Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov. 5-9th, 2012 (Core E) Week 10

 Nov. 5-9th, 2012 (Core E) Week 10

We had a good week with a fantastic trip to the CANDLES Holocaust Museum to see/hear Eva Kor give our HBHE group a 2 1/2 hour presentation about Auschwitz concentration camp and Dr. Melgele.  Eva Kor survived to tell the tale b/c she was a twin and the Nazi's were collecting twins as they arrived at camps/ghetto's so they could do medical testing on them.  Eva and her sister, Miriam lived through the experience; but no one else in her family from Transylvania-Romania did.  Her presentation was equal parts information about the historic time period and being at Auschwitz and the other half was given us listeners (especially the children) many life lessons.  Eva really focused her attention to the children in the group; and seemed very attuned to them.  I have another post below this one that goes into more detail and have pictures.

The other memorable part of this week in history is that we all got to vote for the Presidental elections---among other posts.  I'm not saying anything political here- except I do cherish the RIGHT we Americans have in getting to vote!  Dd and I stood in line for 1 hour and 40 minutes and had to miss her Swim and Gym class as a result.

We had our lessons-M-F and then headed to our farm on Friday night.  Dd had the BEST weekend!  In summary--bow and arrows, target shooting with her BB gun, sword fighting with corn stalks, riding in the back of a trailer behind a 4 wheeler.....playing with Madison!  Those 2 had so much fun for hours and hours and hours!

Mon. CANDLES Holocaust Museum
Tues. Voted
Wed. Dd and I exercized together to Leslie Sansone
Thurs. Dd and I exercized together to Leslie Sansone and also played basketball in the driveway.
Fri. One Butterfly HATCHED!  The weather was beautiful--and planned to be for the next 3 days; so we let it go.  We went to the Farm.
Sat. In the woods all day!
Sun. In the woods all day!  Then home in the evening.

The BIG news for this week:
*For anyone who doesn't speak 'homeschool'--that means that she finished her math book; level "Delta" and will start "Epsilon" next!

29 A,B,C,D,E,F
30 A,B,C,D,E,F
Skip Counting: 12 Family

VHS for the week:
Nat'l Wildlife Federation- Birding For Kids
We REALLY enjoyed this VHS!  It really kept Dd's attention; when I wondered if it would or not.  Because it is fall, the hawks are really very active.  We've had 1-2 hawk on or in our yard or on our fence on most days.  We have bird feeders/bird bath and that really attracts the hawks.  So, Dd has been rushing out and scaring off the hawks from our little feathered friends!  When she yells at them, they don't fly away--but if she shoots an arrow towards them (never aiming AT them) then they will fly off.  They are very smart to acknowledge the different levels of a threat.

Dd: Mark
Me: 1 Chronicles
We each read our portion aloud to each other and discuss, if desired.

Still in Civil War--reading our Landmark History of the American People, Vol 2. ;
 Sounding Forth the Trumpet.

Read Aloud:
The Forester's Daughter by Urban Oliver

History Person of the Week: Frederick Douglas
We looked at various books we own; and had Dd read this one:

Dd's Reader:
 Childhood of Famous Americans: Frederick Douglas: Abolitionist Hero by George Stanley

Fun reading:
Trixie Belden: Mystery off Glenn Road by Julie Campbell
Product Details

The Mystery Off Glen Road (Trixie Belden #5) by Julie Campbell


 Language Arts:
First Language Lessons 4: Lesson 11

Week 32 -started and finished


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