Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pictures from July 22-25th, 2014 - the downtown public library too

Pictures from July 22-25th, 2014

This is an odd mix of some pictures I had been wanting to post.  Some are the busy hands projects Dd has been working on, nature shots, and more detail on our new library.

Busy Hands:

Our dear friend, David, had a birthday on the 24th (I think).  Dd found this picture on the internet, printed it out, glued it onto card-stock, and then decorated the frame around it for his special card. 

These are the Granny Squares she has started---she is teaching me how to make my own Granny Squares too!

This is the clay slab she made and then drew into--a red poppy, it's leaves, and the sun shining.

Dd made this over a month ago...but, I don't think I posted a picture of it.  It is something to do with Percy Jackson's sword, I think.  She did it all---it was a plastic stick that she cut down to turn into this sword.

I found this photo on my friends blog---I had not brought my camera---showing the gluten free cake Dd and her good friend had made together.  They had the best time making this cake!  You can see it in their faces!

Interesting finds found around our apartment--nature...:

I don't know what these bugs are...but the management dumped a bag of sand on the last plant that had these red bugs on them....This plant, and it's insects apparently haven't been spotted yet!
We have two rabbits living about 50-75 yards away from our apartment.
This is the very cool thistle I posted 2 weeks ago...now it has bloomed

Baby Barn Swallows-- I think four in the metal crossbars in a parking garage.

Our new library downtown:
I am slowly taking pictures of the library and putting them up here.  I feel a little uncomfortable taking pictures in the library, so I only take a few each visit!

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