ETA: We stretch out our SL Cores, and take longer than the scheduled 36 weeks to complete. So, for those extra weeks we take, I add in other bible programs. I really enjoy adding in bible curriculum!!! As much as I love SL having us read the bible I also like adding in some application too...application may not be the right word--but I don't have the 'right' word coming to my mind right now. So, below is some of the bible programs we have used in the past and what we are currently using. Currently (2013) we are doing SL, VP Genesis Through Joshua, and Apologia (on the third book - Who Is My Neighbor- and almost done, but waiting for the fourth book to become available for purchase!).
Apologia's Bible books:
I've used a lot of different bible studies over the years-- but the ones we've just finished are fresh in my mind, so I'll add them to your list to look at. I really enjoyed them. These are not "Bible Studies" or "Devotionals" as much as Christian comprehension---You can look at it and see what you think.
( I like what Sangenuer/Lisa said: "I didn't feel like my kids needed another round of bible stories and basics, but more application of biblical truths. It's all about worldview--what it is, why it's important, and what the bible says about the topics that form a worldview." )
I highly recommend these books. We haven't done the "Activity books" either. My Dd is not an "activity book" type of kid; but she loves these books and wishes we did these every day! And we also hope to finish the series. These are well written; with great illustrations, and are non-consumable books.
There are four books out so far, we have three. They are by APOLOGIA. "Who Am I?" :"Who Is God?" "Who is my Neighbor?" are the ones we have----
Who Am I? And What Am I Doing Here? Biblical Worldview of Self-Image
John Hay, David Webb
Who Is God and Can I Really Know Him? Biblical Worldview of God and Truth
John Hay
Who is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me? Biblical Worldview of Servanthood
John Hay, David Webb
Sword Fighting:
Sword Fighting was a once a day type of book. Each week you are given a bible verse to memorize. The verse is to help you/or the child with a specific item that we struggle with--well, here is the description from Amazon; no need re-inventing the wheel: This devotional from Karyn Henley helps children use memorized verses to make character-building decisions. Fifty-two Scriptures will help kids focus on the positive character traits in choices such as listening vs. ignoring, willingness vs. stubbornness, and bravery vs. cowardice. Kids will enjoy examining biblical examples, as well as reviewing and using memorized verses for friendly "sword-fighting" application games. A great tool for elementary age kids.
Sword Fighting by Karyn Henley
We had a lot of fun each week making our own "Swords" out of paper and cutting them in the shapes of swords with handles...then we decorated our library/school room door with all the swords from each week!
Make It Stick Devotions:
This book (below) was a little on the lighter side for us. It is for 6-10 year olds. We did the whole book; but I wanted a little more meat....that happens with me a lot though and is probably more about me than about the book.
The One Year Make-It-Stick Devotions (One Year Books) by Emmett Cooper
The One Year Make It Stick Devotions includes devotions from every book of the Bible. Includes list of the books of the Bible with their sound-alike animal names, listed by the week or weeks when they'll be studied. Contains devotions for six days of each week, Monday through Saturday, with optional weekend activities for Saturday/Sunday. For each book of the Bible, devotions include:
- Introductory devotion summarizing the book of the Bible, with a cartoon of the animal that represents that book, an explanation for why the animal was chosen, and a just-for-fun lookup of a key passage from that book
- One or more in-depth devotions containing a Bible verse of the day
- Daily make-it-stick activities
- Prayers to conclude each devotion
- Saturday/Sunday devotions have an additional optional make-it-stick weekend activity
- Each devotion will cause your child to realize the importance of reading and obeying God's Word and how much He loves them
Bible Discovery:
This set has many different levels depending on how old and where you want to focus your bible study. It was okay for us; but was a little more "workbook-y" than we were ready for back when we did this. Dd wasn't up for writing in the answers and I we did most of it orally. I've seriously looked at the older versions which are under the Discovery and considered going back to this program, but then I went with Veritas Press instead for this upcoming year. Here is what I almost ordered this year:
I copied the one we actually did from years ago and posted it below. Christian Book or catalog always gives this company press saying that it is one of the best selling bible curriculum--which is why I initially tried it. But, it didn't really knock it out of the park for me. But, like you said with the "Who Am I?"--that didn't connect with you; but it did with me. Maybe this would connect with you..? We did this set a few years back. I think it might have been our first bible study--so this one is way below where you are now; but you could look at the options--like the one I listed above.
More in Explorer's Bible Study Series
I am also doing Veritas Press: Joshua Through Genesis and really getting a lot out of it.
Item #: VB2KIT
Grade 2
- Grade 6
There are these:
"index cards" - see the white card with Michelangelo's painting on it, with "Creation Genesis 1-2" written on it? Well, there are thirty something of these cards that you go through one at a time, that walk you chronologically through the bible. Plus, you print out the worksheets that go with the program and for each card you have 5-10 worksheets to answer questions regarding that card. On the back of each card there is a list of other resources for you to read. There is what/where to read in the bible...then they recommend you read a certain part from The Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament, Journey Through the Bible....etc. They have a few different books they recommend you buy with this set. We only bought The Greenleaf and the Journey Through the Bible and that was enough for me. There is a CD of music/song to go along with it to help you memorize the bible story better as well.
Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History
So, with VP, you buy the kit you want and any of the recommended books they suggest that you agree would help you with their bible study. They had a few other suggestions that I didn't think we needed. We use our normal bible to read the section they are covering and then use the JTTB and Greenleaf. That is about's good!
So, with VP, you buy the kit you want and any of the recommended books they suggest that you agree would help you with their bible study. They had a few other suggestions that I didn't think we needed. We use our normal bible to read the section they are covering and then use the JTTB and Greenleaf. That is about's good!