March 22-28, 2020
Bunky, Zoom, FaceTime, Stairwell
Hello, Friends!
The beginning of the week was snow, but by the end we had sunshine. I thought I'd just save the snow-free pictures for next week. Dh and I are still getting over our flu, but are spending more time off the sofa and having some hours of relief.
The beginning of the week was snow, but by the end we had sunshine. I thought I'd just save the snow-free pictures for next week. Dh and I are still getting over our flu, but are spending more time off the sofa and having some hours of relief.
This flu is weird because you feel like you are better one day and then the day after that you feel totally exhausted again.
We had one day where we got to 99.5, but most days we were actually 95 degrees, much colder than we normally are which was a surprise to us.
This week my lungs continue to mildly hurt each day, but this wasn't a problem for Dh.
With the government shutting things down and making our state closed brought an awakening to all our family members that had been believing this outbreak was a "hoax."

Now, even the farthest right family members are coming to terms with reality. Dh had so many phone calls this week! Most of his family only talk to him at the Christmas party, but this week BOTH his brothers called him! Even my brother, Bunky, that hadn't called me in about a year, called me and chatted for around 2 hours!!!! It was so great!
Now, even the farthest right family members are coming to terms with reality. Dh had so many phone calls this week! Most of his family only talk to him at the Christmas party, but this week BOTH his brothers called him! Even my brother, Bunky, that hadn't called me in about a year, called me and chatted for around 2 hours!!!! It was so great!
Dh and I watched my church's live-stream at 11am on Sunday morning. I'm thankful Dh is not only willing to watch with me, but is really enjoying it! I'm hoping Dh will slowly get used to Pastor Jeff and then maybe he will be willing to try going with me when churches open again.
Whenever we felt like we had a little energy, Dh and I would spend an hour or two on the stairwell. We progressed a little bit each day, but we also had a few days that we felt so awful we didn't get anything done other than holding down the sofa! This picture is of the three new stringers. You have to use balances and make sure each one is placed absolutely perfectly.
Bible Studies:
On Monday our Thrive group met online at the Zoom platform and it worked out great! We are still working on:
On Wednesday our Bible Study Fellowship, BSF, group met online at the Zoom platform and it also went well. We are working on: Acts and The Letters of The Apostles--which is awesome!

I'm really learning a LOT! I've always been very active in my Bible studies, but this year has been extra intense. Although I do worry that I 'share' too much in my classes and hope the other ladies don't think that I dominate too much air time. Some women go the whole class without answering one question and I have a hard time not adding something to every question...I do make an effort to let others share but if there is dead air or something vital isn't brought up I often will contribute. It is a fine line and I do make an effort to "read the room" in regards to my class participation.

Dd's Pizza Job:
Dd gave her notice to take the next few weeks off due to concerns over Covid-19. Her boyfriend suffers from asthma and Dh and I have isolated ourselves, so she was our weak link working with contact with people at the pizza shop.

Grocery Store:
Another week without grocery shopping, or anything outside of our home. My last time at the store was on March 9th. It looks like I will shop next week as we are out of all produce and Dh keeps asking for a salad. It's almost funny how he craves things he hasn't wanted for months now that he can't have them!

Dd gave her notice to take the next few weeks off due to concerns over Covid-19. Her boyfriend suffers from asthma and Dh and I have isolated ourselves, so she was our weak link working with contact with people at the pizza shop.
Grocery Store:
Another week without grocery shopping, or anything outside of our home. My last time at the store was on March 9th. It looks like I will shop next week as we are out of all produce and Dh keeps asking for a salad. It's almost funny how he craves things he hasn't wanted for months now that he can't have them!
Michigan Lock Down:
Michigan, among other states, declares state lockdown. From what I am hearing there isn't full participation. Dd's pizza shop had been switched to take-out only, but that still brought people into the shop and in contact with her.
Dd's Progress For The Week:
Bible and Devotions:
Dd went to church with Seth again this week, but now they watch together online. Dd got all dressed up this week, she's a hoot.

Grace Co-Op Classes:
Due to Covid-19, the classes are now being held online.

Science: Anatomy and Physiology (Apologia)

Art: Painting Studio

Writing/English: Analytical Writing for Essays and Research Papers (IEW) (They are doing this online)

Math: Algebra II (Spring Break)

Foreign Language: German with DuoLingo

Drawing at home: 5 sessions at 20 min each

Physical Education: 4:00 hrs

Audio Reader:
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin

Read Aloud:
To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolfe

Work: Dd is still enjoying working at the pizza shop, but gave her notice that this was her last week until the pandemic improves.
Michigan, among other states, declares state lockdown. From what I am hearing there isn't full participation. Dd's pizza shop had been switched to take-out only, but that still brought people into the shop and in contact with her.
It's hard to believe that in a few weeks I'll be turning over the soil and getting it ready for greens~!! |
Dd's Progress For The Week:
Bible and Devotions:
Dd went to church with Seth again this week, but now they watch together online. Dd got all dressed up this week, she's a hoot.
Grace Co-Op Classes:
Due to Covid-19, the classes are now being held online.
Science: Anatomy and Physiology (Apologia)
Art: Painting Studio
Writing/English: Analytical Writing for Essays and Research Papers (IEW) (They are doing this online)
Math: Algebra II (Spring Break)
Foreign Language: German with DuoLingo
Drawing at home: 5 sessions at 20 min each
Physical Education: 4:00 hrs
Audio Reader:
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin
Read Aloud:
To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolfe
Work: Dd is still enjoying working at the pizza shop, but gave her notice that this was her last week until the pandemic improves.