Sept. 23-29, 2018
Dd's Trip to Wyoming, Onion Wreath, Stain Molding
This week was very unusual. Our soon-to-be new pastor and his wife graduated from Frontier School of the Bible in La Grange, Wyoming. The wife, April, wanted to offer to take some of the church teens out to the college's yearly "Frontier Focus" recruiting event this week for high school students to check out their college.
Dd hasn't been on an official tour of a college yet, so we thought this was a wonderful opportunity for her to see the next step and see how close she is to the next level academically. We had three teen girls interested in seeing the college; Dd included that could go. Our church is very small and we have R,S,J,J,F,H,L,K teenagers; all but one are girls!
They stuffed themselves, food, sleeping bags, and bags into a mini-van for the sixteen hour drive to Wyoming from Michigan. Wednesday morning we all met up at the church early in the morning and returned Sunday night for the pick-up.
Watercolor Dd is working on |
Dd hasn't been on an official tour of a college yet, so we thought this was a wonderful opportunity for her to see the next step and see how close she is to the next level academically. We had three teen girls interested in seeing the college; Dd included that could go. Our church is very small and we have R,S,J,J,F,H,L,K teenagers; all but one are girls!
They stuffed themselves, food, sleeping bags, and bags into a mini-van for the sixteen hour drive to Wyoming from Michigan. Wednesday morning we all met up at the church early in the morning and returned Sunday night for the pick-up.
On the Way: Chimney Rock, Nebraska:
I had wanted to go along, but Zeus, my rooster, has been ailing. He has just been lying on the ground, not eating or drinking. I've taken him out of the group and have been hand feeding him scrambled eggs a few times a day. I knew if I left he would never live. Plus, our new puppy Henry would never be able to 'hold it' all day while Dh is at work. I also had high hopes of harvesting LOTS of garden veg and can; which didn't happen mainly because we haven't had an abundance of produce, just enough to eat and a little bit extra.
Honeysuckle is just so cute is amazing. |
Highlights of Frontier:
About 300 people participated---200 of their students and 100 high schoolers for their "Frontier Focus" events. The first night was games and mattress surfing and dodgeball. The second day (Friday) they went to classes (Bible Study, Missions...); which were bible related. Friday night was a big hayride followed by banana-split social and more games. Saturday they had breakfast and headed back home a pleasant 16-hour drive. The girls slept in the female dormitory in rooms with current students. They brought their sleeping bags and slept on the floor. The meals were provided in the dining hall and were really good, Dd brought back a lot of the food/snacks I'd packed for her. It was a very good family setting and good Christian fellowship, a Christ-honoring place. Dd really appreciated seeing students singing praise songs during their free time on their own accord with the students.
At Home:
Onion Wreath:
In the spring Dh brought home a big set of various onion varieties to plant in our garden, which I did. Then August the green part of the onions started to die, a sure sign it is time to pull up the onions. I placed them on a skid out in our driveway and covered them with a plastic hoop-house so they wouldn't get wet from an rain, but could dry out completely. After a few weeks, I brought the dried onions in. Then I cut off any root on the bottom, rubbed off any dried skins, cut off any green beyond six inches and made a big circle out of yarn for the form of the wreath. Then I watched YouTube video's on how to wrap the stem around the yarn to attach the onions to it. Now I am storing it in our dark pantry for Dh to use this fall and winter. The picture of it isn't as gorgeous as it is in person, really beautiful.
Grampy and Dh replaced the french doors in the Rec Room last winter or spring and I was to stain the wood molding so it could be put up around the inside door frame. Well, I finally did it this week. We have been having the cold and rainy weather for weeks and things aren't likely to improve here in Michigan like they would if we were still in Indiana. It took a few days, as I had to clean off the garage table to use it, but I ended up getting two chores done at the same time! That dirty, dusty table with all its bits and bobs had been driving me crazy but never made it to the top of my daily lists. Now the molding is stained, with four coats of polyurethane and back down in the Rec Room to be put up whenever they get to it; a good job for cold days.

Still draining and waiting for Dh to have the time to close it down all the way. I'm trying to not let it drive me crazy. I don't know how to do it and have to wait.

