SL Core H Week 24 "A"
Aug.13-19, 2017
Art Week! Lots of drawing and painting
Hello Friends!
Our first week without Sophie was very hard; and quiet. I'm sure you can relate to the daily reminders that pop up throughout the day that triggers your thoughts to your pet---the sound that you think is your dog scratching at the door to go in our out, the movement that catches your eye outside that you think might be your pet, the nightly 'last potty' before going to many countless things that we associate with our pets! It was a hard week, I say it again because I felt it throughout each day. How much love, affection, and smiles were absent from this week because Sophie wasn't with us. I sure do miss her and appreciate how much love she added to our lives the past 8-9 years. The most vocal mourner among us is Agnes, Dd's cat, who is very lonely without Sophie. She is walking around meowing (loudly) day and night. She has woken me up in the middle of the night with her sad calls for Sophie.
Friday Dd and I moved our lessons stuff from the dining room down to the recently completed Rec Room in the basement. Our piles of books, papers, art projects, and binders are all happily out of our main space! We worked hard and made a lot of progress into turning that space into a livable area. We *finally* put up the drafting table that Dd has been wanting to use for making "her" art! I won't tell her that I bought that for me, to make "my" art!! I still don't have any time for me, so I'm happy she is wanting to make her own work! Once the drafting table was up she was stuck to it like glue! She spent hours and hours on Friday and Saturday making new paintings! I hoped she would have worked with us outside, enjoying the lovely fall weather, but I'm sure making art is helping her deal with all her feelings.
Truthfully, I was not fully engaged in doing lessons this week. Not only was I not fully interested, I didn't have the heart to push Dd when I know how much she is suffering too. I decided to write up our goals for the week but not push Dd academically, but give her time and space to deal with her feelings. We did end up making a few steps of progress and she did most of the work I scheduled without me.

All of our fowl lived through another week, though Zeus, our rooster, came mighty close to being expelled. Tuesday when I went out in the morning to throw down chicken feed, Zeus attacked my leg and bit me...drew blood and everything. Wed and Thur he tried the same thing, but I was prepared and blocked him from hurting me. Friends, if he doesn't stop attacking me he will have to go. He already attacks Dh and Dd and I was the only person he held in high regard--which meant I was the one to do all the chicken wrangling! I just don't have it in my heart to be attacked in my own home. I'm trying to work with him and get him back to being respectful, but from what I've heard about roosters they usually get more aggressive as each year goes by. We will have to wait and see what happens next.

Our garden is doing very well. We had another massive attack from those tomato 'hook' caterpillars that just consume tomato plants in a few short days. I probably found 10 huge caterpillars, or more, this week and fed them to my chickens. BTW, chickens LOVE to eat them! Good thing! I'd been working hard to keep the Japanese Beetle numbers down, and this week was great, hardly any beetles around! We also *finally* got some rain, which was so needed!
By the end of the project Dd had three lines up, in this picture only one line was up. |
Dh and I finally got the new clothes poles and line up! We only have one line up, as our local hardware store only had one 50 foot section available. I'm SO happy to have another line to use as my primary one was placed where we built raised beds and it is hard-to-impossible to put clothes up due to our super tall tomato plants. It will be even better when I have the other two lines installed! Dh has been working on this project all summer, but other things kept getting in front of it.
The Monarch Butterfly chrysalis, from the caterpillar we got with our friends, the "L" family! |
I'm not sure if I mentioned Dh's car died--back when we were going to the little cabin near Traverse City about a month ago---well, it hasn't made it to the top of the 'to-do' list yet, so it is in the garage to be fixed. Then this week Dh's truck made a seriously bad sound and it will need to be checked over again. It had been out of commission most of the summer until Grampy came up and helped Dh fix something. Well, that truck has been nothing but trouble ever since we bought it. It has been broken more time than it has been running! Truly. I just hope it can get fixed before I run out of straw!
Les Miserables:
Since Dd has been on a summer fixation of Les Miserable and asked me to turn the book into our next Read Aloud, I decided to go with it. We started it this week. I always knew it was a movie that people told me not to watch because I cry at movies and this movie was so touching that I would be bawling! But, I went ahead and watched it and did bawl, but was so touched at the Christian points interwoven in the storyline! I'm glad that we are reading and discussing it together and that I can share in her interests. It is fun how she always tries to do the music to the movies (scores) that she likes. This summer she has been into the soundtrack of Les Miserables and La La Land and I can hear her playing that music.
Marching band is done for the year and we have another two weeks before band and orchestra classes start.
Our lessons this week:
We are using my new "Integrated Study Bible" to read the New Testament. I'm doing the actual reading out of my normal bible and adding in some of Max Lucado's, "Life Lessons" with the reading.
The Return to Nazareth (Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus) last week we read Matt 2:19-23, this week we read: Luke 2:39-40
The Boy Jesus at the Temple:
Luke 2:41-45 & Luke 2:46-52
John the Baptist Prepares the Way:
Matt 3:1-10 & Mark 1: 1-6 & Luke 3: 1-9
Matt 3:1-10 & Mark 1: 1-6 & Luke 3: 1-9
John the Baptist Denies Being the Messiah and Baptism of Jesus:
John 1:19-23 & Matt 3:11-17 & Mark 1: 7-11
The Baptism and Testing of Jesus:
Luke 3: 10-18, 21-23
The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus and John Testifies About Jesus:
John 1:24-34
Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness:
Matt 4:1-11 & Mark 1:12-13
Jesus Disciples Follow Jesus, Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael, and Jesus Changes Water into Wine:
John 1:35-2:12
It is very interesting to compare specific gospel events portrayed in each book, each author has a unique way of sharing each story.

Apologia Physical Science: Module 9: An Into to the Physics of Motion
In Process, week 1 of 2 completed
Khan Academy SAT Prep program:
3x this week: 1:20 hours
Foreign Language:
DuoLingo: German
Math: MUS: Geometry:
Lesson 16--really difficult lesson, questions were on the homework pages that hadn't been explained on our old version of the DVD. Not sure how we are going to figure it out--trying Khan Academy and YouTube for help.
Sonlight Reader:
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell: COMPLETED
This book has since been removed from the current SL Core H line-up, but I've seen it on so many lists for students to read I went ahead and included it in "our" Core H. She liked it and said it was a very easy and quick read. She easily completed it in one week.
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo: Ch's 1-6 completed
Dd read this a few months ago, then asked for us to read it together.
SL History:
Abraham Lincoln's World by G. Foster:
pg'a 252-278
This book (and George Washington's World) use to be in the older Core H lineup, they replaced these two books with Kingfisher Encyclopedia. Dd is very tired of Kingfisher and prefers the written history to the picture history format.

Lois Bergy Poetry Book
Word Roots (Latin):
Easy Grammar Plus:
Physical Education:
Dd did a 2 mile DVD workout with me this week
Fun Reading:
Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley: Completed
I bought another hummingbird feeder, plus the two that Giz got me, and the hummingbirds are very active here now! There is always three around. |
Dd bought a mirror for her bedroom, painted the yucky white a new shiny black paint and made paper flowers to decorate the left side -- turned out great! |
Painting and Drawing: BIG WEEK: 16 hours
I'm pretty happy with what she was able to complete during this hard week, hard emotionally that is. I think we are all trying to adapt to life without our Sophie.
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