Gingerbread Barn
Christmas 2018
I'm not sure who had more fun making this year's gingerbread barn?!! I think they just like doing it together. |
Dd found an article in a cooking magazine that had the recipe for making a gingerbread barn. It even had the templates for all the pieces.
There were three horse heads sticking out the barn windows, a cow, a pig, and three chickens!!!
I think she is making the frosting; which was the glue that held the walls to the cardstock. Her frosting worked very well; everything held together perfectly. |
Dd used cardstock to make forms for the walls; although the magazine didn't recommend that she felt it would be a more sturdy barn if she did.
They made a lot of dough to make all the pieces; cookie sheet after cookie sheet. |
They made our barn gluten-free so I could eat it too!
She used coconut flakes for snow on the roof and ground. |
One side of the barn with two horse heads sticking out to watch the yard. |