SL Core 100 Week 7
Hello, Friends!
Dd's watercolor from this week |
We had another preview of spring this week; although next week is set to back to winter again we sure did enjoy the sunshine. It was very nice to see the sunshine again. One of the things that have been hardest to get used to in Michigan is the number of cloudy days; only Seattle, Washington has more cloudy days in the U.S. Whereas Indiana has abundant sunshine and a much warmer climate. I'm finally noticing the spring sunsets this year and am enjoying the pastel colors tremendously. The only other state, that I've lived in, that had better sunsets was Virginia--the Blue Ridge Mountain area had such beautiful sunsets.
Festival Preparation:
Last Friday night Dd spent the night with her duet partner, Olivia, and so we had her over here this week. We actually had Olivia, her sister, and Lexi---like they did last week. I must not have been as motivating b/c the time dedicated to practicing wasn't very intense, they practiced, just not very long. Next Saturday is the "Festival," where Dd and Olivia will perform their Alto Sax duet: Menuetto by Haydn.

Opportunities to Learn:
This is one area that Dd and I always have difficulty with--- I tell her she will never regret practicing too much, and yet that doesn't motivate her to practice any longer than she does. It is the same with learning from her academics. I always pray for her to 'take ownership' over her education, and to have a toolbox (her brain) with as many good tools as she can (learned skills), as she prepares for adulthood. But, all my original parables and metaphors do not inspire her to dig deeper. So, I just try to give her as many opportunities to learn and grow as I can and accept that it is her decision how to react to that---the best-known metaphor for this concept is the 'You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.' I provide as much water, in as many ways as I can, and provide numerous opportunities for her as I can. I have always provided as many things to make art (clay, paints, wire, fabric, papers, tapes, glues, wood, cardboard.....) and left her to do what she wanted with those materials. Sort of like having bookshelves packed with good books; she can pick and chose what she is interested in, though the local library usually wins out! I guess it is important to me to continue to share that we are not those over-achieving homeschoolers and that I really hope that what achievements we have aren't ones that make other hs'ers feel 'less-than.' I honestly do NOT do Facebook for that very reason!!! there are so much smoke-and-mirrors, those posts do not uplift me, nope! not at all!
Sandhill Cranes: spring!
I love Sandhill Cranes and was so delighted that I heard them at least four mornings this week. We also saw Red-Winged Blackbirds this week and thought I heard Robins this week too. These are highlights of the year; sure signs of spring getting closer! Not to mention the bulbs and hostas have green shoots coming up too! Then, lastly, we left February behind and welcomed March in with open arms!

Our chickens had a pretty good week; they got to be outside a lot. I'm sure they wished they could get out of the small run but I'm not going to let them out until I figure out how to enclose the top so birds can't fly in and eat them.

I'm still cooking eggs for Ms. Lemon and the other birds that are looking pitiful.

I did figure out the problem with the two bare-backed Black Sex Link hens...Venus, another big beautiful Black S.L. likes to get up on the top rung with those pitiful girls on each side and then she picks at their feathers!!!! At least now I know to get Venus away from those girls at night, and maybe they can grow their feathers back. I hate to think of Venus doing that to them---seems like a slow torture to me! Yikes. I'm trying to think up ideas on how to stop this from happening--maybe I should make them a little coat? Chelle--any suggestions?

Tree-down/Windstorm Sunday:

Sunday (Feb. 25) after church, we all got our work clothes on and chainsawed the big dead tree that had fallen during the stormy night.
The storm was so vicious it kept waking me up.

I thought we would surely lose our power, but thankfully our lines stayed good.

In the spring, the electric company came out to our street and cut down a lot of trees that were growing up under our lines.

They spray painted a blue dot, for trim, or a blue "x" to cut down many trees on our property, but oddly they skipped our property and just did all the neighbors. I was hesitant but actually glad that they were going to trim the trees that were growing around the lines, so I was a tad disappointed they skipped us. We normally have very lazy Sunday afternoons, but since the tree fell across our driveway, and Dh has been working 6 days a week, we didn't have much choice. It was nice to be outside, all three of us, enjoying each other's company.

Home: Dh is still having to work Saturdays and late each evening...prayers appreciated. Dd's health is doing better, but I still have not rallied and am stubbornly not going to the doctor
Academics of the Week:

Bible Study Sampler: pg's 39-43
Why Pray? by John F. DeVries: Day 31-35
Church, Sunday School, Youth Program, Volunteer at Olympians program
Through Grace HS
Saxon Geometry: TEST, lesson 71-74, and class

Apologia Biology: Module 3
Text: pg 198-222
Student Notebook: 7.2-7.16
We watched the DVD for Module 3: "Exploring Creation with Biology Second Edition Video Instruction DVD"

IEW: Lesson 9: Completed
Completed the DVD for Lesson 10, but Dd hasn't written the report yet. Her first report was on Charles Dickens and this report will be on her hometown hero, Gus Grissom, the astronaut.

