SL Core G
Week 26
(BiblioPlan Wk 13)
Middle Ages
April 18-24, 2016
Two of the girls had never ice skated before! |
This was an incredibly active week--who says homeschoolers don't get enough socialization?!! We had the finale Choir concert, Band Class, Private Sax lesson, Ice Skating Birthday Party, library, dentist, and Giz and Grampy arrived on Friday. G&G's visit is to see Dd in her Band Concert next week, but we have a lot of things that need Grampy to help with--so they came early for that.
Ice Skating: Birthday Event
We had planned to take a few of Dd's friends ice skating last week, but there just wasn't time, so we postponed it for this week. Since we all live so far apart I picked up the three other girls at the HomeSchool Building and took them to the rink. We arrived early, found a picnic table on the grounds and I served pizza followed by cake. Then we all ice skated for almost two hours! It was fun watching the girls keep bringing back their skates and replacing them with buckle vs lace shoes---then up or down a size...the poor people working there got their work-out! Then we took all the girls to one of their houses for their pick-up. At this friends house, we all got the treat of checking out their chicken coop and chickens. It is always so interesting to see how each family houses their chickens. So many families around here have chickens, so different than in Indiana. Where Dh works there are already two people, in his building, selling eggs! Anyway, the girls had a LOT of fun...I'm glad!
We practically had the rink to ourselves! Two young men came, and at the end another two women arrived, but we had lots of room to skate. |
Saturday, I took Giz and Dd to the music store, Meyer Music, to take back the sax we rented and to drop off the violin Giz bought Dd last year. The violin needs some repair. Giz had never been to such a big, well stocked store. Then we went to Michaels' and JoAnn Fabric's to buy Dd some material to dye and make her Rey costume. Dd is a massive Star Wars fan, and wants to make her own Rey outfit. They had a fun time dying the material afterwards. I'm curious to see how it turns out.
Giz and Grampy went to church with us on Sunday morning. It is always interesting to hear what they think of the churches we've attended. They liked our new church, but were curious about the differences there than we are use to---like the new church doesn't have a "baptismal" and only hold communion four times a year. Giz and Grampy's church holds communion every first Sunday of each month (12 times per year), and our old church, a "Christian Church" would have communion every Sunday. The bible doesn't spell out how often to hold communion, so it is always interesting to see how each church handles it. After church we all went for a nice hike through our woods. Giz and Grampy had never been for a walk on our property.
Sonlight History Reader:
Adam of the Road by Elizabeth J. Gray: Completed
Sonlight Poems:
Favorite Poems Old and New
Sonlight schedules this book so that they read a few poems each week.
History Maps: Geography
BiblioPlan Advanced Maps:
Week 11 & 12
Choir Concert
This was a very nice evening. Dd and I did this alone, as Dh had extra work to do, preparing to take Monday and Tuesday off for G&G's visit. I really enjoyed seeing Dd onstage singing! She won't be repeating Choir next year, so this was her last choir event for a while.
Sax and Piano practices each day.
Private Sax lesson with Mrs. March
Band Class---her last for the year. She advanced from chair six to chair three. She did a good job practicing a lot and not doing less and less as the year went on, but actually built up more practice hours each week.
Dd got in a lot of extra practice, sharing her new music with Giz. Giz wanted to see her "SmartMusic" program again--I think Giz thinks SmartMusic is great!
Foreign Language:
Rosetta Stone: French:
10 minutes Mon-Thur
Language Arts:
Thank You notes:
Four letters/notes written

Word Roots Level 1
Teaching Textbooks Algebra:
Apologia General Science
Apologia General Science
Module 8: Completed
Test, Student Notebook, Text...all completed
ongoing science stuff:
Dd is still taking care of her seedlings, for her upcoming garden.
Dd is took three walks in the woods this week.
Dd is helping with the chickens.
Art/Cooking/BUSY HANDS:
Chocolate Cake this week (for her ice skating party).
Dyed fabric
Drawing: Mon-Thur
Dd is always doing something...I was too busy to make note of much this week!
Giz and Dd babysitting the chicks in Tractor #2. Now that we have two tractors, we can split them up and give them more space and time outside. |
Lamplighter Audio:
Lamplighter Audio:
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross
Episode 4: Completed
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross
Episode 4: Completed
Fun Readers:
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: in process
Way of the Warrior, The (Young Samurai, Book 1)
Way of the Warrior by Chris Bradford: in process
Too bad playing cards each night with parents and grandparents wasn't "educational!" |