Sunday, November 10, 2019

Oct. 20-26, 2019 Family Meeting, Fall Chores, Stairwell

Oct. 20-26, 2019
 Family Meeting, Fall Chores, Stairwell

 Hello, Friends!
This wasn't a great week for me.  I had migraines on Sunday and Monday and then I had a bit of the flu bug on Wednesday through Friday.  But, the good thing about me is that I always seem to keep moving forward, with Jesus's help, and make small steps of progress with all my chores and bible studies.

Bible Studies:
On Monday night I had my Thrive Bible Study:
An Unexplainable Life:  Recover the Wonder and Devotion of the Early Church by Erica Wiggenhorn.

Wednesday morning I had my Bible Study Fellowship group.  Both Bible Studies are focused on Acts, but both have us refer to lots of other sections to reinforce what we are learning.  I am so thankful for the Thrive group of ladies as they are so open and friendly; which is exactly what I am needing as Dd has been growing more and more distant and disgruntled.  I am very much needing some kindness and thankful for strangers providing God's care to me, His child.

Home Improvement:
A) Stairwell:  My focus again this week is to get all the wallpaper off the stairwell going to the basement.  I've also begun to Spackle all the imperfections and sand smooth...and repeat until truly smooth.  This has been a big job!  I've had to be creative on how to reach the high spots and use a big toolbox that fits on the runners and gives me an extra 12 inches to reach.  

B)Gutters: Since we live in the woods I need to maintain our gutters by cleaning them out as often as possible.  This week I managed to get ALL of the gutters cleared on both buildings (home and outbuilding).  

C) Back Driveway: Each fall we have to buy crushed concrete to replace what the rain and snow erode away.  After we put down the first load of crushed concrete we asked about the crushed asphalt.  It seemed like it might work better than the concrete, so our last two loads were of it.  We filled all the ruts and hope our snowblower will appreciate our efforts. 

D) Decks: I've been trying to sweep off all the leaves and pine needles from all our decks so that it doesn't decompose and turn our decks green over the winter.

E) Mowing: I've mowed everywhere and used a mulch to cover plants and fill compost bins.  I really appreciate how my push mower's bag helps us give our plants winter protection.

Bunny, still has a cold and Chesapeake still seems a bit run down, but I've got all the chickens together.  Now that it is cold I am closing all the vents and the little room is warmer than the chicken tractor I have in the garage, so the sick chickens are probably better off with the other chickens than being separated.  I tried having Bunny in the tractor on Friday night, in the garage, and I regretted it as the garage was so cold.  I'm still getting the girls out to free range most days.  It is hard finding things to do outside to be their protector while they are out now that I don't have garden chores to do!  But, I always find something to do.  

Henry and Workouts:
I'm getting back into taking Henry on long walks in the woods once again.  Now that I don't have garden chores for hours each day I find I can fit more time in for him and return to a more consistent workout regime.

Remember for my birthday I received an electric chainsaw?  Well, I've been trying to use it and it wouldn't start for me.  I've recharged it and tried and tried.  Dh decided the battery must be off.  We had to go through 10 months of receipts to find the receipt before he could take it back to the store!!!  What a job!  The store tried to fix it but eventually decided that the battery was indeed wonky and replaced it for us.

I have shared a few times that this summer I have tried the new migraine medication, Emgality.  I admit I did have fewer migraines; which was nice!  I also had a slew of new problems as a result of this medication.  One of the worst side effects is that my ears hurt a LOT!  There is also hair loss, joint stiffness, intense constipation, heartburn, and chest pain.  I won't be taking these shots anymore and am looking forward to this medicine getting out of my system.  

It was another tough week for our family.  Now that Dd has her job, friends, and a boyfriend she doesn't spend time with us anymore.  When she is home, and talking with us, it is always a negative.  I don't want to share anything too personal here, but do want to share that I am keenly feeling an epic loss of a once close relationship with my daughter.  I always hoped by raising her, starting with an 'attachment parenting' philosophy in infancy and childhood and then homeschooling her throughout her education we might be immune to such strife, but alas, we still have to go through the awkward transition as she becomes an independent adult without much grace.  My heart has been through the wringer this week, at our family meeting, but my brain knows this is all very normal and on schedule for young adults that have to find their own path in life.  I just wish it didn't have to hurt me so much in the process.  The week ended with a family meeting on Saturday night.  My plan was to talk to her about being home more, but she somehow switched the topic to me nagging her too much.  It was a complete game changer for me, she lit into me and didn't stop.  I'm just not built to fight that kind of battle.  I don't even have words to explain how much her words crushed my heart.  It is really hard being the parent to a teen.  I'll never be the same.

I was a bit disappointed this week when I made a major dinner only to have Dd come in the kitchen to tell me she was go out to dinner with Seth!  I wish I could say I've seen Dd be more thoughtful or be doing her chores since seeing Seth this last month, but she does even less on her chores and continues to be less and less thoughtful.  I know this is normal, but it is hard to see your child walk away from how you try to guide them.  It is a very tough season.  I've planted the seeds and that is all I can do.  

Deer Hunting season is upon us and Dh has been building tree stand parts and ladders, and painting them camo, to take down with him to Indiana.  

He has had a blast buying wood, figuring out the dimensions, building and painting the parts he needs to fix up the tree stands he has down south.  He is hoping his new walls and ladders will fit once he gets them to Indiana. This has been his focus every day but Saturday, when he and I worked on the back driveway.

Dd's Academic Week:

Church: Dd says she is doing her solo Bible Study again
Sunday - church with me (10/20/19), then Sunday School at old church.
Saturday - church with Seth (10/26/19)

Grace Classes:
Anatomy & Physiology (Apologia)
Art: Painting Studio
History: The American Civil War
Writing/English: Analytical Writing for Essays and Research Paper

Tutor: Algebra II (Saxon)

Pizza Shop a few times a week.  She has been promoted to work on the ovens.

Dd is honestly not doing her chores much, if at all.

LOTR Sword:
Dd found a LOTR sword at the thrift store this week.  She was so very excited at her find!!!  Yay! for her!

Next Week:
I have an appointment with OAM to look into my carpal tunnel problems with my hands.


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