SL Core 100 Week 15 F
June 3-9, 2018
Cello Lesson, Poppies Blooming, Book Sale Prep, Pool Cover Off, Dog?
Hello Friends,
It seems like my blog to post our academic progress is more of a sharing thing right now since Dd is in a bit of a funk. Now that Dd is 16 years old I can see the finish line in sight and also feel compelled to document more of our days together as I know I won't always get to spend so much time with her in the future.
It seems like my blog to post our academic progress is more of a sharing thing right now since Dd is in a bit of a funk. Now that Dd is 16 years old I can see the finish line in sight and also feel compelled to document more of our days together as I know I won't always get to spend so much time with her in the future.
Dd's cello lessons started this week. All year she asked if she could try one month of cello lessons in the summer to see if she likes playing it as much as she thinks she might like playing it. She didn't want to do this while she was taking all her other lessons during the school year. She had tried the Viola last fall for about a month and soon realized she liked the violin better but was glad she took the time to try it out and give it a chance. We've scheduled a month of lessons with a new instructor, as our violin teacher, Christie, doesn't do the cello, unfortunately. Christie was able to teach Dd the weeks she was trying out the viola and we appreciate how well she fits with our personalities. Dd's new cello teacher, Lucy, is doing a good job, but Christie is simply a perfect fit for us.

On Monday, I got the lesson times all messed up and we ended up having to stay in GR all day. I thought Dd's cello lesson was scheduled for 10:30 am, but it wasn't actually until 3:30pm. Her violin lesson was 12:30 so we didn't have time to go back home so we had to wait two hours. The employee's at Meyer Music laughed along "with" me at my mix up! Dd and I did have a lot of fun going to stores we don't normally go into---like World Market and Tuesday Morning. Then she showed me a store I didn't know---Five Below. After her cello lesson, we had to do our grocery shopping; we didn't get home to dinner time.

On Monday, I got the lesson times all messed up and we ended up having to stay in GR all day. I thought Dd's cello lesson was scheduled for 10:30 am, but it wasn't actually until 3:30pm. Her violin lesson was 12:30 so we didn't have time to go back home so we had to wait two hours. The employee's at Meyer Music laughed along "with" me at my mix up! Dd and I did have a lot of fun going to stores we don't normally go into---like World Market and Tuesday Morning. Then she showed me a store I didn't know---Five Below. After her cello lesson, we had to do our grocery shopping; we didn't get home to dinner time.
The major heat from last week passed and I wanted to take advantage of the cooler and cloudier weather to work in our garden. I did quite a few transplants from the hoop house to the garden which all seemed to be okay except the one bed that is in the shade, that I usually put flowers in because there has to be some kind of bug that just demolishes plants. Last week I noticed the two Lamb's Ear was being stripped clean by the mysterious eaters.
I transplanted a bunch of Marigold's into this bed hoping they would help, but the spinach seeds I planted there a couple of weeks ago haven't come up or perhaps as soon as they do they must be getting eaten...bummer. I planted 8 rows of new seed that isn't going to come to anything.

This is the bed with the bugs, I planted the 8 rows of spinach. |
Sage blooming |
New Raised-Bed:
It was time to get the new bed growing---this week I really worked on getting it all set up for the summer. It is the last bed I have to fill unless Dh makes another bed.

I had one section for carrots---transplanted some from the hoop house and then planted a bunch of seed too -hoping it grows. I transplanted some kale, various tomatoes, and tomatillo's. I planted a few lines of lettuces, parsley, green pepper, red pepper, orange pepper and basil...things like that to round it out. The bugs are arriving and I can see more and more damage.