Ahh, this rooster. How many hours I've cared and cared for him. Keeping his egg just warm enough, moist enough, then he was attacked by the dog next door and all the saltwater baths and Bag Balm. Now, this summer he keeps having these seizures. Last Tuesday the 18th of September he was down in the coop and didn't get up for days. I've separated him and have taken special care of him throughout the day. I'm hoping he will rally one more time, by the end of this week he has started to return to standing up more and more; which is great! Each day he is a little better, but it is a slow recovery.

Except for Saturday (migraine) I've been keen on getting one or two 5-gallon buckets of greens/weeds to the girls each day. I know we are on the final days/weeks before frost hits and all the greens are toast, so I have really been trying hard to get them all as happy and healthy as I can before the winter dredge. I have frozen some garden greens especially for them, but that won't be a drop in the bucket of six months of winter. They are all doing really well and thriving---so glad!!! I do try! We've been selling our eggs for $2.00 dozen and I always wonder if we shouldn't raise it to $3.00 for all the work I do and the cost of their feed and straw.

Puppies are a handful! This week Henry chewed through the middle of our living room rug. I had taken out our good rug for an old rug after his first two days, so I must have known he had the inability to discern between his chew toys and the tapestry rugs. I'm SO glad I switched that out!!! Phew! We still have our tattered sofa's in the living room that need replacing, so no worries there. I only worry about the high back chair that the cats have scratched up, he could chew the wood feet and stand, which would be horrible, but, we did get it at a yard sale so it wouldn't be a huge financial loss but not replaceable. I've ordered new toys for him, but he tears them up so fast! He really is a very mouthy dog and I work hard to keep him walked and full of "HIS" toys to chew on.
Migraine cluster started on Saturday, I did have almost 3 weeks on a good run though!...Dh still working many hours on writing SOP's for work, no time for fall chores yet. The van is smoking and needs to go back to the repairman but Dh is waiting or thinking about it first? Two of four auto's working.
Except for Saturday (migraine) I've been keen on getting one or two 5-gallon buckets of greens/weeds to the girls each day. I know we are on the final days/weeks before frost hits and all the greens are toast, so I have really been trying hard to get them all as happy and healthy as I can before the winter dredge. I have frozen some garden greens especially for them, but that won't be a drop in the bucket of six months of winter. They are all doing really well and thriving---so glad!!! I do try! We've been selling our eggs for $2.00 dozen and I always wonder if we shouldn't raise it to $3.00 for all the work I do and the cost of their feed and straw.
Puppies are a handful! This week Henry chewed through the middle of our living room rug. I had taken out our good rug for an old rug after his first two days, so I must have known he had the inability to discern between his chew toys and the tapestry rugs. I'm SO glad I switched that out!!! Phew! We still have our tattered sofa's in the living room that need replacing, so no worries there. I only worry about the high back chair that the cats have scratched up, he could chew the wood feet and stand, which would be horrible, but, we did get it at a yard sale so it wouldn't be a huge financial loss but not replaceable. I've ordered new toys for him, but he tears them up so fast! He really is a very mouthy dog and I work hard to keep him walked and full of "HIS" toys to chew on.
Honeysuckle |
Migraine cluster started on Saturday, I did have almost 3 weeks on a good run though!...Dh still working many hours on writing SOP's for work, no time for fall chores yet. The van is smoking and needs to go back to the repairman but Dh is waiting or thinking about it first? Two of four auto's working.
Academic lessons of the week:
Church, Sunday School, Classes at Frontier, Devotions on the trip, and her increased focus on her Bible Study. After her visit to Frontier, Dd says she wants to spend more time on her Bible study..Yay!
Next Audio:
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Next Week:
Dd gets braces put on her teeth! The tops are braces and the bottoms are getting a big bracket put on the fix her bite. She could have them 30-36 months (2 1/2 to 3 years), but, if she does a great job with her elastics and focuses she could see a decrease in the time with the braces.
Dd's current Bible Study |
Church, Sunday School, Classes at Frontier, Devotions on the trip, and her increased focus on her Bible Study. After her visit to Frontier, Dd says she wants to spend more time on her Bible study..Yay!
Dd bought a new Bible at Frontier this week. |
Next Audio:
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Grace Subjects:
Algebra I: Saxon
Spanish I
Graphic Design
Introductory Logic
Geography: BJUHoneysuckle |
Next Week:
Dd gets braces put on her teeth! The tops are braces and the bottoms are getting a big bracket put on the fix her bite. She could have them 30-36 months (2 1/2 to 3 years), but, if she does a great job with her elastics and focuses she could see a decrease in the time with the braces.