Saturday, February 27, 2021

June 14-20, 2020 Painting Deck, Flooring in Stairwell, Garden, Pruning, Watering

 June 14-20, 2020 

Painting Railing, Flooring in Stairwell, Garden, Pruning, Watering

Hello Friends!

It was a hot week!  I spent at least an hour each morning on just watering the garden!  What a lot of time used just standing around.  I do manage to weed and tend to the garden while doing it.  But, I'm getting lots of greens each day for my smoothies and salads.  I went to visit my friend, Teresa (from my last Bible study group) to see her garden and chat.  It is always SO interesting seeing how other people do their gardens!!!


Dh completed putting down the hardwood flooring in the landing of the stairs going to the basement.  It was a complicated job for various reasons, but he kept figuring until he got it right.

Painting Railing:

This week I went back to the job I did all last summer---painting the deck, railing, and support boards outside/around our house.  This is a big job and each summer it looks a little better.  To paint the posts around the pool (to the upper deck) I had to prune the bushes at their base; which turned into a really big job!  After getting some new blisters I brought out my small chainsaw and went to town!  What a difference this job made in how our bottom deck looks like!  

Bible Study:

I'm really enjoying my study time for my summer study group, but we are having some trouble with the meeting because people are discussing political things and I'm feeling the odd vibes about me wearing a mask.  It is really interesting how our area is on the line between city folks and country folks and there is an invisible clash between the Fox News versus the CNN crowds.  It is so sad that sometimes, even in a Bible study, this political climate infiltrates all areas of our lives.


No headaches or migraines, but I've been struggling with dizzy spells and low blood pressure.

Dd's Academic Accomplishments:

This week Dd agreed to go on a hike with Henry and me!  We went to the new bridges put up across the river and it was beautiful!!!  What a highlight for me!  I love hiking and being outside and it was so nice to share some nature with Dd.

German: DuoLingo: 30 x 5 = 2:30 hours

Apologia Biology: 30 x 3, 45 x 2 = 2:45 hours

Physical Exercise: 5:15 hours

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