Drawing - white on black drawing paper

Watercolor - lots of flowers this week

Art Classes:
through Grace Academy at Homeschool Building

Painting Studio: 2:00 hours

Botany Art: 1:30 hours

She is *loving* these classes! She has the same teacher for the back to back classes.

Stir Fry 2x

Egg Salad, from 2 1/2 dozen eggs
A History of US, Book 3:
Preface-Ch. 5
(was scheduled to read through chapter 14, but didn't get there)

History Literature:
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison- In Process
Foreward-chapter V
(also one chapter behind this week)

Music Classes:
Intermediate Orchestra: Violin: 1:30
Intermediate Band: Alto Sax 1:30

Music Lessons:
Piano Lesson with Wendy: 30 min
Piano Theory book this week
Violin Lesson with Christie: 30 min

2:30 hours per instrument is the goal, and close to being met this week. Olivia spent Friday night so they could work on their duet together. They practiced Friday night and Saturday morning.
Dickens has fallen off this ledge repeatedly... |
Sandhill Cranes: spring!
I love Sandhill Cranes and was so delighted that I heard them at least four mornings this week. We also saw Red-Winged Blackbirds this week and thought I heard Robins this week too. These are highlights of the year; sure signs of spring getting closer! Not to mention the bulbs and hostas have green shoots coming up too! Then, lastly, we left February behind and welcomed March in with open arms!
Our chickens had a pretty good week; they got to be outside a lot. I'm sure they wished they could get out of the small run but I'm not going to let them out until I figure out how to enclose the top so birds can't fly in and eat them.
I'm still cooking eggs for Ms. Lemon and the other birds that are looking pitiful.
I did figure out the problem with the two bare-backed Black Sex Link hens...Venus, another big beautiful Black S.L. likes to get up on the top rung with those pitiful girls on each side and then she picks at their feathers!!!! At least now I know to get Venus away from those girls at night, and maybe they can grow their feathers back. I hate to think of Venus doing that to them---seems like a slow torture to me! Yikes. I'm trying to think up ideas on how to stop this from happening--maybe I should make them a little coat? Chelle--any suggestions?
Tree-down/Windstorm Sunday:
Sunday (Feb. 25) after church, we all got our work clothes on and chainsawed the big dead tree that had fallen during the stormy night.
We had to use the truck to pull out one of the big trees that had fallen but got stuck on a spruce tree precariously. It took about 20 tries, but we finally got it down. |
The storm was so vicious it kept waking me up.
I thought we would surely lose our power, but thankfully our lines stayed good.
In the spring, the electric company came out to our street and cut down a lot of trees that were growing up under our lines.
They spray painted a blue dot, for trim, or a blue "x" to cut down many trees on our property, but oddly they skipped our property and just did all the neighbors. I was hesitant but actually glad that they were going to trim the trees that were growing around the lines, so I was a tad disappointed they skipped us. We normally have very lazy Sunday afternoons, but since the tree fell across our driveway, and Dh has been working 6 days a week, we didn't have much choice. It was nice to be outside, all three of us, enjoying each other's company.
Home: Dh is still having to work Saturdays and late each evening...prayers appreciated. Dd's health is doing better, but I still have not rallied and am stubbornly not going to the doctor
Academics of the Week:
Bible Study Sampler: pg's 39-43
Why Pray? by John F. DeVries: Day 31-35
Church, Sunday School, Youth Program, Volunteer at Olympians program
Even more than endless greens, the chickens miss their dirt baths the most. As soon as I let them out they start scratching and making a hole to get into. |
Through Grace HS
Saxon Geometry: TEST, lesson 71-74, and class
Apologia Biology: Module 3
Text: pg 198-222
Student Notebook: 7.2-7.16
We watched the DVD for Module 3: "Exploring Creation with Biology Second Edition Video Instruction DVD"
IEW: Lesson 9: Completed
Completed the DVD for Lesson 10, but Dd hasn't written the report yet. Her first report was on Charles Dickens and this report will be on her hometown hero, Gus Grissom, the astronaut.
Drawing - white on black drawing paper
Watercolor - lots of flowers this week
Art Classes:
through Grace Academy at Homeschool Building
Painting Studio: 2:00 hours
Botany Art: 1:30 hours
She is *loving* these classes! She has the same teacher for the back to back classes.
Stir Fry 2x
Egg Salad, from 2 1/2 dozen eggs
A History of US, Book 3:
Preface-Ch. 5
(was scheduled to read through chapter 14, but didn't get there)
History Literature:
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison- In Process
Foreward-chapter V
(also one chapter behind this week)
Music Classes:
Intermediate Orchestra: Violin: 1:30
Intermediate Band: Alto Sax 1:30
Music Lessons:
Piano Lesson with Wendy: 30 min
Piano Theory book this week
Violin Lesson with Christie: 30 min
2:30 hours per instrument is the goal, and close to being met this week. Olivia spent Friday night so they could work on their duet together. They practiced Friday night and Saturday morning.
I've made a new drawing for the church's bulletin board, I used white chalk on brown utility paper. |