Thursday, January 22, 2015

Busy Hands Jan 12-18, 2015

Busy Hands Jan 12-18, 2015

Not feeling well when I put together last weeks entry, I didn't put in the "Busy Hands" portion until days later.  I have since corrected that post to include the Busy Hands, but thought I'd post this separately.  I'm never sure how to do this blog--I have more than one goal!  One part of me wants to give other homeschoolers some book reviews and suggestions for add-in's to their Sonlight cores, and the other part of me wants to share what fun things we are making as we go along.  I don't know if the core material/book material should be listed separately from the Busy Hands?!

This scarf/cowl/infinity scarf that I made for Dd was completed a few weeks ago, but I don't think I had posted it yet so I fit it in here.

I've mailed Aunt Ruth her birthday bird!  I was tardy, but good intentioned!

Dd has since un-raveled this

Dd made ME this hat!!!  I LOVE it!

I sewed the ridge around my forehead tighter so it would stay on better and not be loose...worked so well!

I am making this knitted scarf to match with the hat she made me.

Dd made a sheath for her new swords--the other sheath isn't decorated yet, just the case made.

Dd wanted two T-shirts for Christmas; one purple shirt with "Camp Jupiter" on it, and an orange one that said "Camp Half-Blood"...well, she didn't get those new fancy shirts, so she made her own with old T-shirts she already owned.  We just had to buy the fabric paint.

She bought "Glow-In-The-Dark" paint and painted that on top of the fabric paint so the image would glow!  She made her own stencils on card stock to do each shirt.


Scarf that she is working on..or a "muffler?"

She made a stuffed animal out of duct tape--she finished this two weeks ago.

Dh- hubby was so impressed with the hat Dd made me, he asked for one to be made for HIM!

This is the camo poncho Dd is making for herself

This is a necklace she made

This is the pencil box she covered with duct tape, and then wrote over the WHOLE thing with her favorite quotes from books she loves.


1 comment:

  1. Craft activity posts are good too! Seeing all the hands on things your and your Dd are doing is inspiring!
    I have such good intentions to reply to your email but must focus on getting us sorted to start scheduled learning on Monday.. so decided I drop a comment here in the interim :)
    Praying for you!!! Hoping you are out of migraine mood?
    much love, and a hot cuppa.


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