SL Core F
Week 21
March 17-21, 2014
Dd took pictures of these birds this week-
This week we had 2 new birds arrive in our backyard, and I don't have photo's of them! Dd saw a Red-Winged Blackbird in our yard (not just outside of it) and I saw a beautiful, red, Male Cardinal (on my bird bath). I just love when the other birds that we don't see in the winter start coming back into my yard!!!!
Dd took pictures of these birds this week-
This week we had 2 new birds arrive in our backyard, and I don't have photo's of them! Dd saw a Red-Winged Blackbird in our yard (not just outside of it) and I saw a beautiful, red, Male Cardinal (on my bird bath). I just love when the other birds that we don't see in the winter start coming back into my yard!!!!
I should put up here that this is the week that construction began on the lot one house away from our house. Not our next door neighbor, but the empty lot next to it, has been sold and the basement was dug out this week and concrete was poured. The trucks, trucks, trucks were here and I'm afraid it is just the beginning. Our spring and summer seems to be destined to be filled with construction crews, trucks, and strangers around. My dog will be barking all day long! She will be worried half to death! She is use to no people around our streets, and now it will be very busy!

Another week on Core F behind us, and we didn't complete nearly what I had anticipated; but we did the best we could and that has to account for something! Soon things will be very slow and we can get some of the things I have been wanting to get done, done...or at least that is what I keep telling myself!
This week was our last week of LHE co-op. Dd's Drama class got to perform their play Cheetah and the Sloth in front of the entire co-op before our classes started. It was a "Slow and Steady Wins the Race" type of message/themed play. Dd did a good job remembering her lines; she was the Sloth! They didn't do the second play on Thursday, but they are scheduled to do it at our End of Year Party in May.
Dd also had Swim and Gym this week, which included volleyball as her gym portion. She is enjoying the swim lessons best of all, and would prefer just that--but this is the package deal they offer to us.
We have already been to the library twice, and they keep emailing saying they have our new holds ready for our pick up the next day! It is funny b/c it comes the day after we go there! Today they emailed to say they have the Downtown Abbey disc's that I've asked for in; and I was just there yesterday. I really would love to see them today--but I will wait until tomorrow.
I've not been feeling well---still, but I finally called the doctor on Friday (2 different doctor's actually). Maybe I'll get an appointment(s) sometime soon and will be able to get some improvement. I could go for an increased quality of life about now, really!
Our lessons and books from this week:
We are really enjoying Veritas Press (VP) this Core for our bible study, this is the first year we haven't done SL for bible, but are trying something different and more detailed and then adding more resources to that program as well.
Veritas Press Bible Program: Joshua Through Judges
Card 43: Completed
Saul, The First King of Israel, 1 Samuel 9-10
read portion with bible & The Believer's Bible Commentary
Journey Through The Bible, pg 102-103
VP worksheets completed
Card 44: Completed
The Genealogy of David, 1 Chronicles 2
Matthew 1
both read with bible & Believer's Bible Commentary
VP worksheets completed
Card 45: completed
Saul's Sin at Amalek: 1 Samuel 15
both read with bible & Believer's Bible Commentary
The Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament: Lesson 92
VP worksheets completed
Card 46: in process
David is Anointed as King: 1 Sam 16
both read with bible & Believer's Bible Commentary
The Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament: Lesson 93
Journey Through The Bible pg. 104-107
VP worksheets NOT completed
Math U See: Zeta: 22 A-E
Skip-Counting Family: 8's
Apologia: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day:
Lesson 7: Sharks and Rays: pg 103-107
then we looked up RAYS online, and researched their tails...and how Steve Irwin died...we really got lost in all the images available of rays online!
