Core G
Week 18 "B"
Middle Ages
Jan. 4-9, 2016
IN PROCESS - all my work on this post was accidently deleted, so I am having to rush through and try to put some of the stuff back in.
IN PROCESS - all my work on this post was accidently deleted, so I am having to rush through and try to put some of the stuff back in.
This week band/choir and co-op started back up. Dd was really happy to get back to seeing her friends and teachers again. The band & choir had new music to learn, which was exciting. I think Dd and I both seem to have somehow picked up a bug on our trip to Indiana, so we had a few naps this week to help us get better. I'm not sure we are 100% yet, but hopefully closer.
We did get back to science this week, after taking our Christmas studies off from most Language Arts and Science. Next week Dd will get back to her Writing With Skill. I hope she will be feeling better and won't be as tired as she was this week; which cut into our study time.
Weather--we had a few nice days this week, but by Friday the cold and SNOW has started back up....prayers appreciated for my driving in all this new snow!
Weather--we had a few nice days this week, but by Friday the cold and SNOW has started back up....prayers appreciated for my driving in all this new snow!
Our lessons:
Job 30, 32, 33, and 38
For our bible lessons, we are still working on the book of Job. We read each chapter first in our bible, and then in the Believer's Bible Commentary. This week we read:
Job 30, 32, 33, and 38, and will spend another week on Job before returning back to our Veritas Press bible progam.
I don't know if you have ever read Job 38 before, but I thought it was amazing! I'll post it here so you can read it too!
The Lord Speaks
38 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:
“Who is this that obscures my plans
with words without knowledge?
Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels[a] shouted for joy?
“Who shut up the sea behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
when I made the clouds its garment
and wrapped it in thick darkness,
when I fixed limits for it
and set its doors and bars in place,
when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;
“Have you ever given orders to the morning,
or shown the dawn its place,
that it might take the earth by the edges
and shake the wicked out of it?
The earth takes shape like clay under a seal;
its features stand out like those of a garment.
The wicked are denied their light,
and their upraised arm is broken.
“Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea
or walked in the recesses of the deep?
Have the gates of death been shown to you?
Have you seen the gates of the deepest darkness?
Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth?
Tell me, if you know all this.
“What is the way to the abode of light?
And where does darkness reside?
Can you take them to their places?
Do you know the paths to their dwellings?
Surely you know, for you were already born!
“Have you entered the storehouses of the snow
or seen the storehouses of the hail,
which I reserve for times of trouble,
for days of war and battle?
What is the way to the place where the lightning is dispersed,
or the place where the east winds are scattered over the earth?
Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain,
and a path for the thunderstorm,
to water a land where no one lives,
an uninhabited desert,
to satisfy a desolate wasteland
and make it sprout with grass?
Does the rain have a father?
Who fathers the drops of dew?
From whose womb comes the ice?
Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens
when the waters become hard as stone,
when the surface of the deep is frozen?
“Can you bind the chains[b] of the Pleiades?
Can you loosen Orion’s belt?
Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons[c]
or lead out the Bear[d] with its cubs?
Do you know the laws of the heavens?
“Can you raise your voice to the clouds
and cover yourself with a flood of water?
Do you send the lightning bolts on their way?
Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?
Who gives the ibis wisdom[f]
or gives the rooster understanding?[g]
Who has the wisdom to count the clouds?
Who can tip over the water jars of the heavens
when the dust becomes hard
and the clods of earth stick together?
“Do you hunt the prey for the lioness
and satisfy the hunger of the lions
when they crouch in their dens
or lie in wait in a thicket?
Who provides food for the raven
when its young cry out to God
and wander about for lack of food?
Peril and Peace:
Ambrose: Page's:133-144
we are working on memorizing pages 4,5,& 10
Language Arts:
pg's: 245, 249, 251, 252, 253
Thank You Letters:
Three completed this week, more to go!

Thank You Letters:
Three completed this week, more to go!
Spilling Ink: A Young Writer's Handbook
Reading - Spilling Ink, on her own, without my assigning it! I just love that! She is writing her own stories and wanted some books to help her improve. She obviously is really liking this one! So glad! the author is Ellen Potter and Anne Mazer.
All About Spelling 7
Step 7
Dd passed the Step 7 words, but there were 42 "additional" words that we are working on. We worked on the first ten words in the additional list.

