Feb. 3-9, 2019
Hello, Friends!
This was a really hard week, in a few different ways; the loss of our electrical power for five days and the loss of my aunt. My wonderful, kind, loving aunt passed away at 92 and I grapple with the idea of whether I can fly to her service in Boston while all sorts of crazy epic winter hit us in Grand Rapids and there in New England. I've only kept in contact with her, my mom, and occasionally my brother, so my extended family is a short list. Out of the family I've had, even not meeting her until I was in college, she was so very nice to me and made such an impression on me. I've been changed for the better having known her. She showed me how a parent can care, adore, cherish, and enjoy having children and seeing them as the blessing they are--something I didn't see with my immediate family. I will always miss her and keep her cherished memory in my heart.

My Black Hen is still sick. She continues to be impossible to pamper and refuses to be hand-fed. I've not had a chicken that is so resistant to help. I'd been cooking rice and adding healthy things to the mixture each day, sometimes 3x a day, to help keep them healthy and then we lost our electricity this week and had to rely on limited power use with the generator. This week their food was less exemplary but was glad I could keep their heat lamp for them.

Weather: Generator
It was a pretty crazy weather week--Sunday was fairly nice; sunny and warm. Then on Wednesday, the crazy ice hit us hard. It usually a blessing to live in the woods, surrounded by trees; but, this week it was downright scary hearing trees falling all around us.

Our neighbor's house was hit by a tree and they were without electricity an extra day longer than we were. It was scary having huge trees so fragile and brittle; thankful we didn't have any damage. We did lose our electricity on Thursday morning at 9:30 and didn't get it back until late Monday afternoon around 4:00 pm. What a long five days!
Our neighbor's house was hit by a tree and they were without electricity an extra day longer than we were. It was scary having huge trees so fragile and brittle; thankful we didn't have any damage. We did lose our electricity on Thursday morning at 9:30 and didn't get it back until late Monday afternoon around 4:00 pm. What a long five days!
My Black Hen is still sick. She continues to be impossible to pamper and refuses to be hand-fed. I've not had a chicken that is so resistant to help. I'd been cooking rice and adding healthy things to the mixture each day, sometimes 3x a day, to help keep them healthy and then we lost our electricity this week and had to rely on limited power use with the generator. This week their food was less exemplary but was glad I could keep their heat lamp for them.
Migraines and Botox:
This week I had my second round of shots in my head, neck, and shoulders with Botox; which is supposed to take down the number of migraines I get each month. This time I had my doctor give the shots instead of a student like I had my first time. I'd love to say he did a better job, but actually, the student was way better.

I had raised 'eggs' on my scalp where he injected me. It hurt to even lay my head down on my pillow at night! He was a brute comparatively; I'm still having pains where he gave the shots in my neck and shoulders but my head finally healed.

I am going to see if I can figure out how to get a different person to administer the shots next time. I had a headache and migraine Sunday and Monday, but after the shots, I had the week off from that pain. I still can't decide if the shots are helping.

Felt Birds:
I worked on my felt birds this week. I managed to complete three by the end of the week. One of them turned out a bit odd so I undid it and changed it, but that took the same amount of time as doing a fourth one. I'm trying a design I saw online and I'm not sure I like it. The mini-goldfinches I made in December aren't very good either. It's been a weird year for my felt birds. I'm hoping to get a few good ones made soon.

Dd Felt Bird:
Dd started working on felt bird this week, but she is keeping it in hiding for now. I can't wait to see it. She always does such a good job.
A Girl of Limberlost:
I finished reading A Girl of Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter. What a good book! I'm writing up a post on it.
Dh Work Transition:
This was Dh's second week back at work and he is struggling with working with so many people with different ideas on how to get things done. It was a really hard week for him.
Dh Eye:
Dh had an appt. with Dr. Gindzin again this week. His eye is healing really well. He only has one week left of doing eye drops left!!!
This week I had my second round of shots in my head, neck, and shoulders with Botox; which is supposed to take down the number of migraines I get each month. This time I had my doctor give the shots instead of a student like I had my first time. I'd love to say he did a better job, but actually, the student was way better.
I had raised 'eggs' on my scalp where he injected me. It hurt to even lay my head down on my pillow at night! He was a brute comparatively; I'm still having pains where he gave the shots in my neck and shoulders but my head finally healed.
I am going to see if I can figure out how to get a different person to administer the shots next time. I had a headache and migraine Sunday and Monday, but after the shots, I had the week off from that pain. I still can't decide if the shots are helping.
Felt Birds:
I worked on my felt birds this week. I managed to complete three by the end of the week. One of them turned out a bit odd so I undid it and changed it, but that took the same amount of time as doing a fourth one. I'm trying a design I saw online and I'm not sure I like it. The mini-goldfinches I made in December aren't very good either. It's been a weird year for my felt birds. I'm hoping to get a few good ones made soon.
Dd Felt Bird:
Dd started working on felt bird this week, but she is keeping it in hiding for now. I can't wait to see it. She always does such a good job.
Bird One--you can see the differences most by looking at their differing beaks. |
A Girl of Limberlost:
I finished reading A Girl of Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter. What a good book! I'm writing up a post on it.
Bird Two |
Dh Work Transition:
This was Dh's second week back at work and he is struggling with working with so many people with different ideas on how to get things done. It was a really hard week for him.
Bird Three |
Dh Eye:
Dh had an appt. with Dr. Gindzin again this week. His eye is healing really well. He only has one week left of doing eye drops left!!!
Dd's Academic Progress:
Church, Sunday School, Youth program and personal Bible Study:
Week 20 on her Word of Life Bible Study

Youth Program
Dh watched the Super Bowl together and Dd went to the Youth Group party at Judy's house. I bet she had more fun with all the other kids and fun adults; I know they had a lot more fun food!

Youth Program
Dh watched the Super Bowl together and Dd went to the Youth Group party at Judy's house. I bet she had more fun with all the other kids and fun adults; I know they had a lot more fun food!
Nursery at church: 1 hour
Both Olympians and her Library (Story Time) were canceled this week b/c of the awful weather, so Dd didn't get a chance to volunteer at either event. We haven't had a Wednesday night Olypians group in a month now; so much awful weather to contend with.

Treadmill/ P.E.:
3x this week; until our power went out on Thursday morning. She has been waking up and doing her treadmill workout first thing in the mornings.

Cultural Geography (BJU)
Algebra I (Saxon)
Spanish I (BJU)
Introductory Logic
Fun Reading:
The 100: Book One by Kass Morgan: In Process
Making a Felt Bird of her own design
Making a Felt Bird of her own design
Next Week:
Will our power come back on soon? Will I go to Boston? Will Dd's have her Grace co-op classes?