Language Arts:
Daily Grams 7: pg. 45-49
All About Spelling 6: Step 3: Completed / Passed test
SL LA from Core F: week 10 & week 11
Artist of the Week:
Paul Klee
We used 2 books for this week:
1)Meet the Greatest Artists of the World by Mike Venezia on Paul Klee
Meet the Great Composers: Book 2 (Learning Link) by Maurice Hinson
Composer of the Week:Edward MacDowell
Our Read Aloud's:
Teresa of Calcutta: Serving the Poorest of the Poor (Sower Series) by D. Jeanene Watson
Teresa of CalcuttaAround the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne
I am especially enjoying reading Around The World in 80 Days as a Read Aloud---I've never read that, and it is really, really surprising me with such great details and incredible vocabulary!!!!!! I had no idea that this book was going to be THIS fantastic. What a surprise! Who knew?! So glad I kept hearing SL ladies say they were doing it as a Read Aloud and I thought, if they are doing it as a RA there is probably a good reason, so I'll do that too--and Dd was struggling with it right from the start, so I quickly offered to do it as a RA...and it has been a much needed treat for me this week! I've been writing down the vocabulary words *I don't know* and looking them up in the dictionary while I read, and poor Dd is thinking I am a bit funny for doing so--but it is a treat to have a book that is so full of such great words! Words that Verne just expects us to know much has changed in over 100 years, huh?! too bad.
William Carey: Obliged to Go (Christian Heroes: Then & Now) by Janet Benge
William Carey: Obliged to Go by JacksonOur weekly sections from:
1)Praying Through the 100 Gateway Cities
2)Best Loved Folk Tales Around the World
From the Mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (text only) Unabridged edition by E.L. Konigsburg,J. Clayburgh... by J. Clayburgh E.L. Konigsburg
(completed)Once upon a Summer (Seasons of the Heart) by Janette Oke and Marguerite Gavin
Princess Ben: Being a Wholly Truthful Account of Her Various Discoveries and Misadventures, Recounted to the Best... by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
(completed)The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus) by Riordan. Rick ( 2013 ) Audio CD by Riordan. Rick (in process)
Our library ordered The House of Hades on audio for us!!! Thank you to the Brownsburg Public Library for being such an awesome library! We had to wait about a month for it to come in Dd started The Red Pyramid (also by Rick Riordan), but this week she put The Red Pyramid to the side so she could start The House of Hades audio book. The House of Hades has Percy Jackson as the main character, and The Red Pyramid's main character's are Carter and Sadie Kane. Dd is liking the Kane siblings; but they are still not Percy Jackson---her MOST favorite hero! I wonder how long it will take her to get back to The Red Pyramid?! Ahh, maybe 14 discs away (that is how many disc's are in The House of Hades!).Reader:
The Lamplighter by Maria S. Cummins (in-process)
Home Economic's:
Since we went parks last Saturday, which is our usual cleaning day, we had to make up our cleaning time during our chores time. Dd cleaned up our entry room and our living room with particular attention to every detail; she really did a very thorough job. We spent Wednesday cleaning for a good part of the day. She is doing a good job helping with dishes and laundry too; but that is normal, daily chores.
I was going to teach her how to replace a button on Dh's dress shirt, but she informed me she already knew how to do that---so, she did that all by herself without any help.
She made dinner on Thursday , and a cake on Friday.
Busy Hands:
This week she knitted a case for her ipod nano, it is green and has a button to close it.
She is knitting something-- I'm not sure she is definite what it is going to be yet. It is a very loose, net type of knit. She is enjoying making it...that is all I can tell!
Another LEGO week. She has been making structures, and putting in details and gizmo's. She also made a car. She also has repaired the LEGO helicopter that I bought for her at a yard sale, already made, from when she was 4 years old. In the past 8 years some of the parts had fallen off and she made it her goal this week to get it back together and fully restored. I was very lucky to find a plane, 2 cars (1 with electric motor) and helicopter at one sale.
Painting--I had a very pretty flag for my little flag post, for my front yard. My mother-in-law gives me new flags for all the seasons, and my "spring" flag of spring Pansey's had gotten all sun-bleached, so Dd worked for 2 days repainting it. She has really done a nice job making all the flowers bright and pretty again.