Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas present making Dec. 1-5, 2014

Christmas Present Making 
Dec. 1-5, 2014

*Please see the post on Dec. 29th, called "Finished Christmas Gifts 2014" for the final accumulation of the gifts that we have pictures of.*

I made this "infinity" scarf in a pretty purple for Giz's Christmas gift.  It will wrap around twice.  I hope she will like it.

I made another one for another gift , since it was so soft and follows the rule-Give only what you'd want yourself!

Baby Blanket--Lovey-- Charlotte

Baby Blanket--Lovey-- Norah

Finished Scarf for my mom

I finally finished the Chipmunks I made for my two nephews.

I didn't have a pattern for these chipmunks, I had found a stuffed animal chipmunk at a yard sale a few years back, and I immediately thought: "I could copy that!".  So, I took out some paper and drew it's outline on a piece of paper for the body size, roughly.  Then I drew on other pieces of paper the other pieces (the eyes, belly, etc.), and then covered my homemade pattern pieces with scotch tape to make the paper stable.  It was a lot of fun figuring out my own pieces, my own pattern for this!

Dd made this purse for Little Laura ("L" family):

Scarf for Norah

Headband for Charlotte




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