Core G
Week 15 "C"
Oct. 2nd - Nov. 7, 2015
Early Middle Ages
The Western World After the Fall of Rome
55th Week on this Core
Independent Study Week
(mom doing chores week!)
Early Middle Ages
The Western World After the Fall of Rome
55th Week on this Core
Independent Study Week
(mom doing chores week!)
We are in Unit 1 of BiblioPlan (BP)--"Early Christianity and the Rise of Islam", working on their Week 1 & Week 2. We are combining BP with our Sonlight Core G, where we are on Week 15 of their schedule.
Independent Study Week:
After a fairly productive week, last week, I didn't feel so bad taking this week off of teaching and give Dd an independent study. The weather was AMAZING and I tried to take advantage of this rare warm weather, in Michigan, in November!!!!
Band: Alto Sax
We went to Dd's band and choir practice on Wednesday. Dd has to do at least 2.5 hours each week of sax practice and choir practice. She always makes sure she gets that, plus a little extra. It is great to actually tell each week, by listening, how much progress she has made.
Our co-op:
The co-op on Thursday went well. The kids in Dd's classes have been slowly opening up and being more friendly these past few weeks. It was easy to say that we were not going to do the 'winter session' when Dd wasn't making new friends, but she keeps giving more and more favorable reviews of her days at the co-op. I am trying desperately to decide if we want to stay overly social this winter, or take some time to chill at home and read. Part of my conflict is that I am getting some good networking done by meeting some of the other hs'ing moms during the classes, and could really use some help finding out what this area has available for homeschoolers. Also, I really need to meet up with some hs'ing mom's that can help guide/advise me on how to start working on transcripts!! But, I also would love to feel like we were really jamming on our lessons, like we normally do each winter. The fall has always been our 'co-op' and be social time, and therefore I have a lower expectation of what we will accomplish. I guess I am leaning towards Dd not needing the co-op as much as I could socially gain by making new friends and connections---prayers appreciated.
Prayer Request:
We are looking at used cars now--we really need to find two different cars that can drive on lots of snow, snow, snow---we are in Michigan, where we get enormous amounts of snow for around 6 months! We could use prayers on that working out to a fairly inexpensive situation for us---both our current cars are only one wheel drive--I'm not sure if it is "rear wheel drive" or "front wheel drive", but it is the one that is not ideal for snow and ice! Prayers certainly appreciated.
Our co-op:
The co-op on Thursday went well. The kids in Dd's classes have been slowly opening up and being more friendly these past few weeks. It was easy to say that we were not going to do the 'winter session' when Dd wasn't making new friends, but she keeps giving more and more favorable reviews of her days at the co-op. I am trying desperately to decide if we want to stay overly social this winter, or take some time to chill at home and read. Part of my conflict is that I am getting some good networking done by meeting some of the other hs'ing moms during the classes, and could really use some help finding out what this area has available for homeschoolers. Also, I really need to meet up with some hs'ing mom's that can help guide/advise me on how to start working on transcripts!! But, I also would love to feel like we were really jamming on our lessons, like we normally do each winter. The fall has always been our 'co-op' and be social time, and therefore I have a lower expectation of what we will accomplish. I guess I am leaning towards Dd not needing the co-op as much as I could socially gain by making new friends and connections---prayers appreciated.
Prayer Request:
We are looking at used cars now--we really need to find two different cars that can drive on lots of snow, snow, snow---we are in Michigan, where we get enormous amounts of snow for around 6 months! We could use prayers on that working out to a fairly inexpensive situation for us---both our current cars are only one wheel drive--I'm not sure if it is "rear wheel drive" or "front wheel drive", but it is the one that is not ideal for snow and ice! Prayers certainly appreciated.
Transcript idea:
One good tip I got from a mom in the nursery with me was to write down how many HOURS Dd does her classes/activities for her future transcripts. I hadn't thought of that yet, and am grateful for the suggestion.
Lastly, we did return to the church we went to last Sunday! And again it was really lovely! This week they had a couple of missionaries in from South Africa---and the husband gave an awesome sermon on Jesus' miracles with the five loaves of bread and two fishes. I will never think the same about that story; as he gave so many ways to consider it. Really thought provoking! This church is really small, just 15 or so minutes from our house, out in the boonies, and just like the little church on the hill that Dh grew up going to (and that I've visited countless times!). It was just so LOVING and 'homey'. The best thing, or one of the best things, was that so many people went out of their way to come over and say hello to us--and not in an awkward way, in a 'SO glad to see you, way! The little church that we had been going to the past few months; the one that is at least 30 minutes away (you have to think about getting to church in the snow, so it really does matter how far you can logistically plan to go on a super snowy Sunday!), is having our church over next Sunday night for a music special! Isn't that lovely! Our two favorite churches are getting together for a special!!!
Lastly, we did return to the church we went to last Sunday! And again it was really lovely! This week they had a couple of missionaries in from South Africa---and the husband gave an awesome sermon on Jesus' miracles with the five loaves of bread and two fishes. I will never think the same about that story; as he gave so many ways to consider it. Really thought provoking! This church is really small, just 15 or so minutes from our house, out in the boonies, and just like the little church on the hill that Dh grew up going to (and that I've visited countless times!). It was just so LOVING and 'homey'. The best thing, or one of the best things, was that so many people went out of their way to come over and say hello to us--and not in an awkward way, in a 'SO glad to see you, way! The little church that we had been going to the past few months; the one that is at least 30 minutes away (you have to think about getting to church in the snow, so it really does matter how far you can logistically plan to go on a super snowy Sunday!), is having our church over next Sunday night for a music special! Isn't that lovely! Our two favorite churches are getting together for a special!!!
Dd's Independent Study week:
Kingfisher History:
assignments for week 15 completed
Favorite Poems Old and New:
assignments for week 15 completed
BP Map: BiblioPlan Advanced Maps
Week 2 map
History Reader:
Beowulf by Robert Nye: Completed
This version of Beowulf is intended for younger readers. I thought this would be a good version for Dd's age. Here is what Rainbow Resource says about this version:
Author Robert Nye's interpretation of the Anglo-Saxon epic in straightforward, understandable language for young readers. He has taken the original poem, and has retold it in a more familiar story format. 103 pgs.
and we watched quite a few youtube's on Beowulf:
These are some of the video's we watched, from Jenny Sawyer, that were very educational--though short--but very safe for any viewers! She has a lot to watch, but they are short--I'm not going to link every-single-one, but once there you can see her whole listing.
Beowulf: The characters:
Beowulf : The Plot:
Beowulf: The Plot, part two:
Beowulf summary:
This version of Beowulf is intended for younger readers. I thought this would be a good version for Dd's age. Here is what Rainbow Resource says about this version:
Author Robert Nye's interpretation of the Anglo-Saxon epic in straightforward, understandable language for young readers. He has taken the original poem, and has retold it in a more familiar story format. 103 pgs.
and we watched quite a few youtube's on Beowulf:
These are some of the video's we watched, from Jenny Sawyer, that were very educational--though short--but very safe for any viewers! She has a lot to watch, but they are short--I'm not going to link every-single-one, but once there you can see her whole listing.
Beowulf: The characters:
Beowulf : The Plot:
Beowulf: The Plot, part two:
Beowulf summary:
(not from Jenny Sawyer, but a 1988 tv movie (animated):
animated version of Beowulf:
The Silver Branch by Rosemary Sutcliff:
questions, found online, thanks to Kendra finding this link on some Rosemary Sutcliff books!
Khan Academy:
(but, you can see these on you-tube too)
Layers of the Heart
Khan Academy:
(but, you can see these on you-tube too)
Layers of the Heart
Thermo-regulation in the Circulatory System
Matter, Elements, and Atoms
Introduction to the Atom
and drew (on paper) the structure of an atom
History of Medicine by John Hudson Tiner
Ch. 11 & 12
Language Arts:
*She is writing her own story and worked on that a good spell this week. I think it is another version of her story with some of the kids from Rick Riordan's, Percy Jackson series (Heroes of Olympus). She is wanting to type it up and enter it in NaNo Young Writers program...have you guys seen this yet? If not, here is the link if you have young writers with ambition!
or you can Google search: "NANO WRIMO's Young Writers Program"
Math U See: Algebra 1
Math U See: Algebra 1
Test 4 (passes), 5A, B,C, D
We have had a LOT of trouble with Algebra this year!!! We are so set on MUS as our math program, but boy, I really do wish Steve Demme had better video's for this book. I really don't know what else to do, so we are going slowly through this book (and Dh is helping out quite a bit!).
We have had a LOT of trouble with Algebra this year!!! We are so set on MUS as our math program, but boy, I really do wish Steve Demme had better video's for this book. I really don't know what else to do, so we are going slowly through this book (and Dh is helping out quite a bit!).
Fun Readers:
The Scorch Trials--book 2 in the Maze Runner series, by James Dashner: Completed

