FODMAP Diet for Digestion Issues
Add caption Back in September, after waiting six months to get into a gastroenterologist, the doctor gave me one sheet of paper on the FODMAP diet. I have to say this diet has greatly improved my digestion issues! It isn't perfect, but it has improved my quality of life greatly! I've ordered another book on FODMAP from our library that should come in this week. I read a lot online, but the book I posted at the top has been terrific. FODMAPs are a collection of short chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols found in foods naturally or as food additives. FODMAPsinclude fructose (when in excess of glucose), fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), lactose and polyols (eg. sorbitol and mannitol). You can Google "FODMAP diet" and get more info. Here are a few links: The gist of it is that certain foods ferment and become difficult for some people to digest, so those specific foods are to be avoided. This is similar to anti-inflammation diets and low acidity diets that I have researched in the past. There are a few foods that are especially difficult to give up: broccoli, Brussel sprouts, celery, dried fruits, apples, many varieties of beans....etc. But, once I figure out how to do a complete week or two of complete elimination of those foods then I can try bringing back some of those questionable foods one at a time as an experiment to see how those foods affect me. I did this "Elimination Diet" years back when I was testing my body for allergies. So, perhaps I won't have to give up all the foods that are on their list. I just thought I would share this random information b/c I've been really struggling with GERD, reflux, and "other" issues for years now and wish someone had introduced me to the FODMAP diet before!!! You'd have thought someone over all these years would have brought this diet up to me!! Gas, bloating, and digestion has improved SO much--not perfect, but greatly improved! |
Really interested to read how you get on with your elimination trial diet. (The list of can'ts seems very long :-( )
ReplyDeleteGood health is not something to take for granted, is it.
I'm so glad that dr handed you that sheet! And yes, why didn't someone hand you that sheet a long time ago? Strange how things like that go.....