Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sonlight Core G Week 14 "D" Early Middle Ages Oct. 12-17, 2015

Sonlight Core G  
Week 14 "D" 
Early Middle Ages 
Oct. 12-17, 2015
52nd week on this core!

Dd's birthday card for her Pappa!  She did a great job!

The inside of the card I made him!

After spending the weekend in Indiana, and having to say goodbye to our home---it was sad leaving.  Then when we got back 'home' in Michigan our kitty, Smedley, was clearly NOT doing well.  That theme--Smedley not doing well--was prevalent throughout the week.  I can't tell you how many times I cried over my kitty not doing well, and knowing that these are his last days.  But, there was definitely a huge CLOUD over our week, at least for me.  Dh and Dd are not so attached to Smedley, and he is totally a "mommy's boy." 

Monday was a bit crazy--we had to get the pool totally cleaned and partly emptied for the pool guys that were coming on Tuesday to "close our pool for the winter".  Well, Dd and I spent 4-5 hours working on it.  Then in the evening when Dh got home we pulled out the winter cover, and along with the cover there were 5-8 mice...really fat mice!  Oh my!  They gave me the shivers!  These mice had made a nest in this cover and chewed a few holes in it.  Besides the holes, the cover was so thin you could practically see through it.  On Tuesday, I woke up and cleaned out the leaves again (they must have fell all night).  Then when the guys arrived they quickly said this cover would't do---that we needed to buy a new one.  So, they took our old one to use as a guide for the new one and left.  Dh went by Lowe's and bought a 30' x 50' tarp to cover the pool while we wait the weeks it is going to take to get the new cover.  I won't even begin to tell you how much a new winter cover costs...whatever you guess is definitely not enough!  At least with the tarp on I won't have to spend more time fishing out the leaves anymore!  I feel like that is what I did all day Monday and Tuesday morning.
We spent hours on Monday and Tuesday before we got it covered up until the new cover comes in.

Dd and I took turns cleaning the leaves out

Here is our temporary cover until the new one can be put on by the guys at the pool store.

One good thing happened this week---while Dd was doing her Band (alto sax) class, I went to the store in the Homeschool Building and looked through the section of used materials (actually I looked at everything).  I found....wait for it...a big Sonlight blue binder with a 2010 Core 100 for $25.00!  What a huge, huge, huge blessing!!!  I love how SL use to have all the notes for each book all together back in 2010 and before!  I have not liked the way they divvy up the book notes/questions/vocabulary.  I really want to find an old Core H to buy---and soon.  But, I am so very appreciative of the Core H I found this week!  I also found two books for the core we are doing now---that I had wanted to buy, but had been pinching penny's and didn't buy them new, and now found them used:
The Man Who Laid the Egg
The Man Who Laid the Egg
 The Man Who Laid the Egg
Ink on His Fingers
Ink on His Fingers
Ink of His Fingers.

Another other thing to note of from this week--the co-op we are in, has a rule that everyone has to hold two events each year.  My event was scheduled for Friday Oct. 16th.  It is a special thing the Lowell Historical Society does each year at Heidi's Farmstand.  They have 6 stations with various things to learn about Michigan life at each of these stations.  Well, I sent out emails about this event, and we mentioned it each Thursday morning at the co-op's morning meeting.  But, I only had TWO families sign up.  Then on the very morning of the event, one family called and had to cancel.  The second family never showed up?!  So, while all the other groups had about 30 kids in each group, we were a group of two!  Just Dd and me!  I had on two long-johns under my jeans, and 4 long johns under my wool sweater, and ski hat!  And I still lost feeling in some of my toes and was so cold by the end, it wasn't funny.  Being outside in 40 degrees from 9 am to 2 pm...brrr!  But, Dd reminded me that I had to do two events, and now one of my events is done--completed!  And we could ask lots of questions at each station since we were so small of a group.  I tried to put a good spin on a weird situation.  I had to miss my CLOSING for the house due to this responsibility, it was Murphy's Law that the date I picked to do this event landed on the day the bank/title company scheduled our closing.  If this had been my Indiana homeschool groups, they would definitely had canceled the event due to lack of response, and I would have still got credit for organizing and offering an event.  All in all, even though it didn't work out the way I thought it would--it was still a really great event and I'm so glad we went!!!

