We use LOF (Life of Fred) and TT (Teaching Textbooks) too; but I definitely consider our core math program to be MUS. It is just a really solid program. We can see it, hear it, and touch it. I know with the Epsilon program, they suggest to purchase "Fraction Overlays" but they are $40.00 (gasp!!!!). I'd love the overlays but can't seem to swallow that price! I bet you'd be able to figure out something that you already have---you seem to already have a lot of hands on math manipulative's; from what I've seen on your blog.
This program has manipulative's(colored blocks) for each number. You "BUILD" your questions and answers; at least for as long as you want to. My Dd goes through spells of wanting or not wanting to use her blocks.
How MUS works---
It doesn't matter how many pages they have done; if they haven't gotten the concept they are not suppose to move on.
So, if we were doing lesson 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F and I can plainly see (and this HAS happened a lot in earlier years) when I go to MUS's website and go to their "worksheet generator" and specifically click on the book and lesson (Delta/Lesson 1) that we need a new worksheet for---and then hit "print" and out will come as many new math pages as we need. When Dd has hit walls, I've done whole weeks off the website's worksheet's.
Once she has finally gotten the concept, then she could take the test; from the Test booklet and then go on to Lesson 2 (if she passed).
I personally like to save my test booklet. MUS "TRIES" to be a spiral program; but isn't very successful at it. So, I use the test booklet sheets to use as my idea of a spiral program. I like to bring these out at my own choosing; when I see the need for a refresher on certain points. You can zerox a copy of these too-- I wish I would have done that in the beginning!
How MUS Works:
They will introduce a new concept and teach it and ask questions on that concept in lessons A, B, C, D. Then on lessons E, and F they will continue to ask questions regarding the new concept and also bring in questions from previous lessons, as a refresher. I really like that they do this--and wish they did it a bit more.
At the start of each lesson, the "A" lesson--you and your student watch a short dvd lesson. This clip will show you the concept for this lesson; and how to do it. We only have to watch a short, dvd clip on the first day (unless you need/want to watch it again---which we certainly have had some lessons that were tough enough that we had to re-watch!). The clip is generally under 5 minutes. The teachers manual also has the same concept in written form; if you, as the teacher would rather read how to teach the concept. I like to just watch the dvd with my Dd and generally that is enough for us to keep moving forward. If I didn't understand something; then the Instructors/Teacher's book does a good job of explaining it also.
At the back of the Instructor's/Teachers book are ALL THE ANSWERS for the Student's book. What I really like about this is that it will usually have how they should have gotten their answer; not JUST the answer. So, if I am not sure what formula she needed to know, the answer will show me and I can tell her. For example, if it was a perimeter question the answer in the book will say: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 and that is enough info for me to say: 'Don't forget to add up all the sides." if she is stuck. I like that feature a lot and it has helped me out a lot.
Each book has 30 Lessons.
Each lesson has A, B, C, D, E, F (6 worksheet pages)
When you order your student book; you have to order the teacher's manual, dvd, and test book.
The Test book would be your 7th worksheet for the week.
Alpha- Adding
Beta- Subtraction
Gamma- Multiplication
Zeta-Decimals, Percents, etc.
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
An idea of the general cost:
Epsilon Instructor's kit: teachers book, dvd, and Test booklet cost $40.00
Epsilon Student book: $25.00
Then, there is the shipping cost--unless you can buy at a homeschool convention and avoid the fee!