I had one section for carrots---transplanted some from the hoop house and then planted a bunch of seed too -hoping it grows. I transplanted some kale, various tomatoes, and tomatillo's. I planted a few lines of lettuces, parsley, green pepper, red pepper, orange pepper and basil...things like that to round it out. The bugs are arriving and I can see more and more damage.
New Potato Bed |
Pool Garden: Poppies
YAY, YAY, YAY!!!! One of my most favorite weeks of the year--when the poppies bloom! I only wish I had more blooms. It is frustrating to see some people that have massive plants with tons of blooms and it is off on a side of their house or appearing not as cherished as I feel it should be, or would be if it were in my yard!!! I had seven blooms this week.
Dh bought me this "purple" Lupine last year for Mother's Day, it bloomed this year---and is orange? how orange?!! It is still pretty, but it would have been so much nicer if it was purple! |
About a month ago I posted how I was happy we got the truck back from the shop---unhappy that it cost just over a thousand, but happy Dh didn't have to do it. He drove it for 1 1/2 weeks before it went out again. He hemmed and hawed, went to Italy for 9 days to think about it. When he got back he drove it; 30-40 mph the 45 min. drive to the shop, while I followed behind with my hazard lights blinking and causing a stir. Last week we heard back from the shop, the transmission had gone out and it would be three thousand dollars to fix it. Oy. This truck. I think it has run for three months out of the almost two years we've had it. At least now Dh is okay with letting a mechanic fix it instead of him trying to do it. His Camry is still in our barn with the hood up, waiting for him to fix it, after a good year of being in there. He just doesn't have the time to fix cars on top of fixing the constant house problems. Bless his heart, he just keeps plugging along trying to keep things okay.
Chicken Coop:
I spent 2-3 days working on the coop, trying to secure the walls and make them taller with the chicken wire.

I got up and spent the mornings on the coop and garden before it got too warm.

The hardest part was encasing the whole "ceiling" of the coop with a netting.

It was awfully ironic one morning when a HAWK flew down and landed on the metal fence until I screamed at it and it flew away.

Oh, the chickens we NOT happy about that, and so I really put the coop as my top priority. Between the hawk this week and the raccoon and fox last week I really felt like I was on borrowed time. I did get it finished by the end of the week although Dh keeps reminding me that the predators can still get in and we must keep an eye open.

I got up and spent the mornings on the coop and garden before it got too warm.
The hardest part was encasing the whole "ceiling" of the coop with a netting.
It was awfully ironic one morning when a HAWK flew down and landed on the metal fence until I screamed at it and it flew away.
Oh, the chickens we NOT happy about that, and so I really put the coop as my top priority. Between the hawk this week and the raccoon and fox last week I really felt like I was on borrowed time. I did get it finished by the end of the week although Dh keeps reminding me that the predators can still get in and we must keep an eye open.
Annual HSB Book Sale Prep:
I was supposed to be focusing on getting ready for the book sale all week, but the chicken coop and garden sure did pull my mind (and body) off the task most of the week. I did eventually go through my permanent bookshelves and found some books that I decided we weren't going to read and decided to pull them out for the sale. I spent quite a few hours and got a bit of organizing done on our books as a surprise bonus! The sale is next Monday.
Dd Mowing:
Dd wanted us to buy her a new-looking futon from our thrift store that was $18 and would be 'perfect for her room' so she called Dh to see what he thought. He is trading her more mowing and we bought her the futon/sofa. I'm thankful for the help with the chores!
Dog? English Shepherd:
Dh just happened to mention one of his friends at work are foster parents to dogs and that right now they have a really sweet English Shepherd (ES). I didn't even know we were close to getting a dog and come to find out Dh has been watching all the dogs that have been passing through his friend's parents home! This fella was taken from an Amish puppy farm that wasn't feeding or taking care of their animals. We have no idea how long it will be until the dog might be open for adoption, but Dh has decided this little guy would be a good fit. The ES are known for being especially kind, loving, intelligent, and good with chickens and cats. He will consider our other pets as part of our family and will protect and love all of us, no matter how big or small.
Pool: Process of Opening Started
Dh decided to work on opening the pool for the season. Each year we have really had to struggle for days to get the pump sucking the water from the pool and running; apparently there is (was) some way for air to get into the pipes and therefore we don't get a seal and it took three days of trying, with all three of us trying last year to get it running. This year Dh tried one night and just decided he would redo the PVC and change it all out and make sure it is all air-tight. He had to figure it out, figure out which pieces he would need, and put together his new design. He had just done a similar project when he had to redo the PVC for the geothermal air conditioning water drain a little over a week ago. He is getting good at figuring out how to make these systems work better which will eventually lead to a smoother household at some point.
Oy. Dd has really been struggling with getting her chores and homework assignments done these past few weeks. She has had a few hiccups that have made things worse: Prom, IOWA Tests, Friendship woes, schedule changes, and too much free time! She needs to find her summer grove and Dh and I are working on figuring out just how exactly to help her do so. I appreciate Chelle reminding me to focus on the relationship first and the accomplishments last---great advise that I agree with 100%. It looks like we will be stuck on SL Core 100 Week 15 for a few more weeks!!! Praying that Dd will find her groove and start being more academic soon.
Church, and Sunday School
Entrusted bible study by Beth Moore (on 2nd Timothy)