Friday, Dh came home early so we could take Sophie and Smedley to the vet.  Sophie was so happy for the attention...until she got tired out, and laid down on their floor and started falling asleep.  She did great!  But, Smedley----not so good.  They took him in the back (without me, his comforter) and I guess it didn't go well.  They brought him back quickly saying his was fighting them on the blood withdrawal and that he didn't have enough energy to fight and they were worried that he might die.  He was a limp cat for the next 5 hours.  I syringed food to him before going to bed.  On Saturday the vet called and said it would cost over a thousand dollars to just do more tests...but, basically he has diabetes and is dying...and I need to figure out what to do soon...and crying, just isn't solving any of the problems.  I am so glad that Dh came with me to the vet, it helped me so much to not have to go alone (with Dd, but she doesn't count in these situations).

Here is our section of plants/flowers from Indiana that we brought up...there is a spot on the fence for a big blackberry bush, and another spot where our grape vine has been transplanted, but I didn't get a photo of those...Oh, and Dh also planted one of our Peony plants up front too.

Dh had a birthday this week!  Dd made him a chocolate cake, and super good icing---she just has the touch with baking---so good!!!  Then she made his favorite--Lemon Squares!  On Saturday, she used the new apples we bought at Heidi's Farmstand and made an apple pie--all from scratch--every thing she made this week!

Friday, Gwen, our realtor, called to let us know the house officially sold---and the paperwork should get to us next week.  It seems really hard to believe.

Our lessons:

another week working on completing Nehemiah.  We read Neh. 6,7, and 8 with our Bible and Believer's Bible Commentary

The Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament:
Lesson 178: The Reading of the Law

Dd finished the Max Lucado: Every Day Deserves a Chance, and liked it very much!

History Reader:
The Shining Branch by Rosemary Sutcliff
She read it through, and then asked to re-read it again.

Sonlight Read Aloud: (we did it on audio):Completed
A Single Shard
A Single Shard
The Single Shard

The Single Shard was fantastic!  This was such a treat!  I really liked it a lot!  Very recommendable! 

John Tiner's: History of Medicine:
This is the second time through this book, but it has been almost 2 years, and I think she could learn some more from this material.

Seven Family 2x each day
Math U See: Algebra I
3 A, B, C, 1/2 D

Khan Academy:
Abstraction, Meet the Heart

Current Events:
CNN Student News:

U.S. States 4x

Language Arts:

IEW's Fix-It: Sir Gwaiin and the Green Knight
Week 6: completed

All About Spelling 7:
Step 7: passed

Busy Hands:

*Finished the Swing she made and hung it in barn
All by herself--she showed us after it was all done

*a "LEGO" carved pumpkin
*Making fort out of wood paneling

*Decorating for Halloween

*Chocolate Cake and Icing

*Building a fort

*Lemon Squares

*Apple Pie and she also did the crust herself

Fun Reading:

Little Blog on the Prairie Paperback – May 24, 2011

Little Blog on the Prairie

Product Details

The Marvels

Sep 15, 2015
The Marvels by Brian Selznick: Completed


Product Details

Red Queen

Feb 10, 2015
Playaway: The Red Queen

House Progress:

Dh got some dry wall put up and got the seams meshed together:

Dh got to mow for the first time in Michigan:

I've been enjoying a few more walks around our trails:



  1. Tracy, firstly I have to say how sorry I am to read about your Smedley :(
    (I'm not a cat person but have 3 who really are!! And can sympathise with what you must be going through.)
    I grieve over our critters when they get sick to ailing too. Thinking of you with care and love.
    I noted the blessings (Sonlight pre-2012 finds) that came your way too. So good.
    Love looking at all the pictures and projects ... & Happy Belated Birthday to your Dh.

  2. Chelle,
    Thank you so much for the kindness about my losing my dear friend. His presence is SO missed here.

    I am still so happy I found the SL IG!

    I try to keep you in mind when I post things---as I use your blog so often myself! So much to share!

    Love and Hugs to you!


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