Sunday, December 29, 2013

Core F Week 10 "A" Dec. 16-20th, 2013

Core F 
Week 10 "A"
Dec. 16-20th, 2013

We have had a lot of snow!  Dd invited me out for a fun walk in what she calls "WINTERVILLE" and I piled on my Carhartt gear and off we went--with our dog, Sophie too!  We had a blast!!  Snowball fights and rolling around in the snow and getting snow in my ears, throat, and down my shirt!  I lost my walking stick to the dog--who ended up eating it up!  We ALL had a great time!  I'm looking forward to more snow!

We have been playing a month long game of LOTR RISK.  It has been a lot of fun! 

This is my black cricket!  He only lived a little past this picture.

Books & Things from this week:
We read Christmas picture books---that was fun!


Henry Reed, Inc. (Puffin books) by Keith Robertson

Henry Reed, Inc. by Keith Robertson

Read Aloud 1:

Tabitha's Travels: A Family Story for Advent by Arnold Ytreeide

Tabitha's Travels each night before bed; as a family--this is an "Advent book".

Read Aloud 2:

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

 Pilgrim's Progress-this is in the original version.

Audio 1:

The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus, Book 2) by Rick Riordan

Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan (Completed)

Audio 2:

The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus, Book 3) by Rick Riordan

Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan (in Process for Dd)

Origami-various books; and she made lots of different things.

Dd made Sugar Cookies by herself; then made Sugar Cookies and Gingerbread cookies with Pappa on a different day.

Luke 1 & 2
Believer's Bible Commentary Luke 1 & 2


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