The Scorch Trials--book 2 in the Maze Runner series, by James Dashner: Completed
Hoot by Carl Hiaasen: In Process
by Carl Hiaasen
Heroes of Olympus, The Book Three The Mark of Athena (The Heroes of Olympus)
by Rick Riordan
Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan: In Processre-reading
The Giver: In Process
Dd has had her nose in a few other books, but these two were her focus this week...I just added them to the post.
Fun Audio:

The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum: In Process
Busy Hands- Dd:
Archery some this week.
Archery some this week.
She made our new friends, the "V" family some blueberry muffins from scratch- no pictures as we were in a hurry.

Dd made a pizza from scratch--raised the dough and everything--with specific toppings for each of us!
Dd is working on her third 'slouch' hat...this one is gray, like our floors! |
Dd made a pizza from scratch--raised the dough and everything--with specific toppings for each of us!
Spray painting her cardboard Parthenon with white spray paint...still working on it.
Piano--this was a big piano week, at least the first few days of the week. I found a few of her piano books and print outs in one of the boxes I unpacked. She was so excited to have her "Concerning Hobbits" music sheets back again! Her choir teacher encourages her students to play their songs on the piano. I'm really overjoyed to hear her playing on the piano and sax on a regular basis. I am so glad, and thankful for this blessing---I think as parents we always want to offer our children as many positive experiences as we can for advancement; things we never got to experience but wish we could have.
And, Dd has been spending a lot of time snuggling up with HER new cat---mind you, this is my "I don't like cats" daughter!!! Never say 'never'...right! so funny!
And, Dd has been spending a lot of time snuggling up with HER new cat---mind you, this is my "I don't like cats" daughter!!! Never say 'never'...right! so funny!
My busy hands:
I'm not sure if you can tell from this picture, but our driveway was completely covered in leaves! It took me four hours to mulch up and remove those leaves from our drive! Up and down that hill! My what an exhausting day! Then I mowed the grass to catch as many leaves as I could before they landed on the driveway.
Thursday painting:
Saturday I painted the halls, the stairwells and some trim on both the stairwell going down to the basement, and up to the loft; so two stairwells! We are making some progress. I noticed once it started getting chilly, and we closed the house up, that weird smell returned---don't ask me what the smell is, b/c I don't know! But, I figure that smells are probably in the walls and if I Kilz the walls I might lock in some of those smells forever, or at least that is what I am hoping to do!