Core F
*Studying Japan!*
*Studying Japan!*
Week 9
Dec 2-9, 2013
In Process
We found a new source for science fun; we have only tried a few video's so far, but they were good. Go to and type in: "It's okay to be smart" and you will see some video's made by a real scientist...kind of like Khan Academy. It's done by PBS digital studios.
I'm not sure how/where this man stands--I don't know where he stands as far as Christianity, Darwinism/young earth/etc.etc.--and all the things we stand for and against--just some cool science things; so pick and choose what interests you. I saw a video was offered on evolution; but I haven't watched it--he is probably mainstream evolutionary type of scientist; but those aren't the video's we are looking for--there are a lot of other interesting science video's that are there that we have been watching this week. Anyway, I just found it--and thought I'd share the new thing, in case anyone else wanted to look into too. Maybe I should look into before bringing it up here????!!!
This week we watched:
1) The Unfixed Brain---super cool, it was a doctor showing us a brain that was just removed from a person; that hadn't been put in any chemicals yet. Usually when you see a brain it has been in chemicals so it will last for years; which make it hard; sort of like the difference between a raw egg and a hard boiled egg--but not THAT drastic--but close. This video really stuck with me. She showed all the parts of the brain, and have a great demonstration.
2)Why is the sky any color--this was an 'okay' video; but didn't explain it to me completely.
3)The Auroras (Boralias--the Northern Lights)
4)Why do things sound scary
This kit was bought by Giz at a yard sale (it was just a bin of LEGO pieces and ONE book, she had to look up the instructions online to put it together), and it had most of the pieces, but not all--you can see the two small ships are yellow, green, and red pieces b/c Dd had to make those ships out of our own pieces. I was surprised at how much of the ship was actually there; usually when you get a kit at a yard sale they are missing more than the accessories. Giz thought it was complete; and thought all the instructions were there--but I guess the woman selling it wasn't up for telling her it wasn't complete! It was still a great buy and it made it more of a challenge this way!!
Dd made a fight scene for the picture taking!!! The day before she had all her LOTR (Lord of the Rings) characters all set up with guns and standing on, in, and around the ship and it looked really cool---but, we didn't think to get any pictures of that set-up--but it was a really fun scenario!
Our week-- we didn't have any activities this week; which is probably a good thing. It seems that whenever we travel too much and get off our routine we have such difficulties (understatement). So, I was thankful for a quiet week to work on our lessons and on us. You know, I spent the week trying to get our work done...and Dd was spending her time trying NOT to get her work done. She kept wanting to hug, and cuddle and I was trying to be productive. It took me the whole week to realize she probably needed some cuddle time; where we just snuggle up and read "fun" books. She is changing into a 'young woman' and I remember how emotional I felt at her stage---of course I was a lot older when I was emotional; but I still wasn't prepared for all the feelings I was going through. I just had a big epiphany at the end of the week that I probably had not been doing a great job of helping her during her transition time and she was really asking for it--and I still wasn't meeting her needs. So, I am going to try harder. I've gone through all my bookshelves and started pulling out all my Christmas books to read to her; in snuggle fashion, the next few weeks---and hopefully I can fill her void. I'm just glad it didn't take me too long to realize why she was having such a bad attitude! But, so sorry that I need to be reminded to not push. Every year we read our same set of books, and I think I enjoy it as much as she does---I hope we can keep this tradition up for a long, long time!
Now that the weather (and roads) has turned so AWFUL; I am beginning to think I should have gone shopping while the roads were drivable!!!
Dd did manage to get outside to play hours in the snow! That is a bonus!
Here is the wrap up for our week; we did our normal Core F items; but here is our extra's that we added in--
Our lessons:

We are still working on the same lesson from last week (Card 19- Plagues of Egypt) and still haven't made our way through all of it. We are to read Exodus 3-12 for this card; which seems like a simple reading; but when you have to read it and answer questions for the Veritas Press (VP) worksheets, then the Greenleaf questions a different day--you end up re-reading the material atleast twice; which I guess is a good thing. Then we read the Believer's Bible Commentary for each section, and the Journey Through the Bible pages as well. We worked really hard this week on bible; but this is a lot of material to process which meant a lot of re-reading. This week we went through Exodus 5-9
Believer's Bible Commentary Exodus 5-9
Journey Through the Bible pg's: 56-61
Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament-Lesson 37-42 (lots of pages of this for one week!)
VP Worksheet pages--in student workbook
Believer's Bible Commentary [BELIEVERS BIBLE COMMENTARY -SS] [Hardcover] by W.(Author) ; MacDonald, William(Author)
Believer's Bible Commentary
The Greenleaf Guide To Old Testament History by Rob G. Shearer and Cyndy A. Shearer
Greenleaf Old Testament
Veritas Press Worksheets completed
Language Arts:
First Language Lessons: 4: Finished Book!!!!!
End Unit:Contractions, Writing Letters: Lesson 1,2,3,4, wrote Thank You letter to Giz
All About Spelling 5:
Step 20 passed
Step 21 passed plus reviews back to step 12
Painless Grammar: Adj. and Adverbs Pointers
Fix-It: Tom Sawyer: Week 25: Completed
Math U See: Zeta: 10 A, B, C, D, E
Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day (Young Explorer Series) (Young Explorer... by Jeannie Fulbright
Apologia:Zoology 2 : Swimming Creatures of the Earth:Lesson 2: Whales: pg. 17-24
We did a good job on Dd's notebook--did drawings of the anatomy of whales, etc.
Dd made a pine cone, peanut butter, bird seed thing-y for the birds from her Zoology 1 kit
The Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope: Internet-Linked by Kirsteen Rogers, Paul Dowswell and Laura Fearn
We are working on our Core E Sonlight Science pages too---this week we started the worksheets that went with The Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope.
The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth and Lynd Ward
Reader 1: The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth: Completed
Reader 2: Lamplighter book: The Giant Killer by A.L.O.E.: in process
Lamplighter description: The battle continues to rage, day by day and moment by moment. But must we meet the enemy blindfolded? In order to subdue, we must see the real foe; in order to conquer, we must face the true enemy. Through this allegorical tale, we will be better . . .
Amazon review: The Giant Killer takes the reader back to a time before auto-mobiles.
It is a time of horse drawn carriages and Church every Sunday. The
story is about a family which must adjust to the new arival of two
spoilt boys, who arrive at the outset of the tale. The mother of the
house reads to the children the tale of "The Giant Killer" over a couple
of weeks. In-between readings the children are inspired to inspect
their responsiblities to family, community and God; and how to get along
with each other. This is a great book to start introducing children to
Biblical values and wisdom.
Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun by Rhoda Blumberg
Read Aloud 1: Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun by Rhonda Blumberg: in process
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (Puffin Modern Classics) by Eleanor Coerr
Read Aloud 2: Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr: Completed
Curious, competent, and courageous Tabitha is the daughter of a shepherd
who is taking his family on caravan to his birthplace. Along the way,
she meets and becomes friends with Jotham and Bartholomew, watches as
Romans take her father prisoner, spends time with Zechariah and
Elizabeth, helps Mary and Joseph just before Christ’s birth, and ends
her travels at the stable in Bethlehem.
Read Aloud 3: Tabitha's Travels by Arnold Ytreeide : in process
Read Aloud 3: Tabitha's Travels by Arnold Ytreeide : in process
Read Aloud 4: The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan-Penguin Classics: in process
1) Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan: in process
2) Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling: in process
Lego Week!!! Dd had a great week of playing lots of Lego, Lego, Lego! K'nex, and sewing--fun sewing!
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