Music Lessons:
Last Violin lesson of the year: 30 min
Cello lesson: 30 min

Music Practice:
Dd has been practicing her piano, cello, and violin

Physical Exercise:
Dd went bike riding twice this week.
Mowing the yard once this week.

Dd signed up to take Spanish 1 next year at Grace, so I pulled out a fun workbook I had bought her years ago and asked her to do a few pages of it every day.

Fun Reading:
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain
During World War I, a young English woman named Vera Brittain postpones her studies at Oxford University to serve as a Voluntary Aid Detachment nurse in London and abroad. After the war, she returns to Oxford to read history and later becomes a writer, feminist, and pacifist.
Agnes |
Oy. Dd has really been struggling with getting her chores and homework assignments done these past few weeks. She has had a few hiccups that have made things worse: Prom, IOWA Tests, Friendship woes, schedule changes, and too much free time! She needs to find her summer grove and Dh and I are working on figuring out just how exactly to help her do so. I appreciate Chelle reminding me to focus on the relationship first and the accomplishments last---great advise that I agree with 100%. It looks like we will be stuck on SL Core 100 Week 15 for a few more weeks!!! Praying that Dd will find her groove and start being more academic soon.
Church, and Sunday School
Entrusted bible study by Beth Moore (on 2nd Timothy)
Music Lessons:
Last Violin lesson of the year: 30 min
Cello lesson: 30 min
Music Practice:
Dd has been practicing her piano, cello, and violin
Physical Exercise:
Dd went bike riding twice this week.
Mowing the yard once this week.
Dd signed up to take Spanish 1 next year at Grace, so I pulled out a fun workbook I had bought her years ago and asked her to do a few pages of it every day.
Fun Reading:
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain
During World War I, a young English woman named Vera Brittain postpones her studies at Oxford University to serve as a Voluntary Aid Detachment nurse in London and abroad. After the war, she returns to Oxford to read history and later becomes a writer, feminist, and pacifist.
Dd has been arranging some bouquets for me this week--gorgeous.
Apologia Biology
I'm having her read 4 pages each day
Dd has been using her Michigan Wildflower identification book to find and determine the plants we find around our home. |
She found Evening Nightshade, a poisonous plant, with pretty purple blooms. |
Next Week:
The BIG annual HSB Used Book sale in on Monday! I've been going from room to room looking over our books trying to see if there is any twaddle I want to rid ourselves from and am planning on donating most of the books that don't sell to the HSB instead of toting them back to our house again. We have WAY too many twaddle books and I need to let.them.go! The sale prep means arriving at 9:30 am and not getting home until 9 pm so it will be a very long day!!! I know Tuesday will be a day to put the books that I keep back in storage boxes and put back in the closet. I will also have to put all our things back in the plastic crates that I had to dump to use for the will be a day of putting things back where they belong. I'm hoping I can do a good job of leaving a lot of books there--either by selling or donating.
Dd also has her next cello lesson. We are trying to get our pool open for the year and that is never an easy job, we fought algae the whole last summer and hope we have better luck this year.