Friday, April 11, 2014

Birthday Party 2014

Birthday Party 2014

The party went really well!  I am glad!  What a relief!  Dd said "That was my best party ever!" or 'her favorite birthday party ever'---something along those lines!!!!  If that tells you anything!  We had Lasagna (Gluten Free) and Stuffed Shells, veggie platter, peanuts, cashews, Pirates Booty, Gluten Free chips & cheese, Crackers & Cheese, dried apricots & dried cherries, "punch", and Gluten Free chocolate cake.

We played Pin the Eye on the Cyclops, Hacky-Sack with blue balloons, had a cool painting craft--where we painted cardboard cut outs.  The day before, I'd cut out cardboard in the shape of bird houses, and then I'd gesso'd the cardboard (painted the cardboard with a white paint so their colored paint), then gave each child a palette of paints to paint 1 or 2 of the birdhouses, Capture the Greek God's Flag (Capture the Flag, but with flags that Dd made representing 13 different Gods & Goddess of Greek times), Archery (this was a repeat event), opening presents given to Dd, opening presents given to guests, a big Scavenger hunt where the items were either plus OR minus points (one child earned 32 points, while another got -15 points!!!), basketball in the driveway, play the piano & keyboard taking turns, and play with Lego's time...a great time was had by all!

Gifts the "L" family made for Dd:

"L" made this wonderful card!

"J" made the drawing, and framed it, and then also gave this cross-stitched sword!

"A" made a tin full of chocolate--it tasted like chocolate fudge.  The chocolate was cut into animal shapes---so YUMMY!
"R" made this--the inside has crochet needles inside-(see pix below)-way awesome!

"D" made the bracelet

Cake Time!

They drew on the paper by the end of the party--thanks Michelle for the idea!

Son of Poseidon's cake--a Percy Jackson cake!

The Craft project:

I got this idea from Pinterest - cut out cardboard in the shape of birdhouses, then have each child paint however they want to--

"A" made this one with a bird on top---- I just love it!

Pin the Eye on the Cyclops!

The gifts Dd made for the "L" family that came to the party, plus a little extra bag full of goodies that were not made by her.

Dd's crocheted these.

For "J", "L", and "D"

For "J", "L", and "D"

For "A"

For "R"
We gave out gift bags to our friends for coming---things that we thought they would especially like.

My friend gave me some tea!!!   
What a wonderful surprise!



  1. What a truly amazing party! The gifts from the L family are so thoughtful!!! I can tell that each child really took time and thought through what to make for your dd and took the time to make it well What a blessing! And the gifts from your dd to the L children!!! How delightful!!! <3

  2. My favorite was the Cyclops poster you made!!! Well, maybe first the crocheted snakes, then Cyclops. :) And the stuffed shells were SO good! And so was the cake!!!!!


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