Monday, October 1, 2018

Garden Sept 22, 2018

Garden Sept 22, 2018 

The temperatures have really chilled off this week, not to mention the nearly constant rain.  We've harvested grapes, green beans, tomatoes, tomatillo's, and potatoes this week.

Dh made a vinegar/basil jar

One tomato paste jar busted in the canner, but the rest look good.  I stewed for 2 days to get the paste just right.

It took a LOT of work, but Dh made 2 1/2 pints of grape jelly from our wonderful grapes.  Words don't express just how amazing the jam turned out.  

We have two pints in our pantry, but the little jar didn't last the week!  Dh made some awesome GF biscuits and that was that!

The fanciest thing I've done this year---the Onion Bough.  I've spent hours on these onions this year; just for Dh, since I currently can't eat any onions, it was a true love effort.

Lots of green beans this year, as I planned!  I was hoping for a lot more though and thought I'd have many jars of canned green beans by now, but we are eating them daily and not getting any canned...yet.  We might not get any jars this year, but I am glad to see Dh and I eat a lot of green from our garden. 

Dd dug up a few potatoes to go along with her corn.

I am still getting Swiss Chard for my smoothies.

What kale and chard I don't eat I chop up small and feed it to the chickens---they LOVE it!

Dh made a wonderful salsa with some of the Tomatillo's this week.  They sure do take over the garden!!! Yikes!

Some of the Yukon Gold potatoes 

The asparagus has spread out again this year.  I hope we get as much to eat next spring as we did this year. 

The herbs are doing well.  Dh picked a lot of Basil to can this week.  I plan on doing another batch of Basil Butter very soon...before it is too late.  The nights are getting down in the 40's so I do need to hurry.


  1. Wow! That is a plentiful harvest!

  2. Thanks, I wish it was a bit more plentiful though! Unlike Indiana, Michigan's growing season is easily 6 weeks shorter and I really miss all the veg that ripened in late Sept/Oct. I have so many plants in their prime that are going to be frosted before they are done making veg. Because it takes until late May, early June for the threat of frost to decline I can't plant earlier. This year we started using the plastic "Hoop Houses" and I think that will help us get more of a full life out of our plants, instead of losing them in their prime like we are now. I've been busy picking all sorts of green tomatoes this week, hoping to ripen them inside.... thanks for stopping by Christie! Hugs to you!


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