Tuesday, April 25, 2017

SL Core H Week 15 April 17-23, 2017

SL Core H Week 15 
April 17-23, 2017
Year 2 of 2 of World History (around 1700's)

Hello, Friends!

This was our last week of Beginning Band (Tenor sax) and Intermediate Band (Alto sax), as we had our big spring concert on Thursday night.  It was awesome hearing all the other bands in our homeschooling music program get to shine!  I really liked "Big Band 1" and "Big Band 2" music and style, perhaps Dd will audition to be in that group next year just to get to practice all their cool music!

On Sunday, our little family stood up in front of our church congregation and were officially welcomed as members.  It is nice being apart of such a loving, welcoming, biblical church--after so many years of searching.  

Our friends, the "D" family brought us over a huge load of cow manure on Friday night; their date night! What good friends to use their date night on us, honestly. 

Can you guess what we did all day Saturday?!  Yup, we had to move the pile of manure out of our drive and into our compost bin.  Actually, we had to make two more compost bins in order to contain all the manure.  

We also used some of it for our flower beds, and I planted four peonies and four roses with lots of manure!  

Finally, our daffodils are blooming in mass!  I even managed to refill my bird feeders this week!

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens:
SO EXCITED to announce we started Great Expectations!  I decided to get a little paperback book that is sort of a thorough teacher guide to read, after each chapter, while we read this gem.  We haven't really dissected a book, at least not at a high level, and I figured this would be the perfect book to break down.  I have to say, I am really looking forward to fitting in more classics in our reading schedule, which will be distorting our Sonlight (SL) cores even more than we do already.  

Our Buff Orpington rooster is really recovering!  I believe it is safe to say he will be surviving the attack from the neighbor's dog, Lucy.  I can't believe it, but he has lots of feather spikes popping up all over his back, which are pushing the old scab-wounds up, off, and away!  

He still has a few deep wounds that are healing, but, many of the wounds from his feathers being torn out are healing perfectly.  I think I only have him one or two salt baths this week.

A drawing and marker Dd is working on

Spring & Watercolors: An artistic week
Due to the lovely spring weather this week, we were able to do our lessons outside on our deck table a few times this week.  Dd did a lot of water-coloring this week, but has asked that I not share the pictures on my blog, not sure why?!  This was really a week full of her drawing and water-coloring.

Another week of not really meeting our potential.  It is difficult when you, as a parent, don't see your child really appreciating getting a home education.  I know this must happen to all homeschoolers at some point in their years of learning, and we are in that phase right now.  I've tried to lighten her load a little and give her some time to recover.  It is hard for her to understand how good she has it, and there is no use in me trying to tell her that!  

This owl, and it's partner, keep visiting our property...so our chickens have had to spend more time inside.

We had finished Walking With Frodo, so I ordered Sarah Arthur's other LOTR devotional, Walking With Bilbo, as we like her writing and bible selections so well!  They don't take very long, and are a nice change of pace in our bible study.

Walking With Bilbo by Sarah Arthur
long introduction - Ch's 1-4

The red tips are last year's peonies popping up

The BBC Manuel (Sonlights Bible)
pg's 64-129

Chuch, Sunday School, Youth Group
Volunteer (1:30 hours) at Olympians Group on Wed. night

Zeus, visiting the ladies in their coop.  They pecked at his bottom, so I kept them seperated. 

Panda SAT Math Prep:
one page, Dd found this book too advanced for her, she spent two days on one page.

They are getting huge!

The Best-Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
various poems, like:
The Rose Family by Robert Frost
Sherwood by Alfred Noyes
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe
Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church by Emily Dickenson

Sonlight Reader:
The Broken Blade by Willaim Durbin: COMPLETED

The Peking Ducks got all dirty outside and needed a bath!

Story of the World Vol 3, Early Modern Times: COMPLETED
Ch 37: Troubled Africa
Ch 38: American Tragedies
Ch 39: China Adrift
Ch 40: Mexico and Her Neighbor
Ch 41: New Zealand & Her Rulers
Ch 42: The World of Forty-Nine

George Washington's World by Foster
pg 277-311

Writing: Thank You letters
Dd has been writing up her thank you letters from her b-day

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Ch 1-7

Dh took down the fencing around back yard.  We will put up wire fencing then reapply the wooden fencing, to keep the chickens out of our summer garden.

Dickens Great Expectations Christian Guide to the Classics 
by Leland Ryken
Ch 1-7
This readers guide is divided up by chapter, with great thoughts and insights into further understanding the book.  I am SO glad I bought this little supplement to Great Expectations to go along with the notes Sonlight gave in the older IG I bought for Core H.  I actually have two IG's for this Core so I could have the book notes for more books.  Unfortunately, SL removed Great Expectations from their Core H line-up, which I feel is regrettable.  We will take four or five weeks to complete this book; time well spent!

Fun Reading:
Prudence by Gail Carringer
(Rec'd from a friend, as a birthday gift)

We have been taking the chickens out to the backyard to enjoy the grass and sunshine.

Music Classes:
Beginning Band (Tenor sax) 1:30 hours
Intermediate Band (Alto sax) 1:30 hours
Piano/sax lesson with Mrs. March: 30 minutes
Violin lesson with Christie: 30 minutes

Music Concert:
Dd played six songs (3 with BB, 3 with IB) and watched the rest of the program (3 hours)

Music Practice:
Alto sax
Tenor sax
Flute (It was nice to hear Dd playing her flute again!)

Drawing and Watercolors
LOTS of art this week!  at least 12-15 hours

Home Economics:
We made two lasagna's this week, mashed potatoes, sweet potato pie, without the crust, just yummy sweet potato; various cooking for her meals, chores-chickens, dishes, and laundry...

Physical Education:
Push-ups and Pilates
Denise Austin Pilates DVD x 2