Core F
Week 10
Dec. 9-13th, 2013
This is the type of black cricket we have---a "Field Cricket" --this is the one I'm always talking about that is my favorite. I found this great photo on the internet and thought I'd post it real quick until I down load the pictures I took of mine.

These are the kind the pet store sell us-- I don't like them nearly as well as the great, shiny black kind...
The four butterflies are doing very well; I've put a few pictures of them in this post. The black cricket; and some of the store bought crickets are still doing well too---I should take their pictures to include too! I'll try to remember that.
Week 10
Dec. 9-13th, 2013
This is the type of black cricket we have---a "Field Cricket" --this is the one I'm always talking about that is my favorite. I found this great photo on the internet and thought I'd post it real quick until I down load the pictures I took of mine.
These are the kind the pet store sell us-- I don't like them nearly as well as the great, shiny black kind...
The four butterflies are doing very well; I've put a few pictures of them in this post. The black cricket; and some of the store bought crickets are still doing well too---I should take their pictures to include too! I'll try to remember that.
This was a pretty simple week; we only had one activity on Monday--and it was a lovely activity; if we only had one activity this was worth it!!! We were invited to the monthly "Knitting Club" meeting that we had not been able to go to before. For days afterward we talked about what a great time we had!!! There were a group of girls, 5th grade-12th and a few mothers stayed as well, and the girls sat in a circle and worked on whatever projects they wanted to work on. Some were knitting or croqueting (I was actually sewing a project). After all the girls arrived; they were asked to go around in a circle to introduce who they are, what they are working on, and what is their favorite Christmas tradition. It was interesting to hear each girls turn. Then each girl had brought in a wrapped ornament to give away---during a game of 'left-right'--whatever the right name is of that funny...! Then at the end, everyone could have some tea and cookies, fudge, or baked sweet breads,---oh and there was three different types of cheese and crackers---and things in the cheese like olives---yum!!
The predominate thing to make this week stand out was the horrible weather! So cold and snowy! It is so crazy to see all this snow everywhere; and to be in a big winter wonderland in the beginning of December. We Hoosiers, are lucky to see a few flakes in December; and here we have had all this arctic temps and snow, and ice.
This week we read a lot of our Christmas picture books!!! Yay! I'll probably make a specific; whole post just on some of our favorites after we have covered more of them. We started each morning by reading our picture books by reading these for an hour or two--it was a good start to the day; but not great for being productive!!!
Mentally Dd was already on Christmas break mentally---so we didn't have a very productive week. We didn't much of our 'extra's' done; but our very bare essentials ans lots of fun crafts and cooking. Many things went onto our back burner until next week--or whenever we get back to them.
Upward Basketball practice was on Monday evening. Dd is really excited that she is the tallest player on her team. She is hoping she can do well and play at her best---improve her skills.
We wrapped up Japan this week; and are ready to move on to Russia. Our major book for our core this week was Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun by Rhonda Blumberg. I liked this book better than I thought I would; it didn't look interesting; but boy was I wrong! What's that saying about not judging a book by it's cover?!!
One thing that was SO cool about it is that it talks about Manjuro (the main character) from
Born in the Year of Courage!!!! We were so excited!!!! Isn't that so
great when one book talks about the main character from another book
you've just finished?!
Our lessons: we didn't get very much done this week; at least not academically! But we did get some--We were in "Japan" this week.
Veritas Press: Genesis Through Joshua:
Card 19: Plagues of Egypt: Exodus 3-19
We finished this card; there was a LOT of reading involved with this one! This week we:
Bible: Exodus 10-12
Believer's Bible Commentary: Exodus 10-12
The Greenleaf Guide To Old Testament History by Rob G. Shearer
Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History: Lessons 43-44 1/2
Once we finished the card; Dd asked if we could postpone starting a new card; and focus on the birth of Jesus since it is December and focus on the reason of the season---HOW could I say no to that??? So, we did that for Thursday and Friday:
Bible: Matt. 1-2
Believer's Bible Commentary Matt. 1-2 (pg 1203-1209)
Believer's Bible Commentary [BELIEVERS BIBLE COMMENTARY -SS] [Hardcover] by W.(Author) ; MacDonald, William(Author); Farstad, Arthur L.(Editor) MacDonald
Bible: Luke 1-2
Believer's Bible Commentary: Luke 1:26-1:45
Tabitha's Travels: A Family Story for Advent by Arnold Ytreeide---in process
Our advent book this year has been so great.
Math U See: Zeta: 11 A, B, C, D, E
Language Arts:
All About Spelling: 5
Step 22: in process
The Giant Killer (Lamplighter Publisher Series)
Reader 1:
The Giant Killer by A.L.O.E--completed
Henry Reed, Inc. (Puffin books) by Keith Robertson
Reader 2:
Henry Reed, Inc. by Keith Robertson--in process
The whale diagram from last week's science; was still on the board; so I took a picture of it. We had a lot of fun doing it.
Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun by Rhoda Blumberg
Read Aloud:
Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun-completed
Praying through the 100 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window by YWAM Publishing,
Praying Through the 100 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window
The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 3) by Rick Riordan
Titan's Curse--MP3 (listening to for the umpth time)
The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus, Book 2) by Rick Riordan
Son of Neptune-by Rick Riordan
The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus, Book 3) by Rick Riordan
Mark of Athena-by Rick Riordan
Dd made some really great cookies; with orange zest. She made spaghetti; and pudding.
Dd loves making clothes for things--here she made scarves, coat, and hats for her pet mouse-- the hat had a piece of cardboard in it so it would keep it's form.
We also visited the youtube site and watched more of the video's from "It's okay to be Smart" again. I'll have to look up which video's we watched. And Dd did some work on "" and like always; we watched Brain Pop video's!