SL Core H Week 31
Oct. 22-28, 2017
First Frost of Fall
(58th Week, Part 2/2 World History)
Zeus, trying to tell me he is the boss. He has been aggressive again lately. |
Hello, Friends!
Winter is almost here and the garden has been hit hard. The weather reporter said we would only have low's in the 40's so I wasn't prepared for our First Frost on Wednesday night. I thought we had another week of good weather coming. I'm so thankful we picked all the green beans on Wednesday! But, there were quite a few casualties that I hadn't figured were going to be harmed; like the poor Basil which is totally black and dead now. I had been planning on putting our new leaves into some good butter to make the Basil Butter that Heather introduced me to in July, but I missed that one.
This week we had our first frost. |
Core H/Core 100: (Core 100 High School American History)
I've started looking ahead and trying to prepare for starting our next core as we are finishing up Core H. I've gone through the book-lists and am trying to finalize which books we will read, as I have two versions of Core 100 and have been saving Core 100 books since we started in 2008! I have quite a few books that were in Core 100 in the past but have been since removed. I might fit in some of those since there are a few books in these later Cores that we don't have. I don't think I am going to buy the few missing books we don't have; instead, we will fit in a personal choice or one of the high school books I read in high school that aren't on SL's lists.

Apologia Biology:
Rainbow Resource's box should be arriving tomorrow---we are going to try one of the "Instructional DVD's" that can be bought to go along with Biology. I think it said it has 20 hours of video and walks you through each module. It was almost $150.00 to purchase, but I am really hoping it will be worth it. I happened to find the biology dissecting materials and the lab (slides) materials used and saved a lot of money that way so I could sort of justify spending the extra money on the DVD set! I bought the textbook and student notebook second hand too, so I think it will all wash out in the end---as long as Dd really studies this book hard. I've also ordered the dissecting specimens; can't get those used!
The night before the frost I happened to pick our glad we did!! |
You can see how much the frost hurt our garden. |
There are still a few things out in the garden that need to come in asap. I have enough green beans and tiny potatoes to make one more canning run, hopefully with Dd helping out and learning a little about the process. I’ve been bringing in my frailer greens and plan on trying my hand at blanching and freezing greens next week. Dd helped me pick green beans this week and it was so nice to have a little help. I wish she was more interested in gardening but these past two years haven’t been her best gardening years. She used to take a much more active role in gardening with me, but not so much lately. She is keen to plant flowers; especially sunflowers.
Chickens & Ducks:
I've still been feeding the duckweed and now that the green beans are done I have been feeding the plants too. They seem to like eating the green bean leaves. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were total rain days, just with varying levels of intensity...such dreary, dreary, cold days. I plugged in the heat lamp in the chicken coop on Monday to help the cold and wet animals. Wednesday evening Dh turned on the heat in our house too.
The ducks have been attacking the chickens all week. I don't know what's going on with them. Perhaps they think they are being amorous? |
Dd and I both have been fighting a bug. My tonsils got swollen this week and I've been gargling salt water to help. We skipped Strings Group again this week. I hope we can both get back to feeling well soon.
The worms are winning. I've decided to stop picking the worms and just call it a year. |
Academic Progress this Week:
Dd worked Monday through Saturday this week, with our full schedule and not feeling great we had fallen a little behind and working a bit on Saturday helped a bit towards getting a little closer to meeting our goals. She still had a few things on her sheet to do during the week that she never did finish, unfortunately, that happens most weeks.

Dd worked Monday through Saturday this week, with our full schedule and not feeling great we had fallen a little behind and working a bit on Saturday helped a bit towards getting a little closer to meeting our goals. She still had a few things on her sheet to do during the week that she never did finish, unfortunately, that happens most weeks.
We are continuing on with reading the New Testament with the help of the Integrated Bible that tells us the order so I can read that with our Bible.
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares: Matt 13:24-27
A Lamp on a Stand: Mark 4:20-29 & Luke 8:15-18
The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast: Matt 13:28-35 & Mark 4:30-34
The Parable of the Weeds Explained: Matt 13:36-53
The Cost of Following Jesus & Jesus Calms the Storm: Matt 8:23-25 & Luke 8:22-24
Jesus Restores Two Demon-Possessed Men: Matt 8:26-9:18 & Mark 4:39-5:10 & Luke 8: 25-31
Jesus Raises a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman: Matt 9:18-26 & Mark 5:11-43 & Luke 8:32-56
Church, S.S., Youth Program, and volunteering 1:30 for Games at Olympians program

SL's Bible:
Daring to Live Life on the Edge: Ch 14

SL's Bible Reading Assignments for Dd:
Ephesians 1-5

Seterra online/free games: 15 min
BiblioPlan Advanced Maps: Map 8b of the US states (NE)
Saxon Geometry through Grace...still NOT going well. But, Dd is plugging along with very little teaching in class. L25-28 and class. Dh and Dd worked on math together on Saturday to try and work through some of the harder parts.

