Saturday, October 24, 2015

Making Butter in Your Kitchen--Oct. 2015

Making Butter in Your Kitchen--Oct. 2015

Heavy Whipping Cream--it cost about $4.50

Last Friday, Oct. 16th, we had some homemade butter at Heidi's Farmstand, and it was SO good we asked "Luanne" how she made it.  It sounded so easy, and tasted so delicious, we decided to give it a try.  We picked up a container of Heavy Whipping Cream and brought it home:

We poured it in our Kitchen Aid mixer and stuck it on 'high,' and kept an eye on it and checking it.  The fluid got foamy and big for a long time, then it got chunks in it, then the chunks got bigger.  The chunks were yellow, whereas the fluid was white.  After a few minutes of big chunks, we stopped and drained out the white/watery fluid--see below what that fluid looked like:

Here is what the fluid looked like--there was a lot of this fluid left over after the big yellow chunks formed.  We didn't know how else we could use this fluid, so poured it off.

Then we put the big chunks in a container and Dd scrapped it back and forth; trying to get any more liquid out of the butter.

You can see Dd scrapping the butter back and forth

We bought a few loafs of pumpernickel bread from Heidi's and enjoyed our fresh, homemade butter!  We got a LOT of butter from that one bottle of whipping cream!

This was super easy, fun, and we are enjoying it on everything!  



  1. Oh that sounds SO good!!!! I should have the kids try that sometime!

  2. The best part was that I didn't have to do anything, but wanted to take photo's to share here----that is some seriously good butter!


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