Friday, May 1, 2020

April 12-18, 2020 Easter, Virtual Doctor Appt, Nurtec, Snow, Birthday Non-Party

April 12-18, 2020 
Virtual Doctor Appt, Nurtec, Snow, Birthday Non-Party

Hello Friends!
It feels like Michigan went back to winter after having a few nice days this month.  We've been having cold and snowy weather once again.  I hope you all had a nice Easter, we watched our church service online once again.  It really didn't feel like Easter here, but I did plan ahead and bought Dh, Dd, and myself lots of chocolates for the occasion... maybe too many sweets actually!  

18th Birthday:
Dd turned 18 this week.  I don't even know what to say about how I feel about this!!!  Such a mix of happy and sad feelings I have as my child hits adulthood without my consent! Ha!  I'm simply not done yet!  I struggled with what to get her for her birthday and finally came out and asked her what she wanted.  She had quite a few ideas---watches, boots, new phone, and a very practical Instant Pot (pressure cooker/crockpot...).  I picked the Instant Pot!  I also bought her a Pork Butt to cook in it; which she had also asked for specifically as she got good at making pulled pork at the pizza shop and wanted to make some at home.  I also had been collecting Star Wars t-shirts over the past few months.  

Virtual Doctor Appt.:
On Monday I had my first virtual doctor's appointment with my migraine specialist.  In the past 16 days I'd had 13 days of a migraine or headache!  This appointment had been scheduled months ago and the timing worked out well since I had been really, really struggling the past few weeks.

She offered a new medication to try called Nurtec as another acute medication that works with Maxalt on the migraine days.  I don't take it except if I have a migraine and it is supposed to help take away the immediate migraine.  It was really odd having an appointment online, but I really found it to be so much quicker and easier than my normal 45-50 minute drive each way to the building, walking up the three flights of stairs and waiting and checking in with various people each step of the way.  This saved me around three hours!  Plus, having to decompress after going through all the hoops.  By the end of the week I had filled the prescription and tried out the new med.  It did help with the pain!  I still felt 'off,' but it did help as I was having an extra painful migraine and it erased the pain part of the migraine.  

Heather's watercolor for Dd

She also gave me a prescription for Prednisone for when I am having cluster migraines.  It is supposed to stop those day-after-day episodes that I often get.  I am hesitant to take it though--I've had to take Predisone once before and I was unable to sleep well the whole time I was on it.  But, she was thoughtful enough to suggest I fill the prescription and keep it in my medicine cabinet to have on-hand for my next cluster.  I thought that was such a good idea as when I have a migraine I never want to call and ask for help.  

Dh Work:
Dh did get to work from home on Tuesday and Wednesday.  One machine broke down and it took two days to get the part made and replaced.  Unfortunately, that meant he had to work on Saturday as they had to catch up.  

Bible Studies: BSF (Bible Study Fellowship):
I didn't hear from my BSF group last week so I thought they had disbanded, but then this week they sent out a text that they were going to meet on Zoom, but I decided to just do the last three lessons on my own.

Ada/Thrive Bible Study:
Monday night we once again held our class on Zoom.  We have really enjoyed our last lesson.  We finished our second book and completed the two workbooks.  Next week we will do a "recap" and discuss our thoughts on the series.  
An Unexplainable Life, Acts 1-12
The Unexplainable Church, Acts 13-28
both are written by Erica Wiggenhorn.

Last week I noticed a red hen not eating and hunkering down under the ramp...all suspicious behavior for a chicken.  Chickens are really good at trying to hide themselves and any weaknesses like being sick.  I made her scrambled eggs and she would act like she was eating, but drop each piece out of her mouth after pecking it.  So, it *looked*like she was eating (and healthy) but she was sick.  She quickly went downhill and I had to put her in isolation.  She still wouldn't eat.  She had pneumonia and was miserable.  At the end of the week, she died.  I sure hope the pneumonia germs haven't spread to any more chickens; I've lost three chickens now.  I've been cleaning the coop twice a week to keep things extra clean and tidy to keep the germs down. 

Bone Broth:
With all the cold and snowy weather and migraines I started a batch of ham bone broth.  I slow-cooked it for three days and then made an awesome soup---lots of carrots and celery, quinoa, and a can of chicken meat.  It turned out so tasty!!!  Unfortunately, I am the only one in the house that loves bone broth soups. 

Friday Night:
Seth came over and we watched Star Wars Episode III together.   

I'm not sure which day, but I got some of my spring planting done.  I have planted a bit easier this year--mostly one bed per item instead of combining things.  So I have one kale, one lettuce, two spinach, and a mix of 1/2 lettuce and 1/2 spinach.  I'm hoping for luck as I wasn't planning on so much cold and snow!!

Read Aloud:
Dd and I are enjoying our latest RA; Nemesis by Agatha Christie! 


Dd's Progress This Week:

With the continuing 'lock-down' Dd continues to have her classes online here at home.  

Bible and Devotions:
Our church has the sermons live on-air on Sunday and noon prayer services each day.

Grace Co-Op Classes:
Writing: Analytical Writing for Essays and Research Papers (IEW) 

Science: Anatomy and Physiology (Apologia) (4 hrs)

Art: Drawing at home

Foreign Language: German through DuoLingo (4 sessions)

Physical Exercise: 9:00 hours this week

Math: Algebra II (Saxon) with tutor

Literature: RA: Nemesis by Agatha Christie

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