Aug. 5-11, 2018
Henry's First Week
Hello Friends!
After a week with the "L" family, we had a bit of a slump. I also had a headache or a migraine every day this week; which made for a very difficult week. I just did NOT feel good this week; really tired and drained. I know part of it is missing the "L" family and also I think my hormones have gone on a little trip and are dragging me along!!! Luckily, Dd was doing okay and able to get some lessons worked on.
Van Broke Again
Dd had tried to move the truck before we left on our trip to Indiana and noticed a big puddle under the motor and the steering wheel was oddly stiff. Dd thought it just might be a hose loose and decided to let it sit in the drive while we were away and call the repair shop when we got back home. The mechanic came out to our house and towed it back to his shop only to find out it wasn't 'just a loose hose' but another part that was broken and needed to be replaced; i.e. lots of $$$. I just can't believe how much all these repairs are. I guess that was next years vacation too!
We adopted a rescue dog--an English Shepherd.
So far Henry has been very shy and timid. He is going to take some time to warm up to us but liked to snuggle from the first moment; so that is a great sign. I'm just waiting for him to wag and smile to know he is happy. He laid on the living room floor with Agnes (our cat) right beside him the first night. He shows no sign of wanting to harm any of the critters; which is exactly what I was looking for! Dd and Dh already adore him! yay!

Already I've found a bonus to Henry; walking in our woods. We live on 5 acres of woods and you'd be disappointed to hear how much time we've spent in the woods since we lost our last dog, Sophie. Henry needs lots and lots of walks, partly because he is only 8 months old and also because of his tramatic beginnings. He is a bit nervous, anxious, and insecure--all things that can be helped by long walks. I'm having new things to be thankful for---our new pup and going on lots of walks in the wooded canopy in our backyard.
We've been pulling out potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, kale, chard, tomatoes, green beans, basil...and eating! The garden is doing very well! We have been having a much less buggy year; compared to last year. The tomatillos are enormous and taking over that whole garden bed. I'm eating lots of blackberries, and the grapes are looking good--though still green. This week the green beans finally really came in and we have been able to start eating them in larger portions.
We've been pulling out potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, kale, chard, tomatoes, green beans, basil...and eating! The garden is doing very well! We have been having a much less buggy year; compared to last year. The tomatillos are enormous and taking over that whole garden bed. I'm eating lots of blackberries, and the grapes are looking good--though still green. This week the green beans finally really came in and we have been able to start eating them in larger portions.
On Saturday, our garden onions seemed about done (stems turning brown), so I've dug them all out and placed them on a wooden pallet to dry out--under a hoop house. Hopefully, they will store well so Dh can eat our onions for months to come. With my Fodmap diet, I can't eat them. I think I planted over 100 onions in the spring and Dh has been eating some the past few weeks, but we still have a good little bundle to store.

The chickens had a few days of revolt while Dd and I were in Indiana. Normally they lay around 16-17 eggs a day, but while we were away they had a few days where they didn't even lay 12! Dh did put in some grape vines a few times, but he had to work late every night we were gone so they were not getting the level of care they are so accustomed to having! They all survived last week and so this week I did try to get extra greens to them to help them get over their ill-treatment. Zeus is still doing fine, though the seizures continue. Ms. Lemon is still brooding...blah.
Each day, usually throughout the day, I bring arm loads or bucketfuls of greens (aka 'weeds') to our chickens to gobble up. It amazes me how excited and happy they are about that and also at how they like certain weeds better than others. I'm getting to be a pro at their preferences! We sell our eggs for $2.00 a dozen and that covers a little over half a bag of feed for the week, but in the summer months they don't eat as much feed as they do once the weather turns and the greens aren't an option anymore. Every little bit helps financially and it is WAY healthier for the girls to be eating green anyway!

Kent County Fair:
This week Dd and her church friend "H" went to the fair together and had a great time. They rode on some rides and came back to our house with slushies! Happiness is a blue tongue?!

Academic's this week:
Science: Apologia Biology:
3x this week
Home Economics:
Cherry Tarts from scratch, pitted cherries and everything! GF
We found a great rice cooker at a thrift store, so Dd has been cooking a lot of Jasmine Rice for us!
Physical Education:
Swimming: 2x this week
Walking Henry: 7x this week
FUN Reader:
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare: In Process
Next Week:
Trying to decide about music lessons in the fall????
Trying to decide about music lessons in the fall????
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