SL Core H Week 27B
Sept. 24-30th, 2017
Driveway Repairs, Canning, Gardening, and Lessons
Hello Friends!
It was such a hot, hot week! Our area is in a drought so it seems extra hard that we had a few 94 degree days to dry things up even more! I've had to water my garden both in the morning and in the evening and it is still quite dry, so our potato plants have all died and I've been digging up the potatoes for eating and canning.
The weather and my hormones combined forces and I've had a rough go with my migraines; which always makes our academic progress decline. I honestly never did get her Lesson Page done for the week; the sheet that lists what she is supposed to accomplish for the week. I usually do that during the weekend or on Monday morning, but with my migraine the first part of the week I was behind the whole week! I spent the entire day of Monday in bed with one whopper of a migraine. I have to wonder what life would be like without migraines, but then I wouldn't be so very thankful to the Lord for the days that I am pain-free, so I guess that the hard days make the good days more appreciated.
Our Bantam hen, Miss Lemon (Poirot's landlady in the Agatha Christie series on Poirot...) |
94 Degree Heat:
The one bonus of all this heat is that I've been able to get so much laundry done---I use the clothes-line and with this heat, it all dries so fast!!!

Garden is still doing great, mostly because of all this very unusual weather that seems more like July than the end of Sept. in Michigan---which is usually a lot colder.

Garden is still doing great, mostly because of all this very unusual weather that seems more like July than the end of Sept. in Michigan---which is usually a lot colder.
While I was dealing with my migraines and headaches Dh started work on our crumbling driveway. By the end of the week, I was able to work with him in making some progress on it. It isn't "done" but it is good enough for one more winter. Hopefully, in the spring we can buy more filler/sealer and get the whole driveway covered.
The two new kittens are doing well, but still spending most of the time in our Sun Room, where Agnes can watch them without having access to them. She still hisses at them and is jealous, but her curiosity is getting bigger by the day.

With the drought, I am having harder and harder of a time finding greens to feed them. Luckily, I've been able to find bunches of grapevines that are still green and they are loving that!!! Pauline, one of my Buff Orpington hens has dropped 95% of her feathers and has spikes coming in with all her new feathers. She has been sleeping in a nest box - I'm not sure why exactly.

Grace Classes:
The two art classes are going well, but the math (Geometry) is totally NOT meeting our expectations. Dd and her two friends in the class are not understanding the class time and having to really struggle to get their homework done. I went in after her class and spoke to the teacher, but she didn't offer any hope. Her communication skills are very 'logical,' if you know what I mean!

I've been harvesting green beans, various tomatoes, peppers, green beans and potatoes this week. I'm getting SO much faster at canning now. I'm still separating out as many seeds as I can so we can grow our spring plants from this year's harvest...hopefully.

We are continuing to use my Integrated Bible to read through the New Testament in a chronological way. It is really interesting to compare each story in each of the Gospels.
God's Chosen Servant: Matt 12:15-21; 10:2-4, Acts 1:13
Crowds Follow Jesus: Mark 3:7-12
Jesus Appoints the Twelve: Mark 3: 13-19, Luke 6:17-19
The Twelve Apostles: Luke 6:12-16
Jesus Heals the Sick: Matt 4:23-25
Introductions to the Sermon On The Mount: Matt 5:1-12
Salt and Light Matt 5:13-16
The Fulfillment of the Law: Matt 5:17-20
Murder: Matt 5: 21-26
Adultery: Matt 5:27-30
Divorce: Matt 5:31-33, Oaths: Matt 5:33-37
Eye For Eye: Matt 5:38-42, Luke 6:29-30
Love Your Enemies: Matt 5:43-48
Giving to the Needy Matt 6:1-4
Prayer Matt 6:5-13, Luke 11:2-4,
Fasting Matt 6:14-18,
Treasures In Heaven 19-24,
Do Not Worry: Matt 6:25-34
Judging Others Matt 7:1-2 and Luke 6:37-40
Church, Sunday School, Wed Olympians, Thurs Strings Group, Youth Group
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
...almost done---such a good book that openly discussed living for God and struggles with the sins of the world. I never knew it had such a practical, Christian application.

BiblioPlan Commentary on Early Modern History:
Ch. 12: Freedom of Religion for the Middles Colonies, The Glorious Revolution: Completed
Ch. 12: Freedom of Religion for the Middles Colonies, The Glorious Revolution: Completed
Our Bantam rooster, Poirot! |
Reader 1:
Reader 2:
Number The Stars by Lois Lowry: In Process
Fun Reader:
Easy Grammar, Plus
Dd has been cutting out the fabric to go along with the fabric, but just now realized that "Misses" means smaller size than adult "woman's" size! She has been making a dress that won't fit her! Ouch.
at home: 4 hours
Painting Studio Class: 2 hours
Botany Art Class: 2 hours
Through Grace HS Academy: Saxon Geometry
Through Grace HS Academy: Saxon Geometry
class: 2 hours
Music Classes:
Strings Group at church: Guitar: 1:00 hour
Intermediate Band: 1:30 Alto Sax
Intermediate Orchestra: violin Chair Test Next Week!
Music Practice:
Alto Sax: 2:30
Violin: 2:30
Driver's Education:
Next week Dd starts "Segment Two" of her Driver's Training. She is driving a lot each week and doing really well with that.
I am so sorry about the migraines. :( I hope you are migraine free this week. 94 degrees is super hot for where you are in September!!! Hot for us too. Finally turned the air conditioning off on Sunday. It's so strange to need it this late. I am so impressed with all your canning -- amazing!!!! I bet you are getting quite the nice storage for winter!!!