Sunday, September 8, 2019

Aug. 11-17, 2019 Hot, Migraines, Truck Repair, Unpacked Flooring

Aug. 11-17, 2019 
Hot, Migraines, Truck Repair, Unpacked Flooring

Hello Friends!

This was a hard week and I didn't get a lot done, but Dh worked hard fixing the truck (Dd helped him one night). 

I had migraines that kept me only doing my necessary chores--chickens, gardens, and doctor appointments. 

 A few highlights were that it was so very hot and muggy and untypical of this area of Michigan.  

The heat and humidity made life harder than normal!

Unpack Flooring:

The oak flooring is so beautiful!  So glad we chose this!

Last week Dh brought home our new oak flooring and this week I unloaded it all....all by myself!  I think it was around 35 boxes.  I had to stack each layer so air could get in and around each board.  It took days!

Moved to Basement:
Dh and I moved out of our bedroom to prepare for the upcoming renovation and also because it was just SO hot this week.  By the end of the week we turned on our air conditioning; something we try to avoid.

Dh spent the week working on his truck.  We had decided to trade it in and so, of course, it broke again.  It was something with the brake system.  After he thoroughly fixed two tires he found it was the third tire and he had to change out all sorts of parts---brake pads, brake lines, and two calipers before it was running smoothly again.  The worst part was that each time he fixed a whole section and it didn't fix the problem he would be SO disappointed.  Finally, on Saturday he replaced the last part and completed fixing the truck!  I can't imagine just how many hours he has spent working on that truck the past four years, or how much money we have spent on it.  Glad it's over.

After sweating all day on Monday, unloading some of the flooring boxes I had a migraine on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and a major one on Saturday.  Because of the heat and my migraines we turned on the air to make the days a little less difficult.

Dd to OAM:
We are continuing on our journey finding out what is wrong with Dd's back.  This week we went to a specialist and they prescribed her to get a MRI.

I've been trying to be more sociable and do more "me" things, you know, for "FUN."  This week our friendly librarian (a veteran homeschool mom), Lori, invited me to go for a hike with her at Fallsburg Park.  It was a really nice time and I am thankful for someone making an effort to be friendly to me!  I didn't feel great and could have easily canceled, but I don't want her to think I'm not appreciative of her thoughtfulness.

I blanched greens-- six-gallon bags stuffed like pillows with all the greens.  This year's garden has really been wonderful and so few bugs.  Last year I spent hours and hours picking off bugs from my kales; not this year!  Yay!  This week was a major Yellow Squash week!  

Dd's Activity For The Week:

Dd went back to our old church so she could go to Sunday School with her friends.  I went to Ada Bible by myself.  Dh still isn't over the hurt from our old church and deals with it differently than I do.  I feel so hurt I "need" to go to church!  I wish Dd was going with me to Ada, so she could make more friends...I'm praying.

Dd absolutely loves her job at the pizza shop.  She works as much as she can.  I wish she could get her chores done as well as go to her job though.  It's been a tough summer.

Dd continues to love taking pictures a few times each week.

Dd also draws and paints a lot in her sketchbooks.

Next Week:
Dd's MRI at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital


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