini-hostess on Wednesday.
Green Beans: Garden
What a wonderful green bean kind of week! Dh and I have been eating them almost every day!! I've done a better job cooking them this year, in a way that tastes pretty good! I'm glad to have fresh veg! We are enjoying eating tomatoes and potatoes too! With things being way too busy I just don't have time to post all our harvesting and processing this year---maybe in a few weeks.
What a wonderful green bean kind of week! Dh and I have been eating them almost every day!! I've done a better job cooking them this year, in a way that tastes pretty good! I'm glad to have fresh veg! We are enjoying eating tomatoes and potatoes too! With things being way too busy I just don't have time to post all our harvesting and processing this year---maybe in a few weeks.
Field Trip: Blue Gate Theater:Shipshewana, IN.
Our church has some field trips every now and then and before we adopted our dog I thought it would be a great idea for Dd and me to go on one of these trips. Of course, between the time we signed up and the actual trip we adopted Henry! It all worked out fine; Dh went in late and came home early so Henry wasn't alone for long.

Amish In Shipshewana (Shipsy"):
Our field trip is to a town that has a large Amish community. The "Amish" are a group of traditional Christians that are similar to the Mennonite people. They usually dress and live separate to modern electricity in their homes, most clothes are homemade and in dull colors, women wear hair coverings... These are just some generalities that depend varying from person to person.
The field trip was to Shipshewana, Indiana to the Blue Gate Theater to see a play-- Stolen.
The church van had recently died so we all divided up into small groups and drove in our own cars and met up there. My migraine, a very nauseous one, started almost as soon as I got into Chuck's car. I honestly had the worst day. I forgot my nausea medicine and fought the urge to vomit ALL day, minute by minute. I couldn't enjoy the buffet that I pre-paid for, but watched everyone else eat. I managed to keep up appearances and only Dd knew I was ill.
When we arrived we walked around the Amish town, going in a few shops and especially enjoying the music store. Then we met back up with our group for the buffet lunch, which looked okay unless you were Gluten Free. After lunch, we were lined up and taken into the theater for the play. The play was an Amish murder mystery; which was ironic because the town we were in was a major Amish hub! Lots of horses and carriages and Amish folks going about their business.

Our first eight years of marriage were spent in southern Indiana on Dh's family farm. Our town had a fair amount of Amish families and the waiting room at my chiropractor was always shared with Amish families, so I am used to seeing Amish. It was interesting to compare the Amish from Shipshewana (offer referred to as "Shipsy") to the more rural southern Indiana Amish, sort of a 'Town Mouse' and 'City Mouse' analogy comes to mind to me. The Shipsy Amish were a lot more fancy, way less farm-looking, fancier clothes and shoes. It was very interesting for me to compare. I bet, for the Amish, it has to be very different just in living in a community with so many Amish as opposed to being in a small minority in the south. The Bulk Store had dozens of carriages and you got a feel that the Amish here were really thriving.
Our church has some field trips every now and then and before we adopted our dog I thought it would be a great idea for Dd and me to go on one of these trips. Of course, between the time we signed up and the actual trip we adopted Henry! It all worked out fine; Dh went in late and came home early so Henry wasn't alone for long.
Amish In Shipshewana (Shipsy"):
Our field trip is to a town that has a large Amish community. The "Amish" are a group of traditional Christians that are similar to the Mennonite people. They usually dress and live separate to modern electricity in their homes, most clothes are homemade and in dull colors, women wear hair coverings... These are just some generalities that depend varying from person to person.
The field trip was to Shipshewana, Indiana to the Blue Gate Theater to see a play-- Stolen.
The church van had recently died so we all divided up into small groups and drove in our own cars and met up there. My migraine, a very nauseous one, started almost as soon as I got into Chuck's car. I honestly had the worst day. I forgot my nausea medicine and fought the urge to vomit ALL day, minute by minute. I couldn't enjoy the buffet that I pre-paid for, but watched everyone else eat. I managed to keep up appearances and only Dd knew I was ill.
When we arrived we walked around the Amish town, going in a few shops and especially enjoying the music store. Then we met back up with our group for the buffet lunch, which looked okay unless you were Gluten Free. After lunch, we were lined up and taken into the theater for the play. The play was an Amish murder mystery; which was ironic because the town we were in was a major Amish hub! Lots of horses and carriages and Amish folks going about their business.
Our first eight years of marriage were spent in southern Indiana on Dh's family farm. Our town had a fair amount of Amish families and the waiting room at my chiropractor was always shared with Amish families, so I am used to seeing Amish. It was interesting to compare the Amish from Shipshewana (offer referred to as "Shipsy") to the more rural southern Indiana Amish, sort of a 'Town Mouse' and 'City Mouse' analogy comes to mind to me. The Shipsy Amish were a lot more fancy, way less farm-looking, fancier clothes and shoes. It was very interesting for me to compare. I bet, for the Amish, it has to be very different just in living in a community with so many Amish as opposed to being in a small minority in the south. The Bulk Store had dozens of carriages and you got a feel that the Amish here were really thriving.
Church and Sunday School
Fun Book:
A Walk to Remember: Nicolas Sparks
A Walk to Remember: Nicolas Sparks
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee: In Process
This book is eleven disc's long! So it will be a while!
The past few weeks Dd has been doing most of the driving and set her goal to master parking so she can take the Driver's Test and get her license. She just has the two types of parking to get 100% comfortable with--the 'backing in' parking and parallel parking.

The past few weeks Dd has been doing most of the driving and set her goal to master parking so she can take the Driver's Test and get her license. She just has the two types of parking to get 100% comfortable with--the 'backing in' parking and parallel parking.
Next Week:
All bets are off for next week. Dd has her wisdom teeth removed on Monday and she generally isn't a 'bounce back' kind of kid. I've not been feeling well all month, fighting migraines, not sleeping well, and not feeling very well. Next week is not going to be an academic week either, but things will start back up soon as her Grace co-op classes start on Sept. 14th! Her plate will be very full when that starts!
All bets are off for next week. Dd has her wisdom teeth removed on Monday and she generally isn't a 'bounce back' kind of kid. I've not been feeling well all month, fighting migraines, not sleeping well, and not feeling very well. Next week is not going to be an academic week either, but things will start back up soon as her Grace co-op classes start on Sept. 14th! Her plate will be very full when that starts!
the church field trip sounds like it would have been so fun if not for the headache!!!!!!