Math U See: Algebra I: Lesson 7 passed!
This was our third week on this step, but she kept at it until she really understood it well; and she was able to teach it back to me. The first week, her test score was 5/15. Her second time at the test she got 10/15. This week she scored 15/15! 100% Yay! Things don't always come easily, but I'm glad we persevere!
We went online to Math U See's "worksheet generator" and they had one page for her to practice on. I would really think they would be able to generate more than one page!!! I've had to erase our workbook three times so Dd can repeat the lesson, and I'm afraid she could be memorizing the questions by now!
We went online to Math U See's "worksheet generator" and they had one page for her to practice on. I would really think they would be able to generate more than one page!!! I've had to erase our workbook three times so Dd can repeat the lesson, and I'm afraid she could be memorizing the questions by now!
Current Events:
CNN Student News: Daily
Augustine Came to Kent by Barbara Willard: completed
We spent the last two weeks on this book, and found this book very interesting. This is one of those books that I really wanted to read more than I scheduled! There was one really special scene in this book, where a new Christian got in an accident and died. Their small group had traveled to a small pagan "town" to spread the good news of God. The people didn't seem to be at all interested in opening their hearts to the message until one of our main characters got gored by a boar and was dying. The peaceful way he died spoke to all those people in a way that nothing else would. After this one character died, the people asked to hear more about 'their God' because they wanted to know how to die like he did--to not be afraid in life and in death. This book gave me a better idea of what it must have been like trying to spread God's message to the pagan worshipers in Britain.

Apologia General Science
Apologia General Science
We are working on Module 2
I am *really* trying to make our schedule be more science focused. It is just so much easier for me to focus on Sonlight/BiblioPlan items than science, and I really need to force science up in priority! We did experiments 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 and I made a post on just that, so I won't go into it here again.
Science: Apologia General Science
We are working on Module 2
Pages: 35-48
General Science Student Notebook:
pg's 45-53
I really like how this book makes Dd write down the important parts that she reads, so she gets the material inputted through her ears and hands.

Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Edition, Solutions and Test Manual (with Extra Test Booklet)
pg's 45-53
I really like how this book makes Dd write down the important parts that she reads, so she gets the material inputted through her ears and hands.
Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Edition, Solutions and Test Manual (with Extra Test Booklet)
Dd did all the Workbook Pages and experiments
took Test 1:
I bought this kit to go along with our science books.
Dd is taking two classes in our co-op; one is Government and the other is Cake Decorating.

For her third period she is volunteering to work in the Nursery. For her Government Class she has to memorize Romans 13: 1:
For her third period she is volunteering to work in the Nursery. For her Government Class she has to memorize Romans 13: 1:
Let every soul be subject to the government authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
Alto Sax- 30 min daily
Piano--about 2 hours weekly,
and Choir--15 minutes daily
and Choir--15 minutes daily
Busy Hands:
She made me a MOO PIE
We make it without a crust most times--and I think it is fantastic with or without the crust. It is made of tofu, chocolate, and a bit of sweetener---and that you can make out of whatever sweetener you prefer. This is a fairly healthy dessert choice.
-numerous egg dishes, spaghetti, made a camp fire outside by herself, and then made S'mores.
Fun Books:
Spilling Ink (see Language Art section above)
Drawing a Hobbit house, and a Hobbit village!
We finally went out to see STAR WARS, the Force Awakens!
Dd usually does her chores, but this week she really dropped the ball. I'm sure part of it is due to the fact she isn't feeling well; but it really is disappointing. Last week she had cleaned her room so well she earned an unexpected surprise prize from me. I was so thrilled how well she did on her own that I wanted to reward her initiative. She got a really cool Star Wars figure. But, this week--she really didn't do 1/2 of her things, and I am going to make sure she does better this week. I just wanted to share that we have difficulties too. We were *suppose* to read a chapter of BiblioPlan and Streams of Civilization, this week---but we couldn't fit it is hard to plan a week's lessons ahead of time, when you don't know all the things that pop up last minute--like not feeling well!
She made me a MOO PIE
We make it without a crust most times--and I think it is fantastic with or without the crust. It is made of tofu, chocolate, and a bit of sweetener---and that you can make out of whatever sweetener you prefer. This is a fairly healthy dessert choice.
-numerous egg dishes, spaghetti, made a camp fire outside by herself, and then made S'mores.
Fun Books:
Spilling Ink (see Language Art section above)
Drawing a Hobbit house, and a Hobbit village!
I just love this picture! |
We finally went out to see STAR WARS, the Force Awakens!
Dd usually does her chores, but this week she really dropped the ball. I'm sure part of it is due to the fact she isn't feeling well; but it really is disappointing. Last week she had cleaned her room so well she earned an unexpected surprise prize from me. I was so thrilled how well she did on her own that I wanted to reward her initiative. She got a really cool Star Wars figure. But, this week--she really didn't do 1/2 of her things, and I am going to make sure she does better this week. I just wanted to share that we have difficulties too. We were *suppose* to read a chapter of BiblioPlan and Streams of Civilization, this week---but we couldn't fit it is hard to plan a week's lessons ahead of time, when you don't know all the things that pop up last minute--like not feeling well!