Sunday, March 13, 2016

Learning about Sprouts, Kombucha, Keifir March 2016

Learning about Sprouts, Kombucha, and Kefir 
March 2016

Sprouts are VERY easy to digest, and full of protein/vitamins/minerals...power house to help heal and recover our bodies. All you need is a few Ball jars, screens, water, seeds, a bowl, and some towels.  I bought my seeds at a local health food store.  

We bought this screen from Lowe's, but we bought too tight of a weave; a "pollen" reducing kind that makes it too hard to get the water out.  I will try to buy a looser-weaved screen soon.

Red Clover, Alfalfa, and Broccoli seeds
Put one tablespoon of seeds in a jar, add water to cover seeds, and let soak over night--or about twelve hours--then drain completely

After draining the water out of the jars, then put your jars at an angle like this, in a bowl, cover with a towel and keep out the light.  Supposedly the light on the sprouts makes the sprouts taste more bitter.

Here my jars are, under the towels.  I water, rinse, and drain the sprouts two to four times per day while growing.

After 24 Hours, the sprouts look like this:

I will add a new picture soon, but the sprouts really took off and I'll be eating them soon!!  For more info, I went to YouTube and searched for video's on "Growing Sprouts" and found more video's full of information than I could watch!  Great resource.

Here is my update-- three days in jar:

Updated pictures below: We've been eating the sprouts and started making new jars.  This is a good thing, I don't have any problems with this--quick, easy, easy to digest, and nutritious. 

Another thing I am trying to help my digestion problems is Kombucha, but I can't drink too much of it b/c it does irritate my bladder, so I dilute it a lot and add it to my smoothies.

Can you believe my SCOBY has gotten this thick in just a few weeks!  I'm going to share a layer of it with a friend now that it is so big.  I'm sharing my Kombucha in the water bowls of the chickens and they seem to love it.

The SCOBY is weird looking!

New Batch

Milk Keifer: 
A friend gave me her old grains, but she didn't think they were still alive.  I went ahead and processed them, but am very doubtful of this batch.  Next week another friend said she has some very alive grains that she will share with me.  Here is this first practice batch:

Lugol's Iodine Solution 2%:

As you know, I am trying everything I can to help my body get over using digestion medications.  This is another suggestion I've been told about.  I get ovarian cysts that erupt/burst and are SO painful, my friend (Michele) swears by these drops and how they resolve that problem---why not try it?  I could go for less pain in my life!  I researched this and found a lot of great reasons why I should be taking this---give it a look.

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