SOTW: Story of the World Vol 4 The Modern Age: (Audio while driving)
Ch 1: Britain's Empire, Ch. 2: West Against East, Ch 3: British Invasions, Ch 4: Resurrection and Rebellion, Ch 5: The American Civil War, Ch 6: Two Tries For Freedom, Ch 7: Two Empires, Three Republics, and One Kingdom, Ch 8: Becoming Modern, Ch 9: Two More Empires, Two Rebellions, Ch 10: A Canal to the East and a Very Dry Desert.
*We are supposed to be farther ahead in our SOTW, but I kept forgetting my disc's.

BiblioPlan Companion of Early Modern History
Ch 14: Japan, the Salem Witch Trials: In Process, we got through the Japan portion so far.

Reader 1:
The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley: COMPLETED

Reader 2:
It's A Jungle Out There by Ron Snell: In Process
Read Aloud:
I am David by Anne Holm: In Process
**God's Smuggler is supposed to be our RA, but we listened to in on audio earlier in the core.

Art Classes through Grace:
Painting Studio: 2:00 hours
Botany Art Class: 1:30 hours

At Home:
Art: Dd is working on an oil painting of Aslan, from Narnia.
Lots of Drawing this week, hours of it!

Dd enjoyed taking fall pictures this week.

Music Classes:
Violin lesson with Christie: 30 min
Intermediate Orchestra: 1:30 (violin)
Intermediate Band: 1:30 (alto sax)
Piano lesson with Wendy: 30 min

Music Practice:
Lots of violin and piano, less sax lately.

Home Economics:
Made chili for Youth Group

Dd has TWO books left to read for Core H: Breadwinner and Homeless Bird and she is halfway through Homeless Bird already. She is asking to have a week or two as a break from Sonlight between cores so she can focus on art. Her goal is to finish her two Readers this week. We can still keep reading our BP and SOTW. We are really behind in both of those, so I will have to figure on how to bridge the gap before we get to Core 100. We may do a few weeks restarting our IEW writing program and starting our Biology before we start up our Core 100 once we've established those other priorities.

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares: Matt 13:24-27
A Lamp on a Stand: Mark 4:20-29 & Luke 8:15-18
The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast: Matt 13:28-35 & Mark 4:30-34
The Parable of the Weeds Explained: Matt 13:36-53
The Cost of Following Jesus & Jesus Calms the Storm: Matt 8:23-25 & Luke 8:22-24
Jesus Restores Two Demon-Possessed Men: Matt 8:26-9:18 & Mark 4:39-5:10 & Luke 8: 25-31
Jesus Raises a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman: Matt 9:18-26 & Mark 5:11-43 & Luke 8:32-56
Church, S.S., Youth Program, and volunteering 1:30 for Games at Olympians program
SL's Bible:
Daring to Live Life on the Edge: Ch 14
SL's Bible Reading Assignments for Dd:
Ephesians 1-5
Seterra online/free games: 15 min
BiblioPlan Advanced Maps: Map 8b of the US states (NE)
Dd grilled for us this week |
Saxon Geometry through Grace...still NOT going well. But, Dd is plugging along with very little teaching in class. L25-28 and class. Dh and Dd worked on math together on Saturday to try and work through some of the harder parts.
SOTW: Story of the World Vol 4 The Modern Age: (Audio while driving)
Ch 1: Britain's Empire, Ch. 2: West Against East, Ch 3: British Invasions, Ch 4: Resurrection and Rebellion, Ch 5: The American Civil War, Ch 6: Two Tries For Freedom, Ch 7: Two Empires, Three Republics, and One Kingdom, Ch 8: Becoming Modern, Ch 9: Two More Empires, Two Rebellions, Ch 10: A Canal to the East and a Very Dry Desert.
*We are supposed to be farther ahead in our SOTW, but I kept forgetting my disc's.
BiblioPlan Companion of Early Modern History
Ch 14: Japan, the Salem Witch Trials: In Process, we got through the Japan portion so far.
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
It's A Jungle Out There by Ron Snell: In Process
Read Aloud:
I am David by Anne Holm: In Process
**God's Smuggler is supposed to be our RA, but we listened to in on audio earlier in the core.
Art Classes through Grace:
Painting Studio: 2:00 hours
Botany Art Class: 1:30 hours
At Home:
Art: Dd is working on an oil painting of Aslan, from Narnia.
Lots of Drawing this week, hours of it!
Dd enjoyed taking fall pictures this week.
Music Classes:
Violin lesson with Christie: 30 min
Intermediate Orchestra: 1:30 (violin)
Intermediate Band: 1:30 (alto sax)
Piano lesson with Wendy: 30 min
Music Practice:
Lots of violin and piano, less sax lately.
Home Economics:
Made chili for Youth Group
Dd has TWO books left to read for Core H: Breadwinner and Homeless Bird and she is halfway through Homeless Bird already. She is asking to have a week or two as a break from Sonlight between cores so she can focus on art. Her goal is to finish her two Readers this week. We can still keep reading our BP and SOTW. We are really behind in both of those, so I will have to figure on how to bridge the gap before we get to Core 100. We may do a few weeks restarting our IEW writing program and starting our Biology before we start up our Core 100 once we've established those other priorities.
Love all the pictures! (Michigan sure looks pretty in autumn too.)
ReplyDeleteHope you are over your sore throats soon!!!! What type of soup is in the photo , cheese??
The soup Dd made was a broccoli and cheese. She had a lot of fun making it!