SL Core 100 Week 15 "B"
May 6-12, 2018
Hello Friends!
Migraine Week. This was one of my worst weeks in a long time. The hardest part for me, besides my own physical pain, is that Dd always see's these migraines as her opportunity to relax, watch movies, and do whatever she can get away with when I have nothing in me to push back. I wish I could share that she steps-up and helps out more when I am ill, but that would be a lie. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing when I was 16, but I do expect more from her and am always a bit disappointed by it all. We are definitely not over-achieving home schoolers! But, we do keep trying to move forward the best we can. The week started with super blurry eyes on Sunday and progressed to a migraine Mon-Wed. Thankfully, I did better Thurs-Sat., before it started back up again.
Dh in Bologna, Italy:
It was fun getting our daily phone call from Dh each day and hearing what all he ate and saw. He would call after 10 pm (his time) so he was always really tired, but it was great to hear about his day. He was there 9 days this trip.

Birthday Surprise:
Judy and her daughter, Joy sang me "Happy Birthday" on a voicemail and then brought over some flowers. The best part--we sat out on our deck and had a nice chat for over an hour; which made up for the rest of my birthday being kinda gloomy with my migraine. Dd surprised me with a pretty bird colored pencil drawing!!! That was very kind of her. I didn't know it at the time, but Dh brought me home a necklace from Italy, but I didn't get until he returned.
My mom sent a flower in the mail, which was a big surprise, I think I made her feel bad for letting her know she missed Dd Sweet 16 last month. It's tough, we don't have any family members that are interactive with us except Giz and Grampy and I know how isolating that can make my daughter feel. I wish my mom could send her a little card for Christmas and her birthday, but I know by asking her to do it she gets very offended. The ironic part is that I was the one that ended up getting a flower, when really I'd rather my daughter get a card. I don't understand why family has to be so.very.difficult. Even when you have a close relationship with your church, they still don't really welcome you into their 'family.' Cue song: "This World Is Not My Home."
The seedlings in the two hoop gardens are doing SO well!! I'm really excited at how fast the seedlings are growing in these mini-hot-houses. This year the mosquitoes are out in swarms, so that is making time outside not as fun as it usually is! The turnip seeds I planted in our garden have sprouted and the onions are doing really well too. So far none of the lettuce seeds I planted have sprouted. Planting seeds is always a big risk as seeds over a year old have a much less likelihood of sprouting. Sat. I planted more seeds in the garden: Swiss chard and lettuce.
I planted more seeds in cardboard egg trays this week, for the hoop house. I planted: spinach, sweet basil, and purple basil. Again later in the week, I planted more things for the hoop house: chard and LOTs of Spinach. We had planted both in plastic trays and cardboard egg trays and the cardboard seemed to procure more seedlings---I don't know if that was due to old seeds or if the humidity was better with the cardboard.
I put up a big black plastic wall as a lean-to for the chickens to have extra shade and protection. |
Chickens and the HEAT Back On in Our Home: Cold!
Lots of green weeds coming into them throughout the day. It keeps getting easier and easier to find masses of greens to bring to them, plus they get tractor visits too. With all the rain this week they didn't get as much time in the tractors.

It was so cold and wet our heat ran for 2 1/2 days this week! We were in the upper 30's and 40's a few days this week. One day I didn't let the chickens out of their inner coop b/c I didn't want them wet and freezing. I had to plug in their heat lamp again, so keep them warm after they got wet on the other rainy days. They did well with the bad weather.
It was so cold and wet our heat ran for 2 1/2 days this week! We were in the upper 30's and 40's a few days this week. One day I didn't let the chickens out of their inner coop b/c I didn't want them wet and freezing. I had to plug in their heat lamp again, so keep them warm after they got wet on the other rainy days. They did well with the bad weather.
We had such fierce Thunderstorms on Wed. we lost our power. It was already dark outside, so I decided against trying to get the generator out. It rained a lot this week, so I had to go back to drying my clothes inside; which felt like a step back! I saw owls, deer, goldfinches (among all the usual cast), and hummingbirds this week around our house. Even if it was cold, things are growing!
After having a migraine for 3 1/2 days, with no motivation to make much food, Dh being in Italy, not getting much a birthday celebration, and struggling with Dd, I decided to just be very bad! After Grace classes, Dd and I headed out to Dollar Tree to un-remorsefully buy a whole bag of candy! We got Sugar Daddies, Milk Duds, Hot Tamale's, Worms, York Peppermint Patties, and those caramels with white sugary middle. We got in bed and splurged!
Academics for the Week:
Although Dd was over being sick, her motivation did not return this week.
Church, Sunday School, Youth Program, Olympians (volunteer Games), Strings Group (singing hymns and playing her ukulele)
Entrusted Bible study by Beth Moore
Saxon Geometry:
Lessons 106-107, Practice test questions lessons 57-76. and class
Tues. I drove Dd to the Home School Building for some paid time with her math teacher. Dd went over some questions she has been having trouble with. I hope it helps her with the upcoming exam.
Writing: IEW: Continuation B:
SL History:
and she made me the colored pencil drawing of a bird for my birthday card, top of post.
Art Classes:
Painting Studio - Grace class: 2:00 hours
Botany Art class: 1:30 hours
Fun Books:
A Star Wars book (In Process)
Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman (In Process)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling (In Process)
Music Lessons:
Violin Lessons with Christie: 30 min
Piano Lessons with Wendy: 30 min
Strings Group at church: Ukulele
Dd had a big piano week. I bought her a new piano book last week and she has really been loving it. It is Faber Studio Collection Level 3A-3B. She especially loves the one song: Misty, a 'jazz & blues' song written by Johnny Burke, music by Erroll Garner.
Three Deer in our Yard:
Three Deer in our Yard:
Next Week:
Next Friday will be Dd's last day of classes at Grace. She will have her big Geometry exam that she has been working so hard studying for.