July 15-19, 2013
SL- Core E-
Week 31
This week was our church's VBS! And unlike last year; Dd did NOT get pneumonia! We didn't have to take her to the hospital for an extended stay!!! This year was MUCH better for us!!! I had my classroom downstairs, and could go in to the church early and set up ahead of time which was so much better than last year---SO MUCH better!!!
Our church's theme was Kingdom Rocks and the setting was a medieval castle. You saw the posters we painted for my room. We arrived at 4-4:30pm and arrived home at 9:20-9:30pm each evening, Monday through Friday.
Then on Saturday we had our July "Christmas in July" party in southern Indiana. We were glad to go down b/c Giz had been having a horrible week and needed her garden veggie's picked and we were glad to do it for her. The Christmas party was a small turn out; which made Dh and I very happy b/c that made for great conversation. The party was at one of my favorite parks--which was great!!!! I love going there! Dd got to play with her cousins---they played "Spoons" and other card games. I saw MANY Tiger Swallowtail butterflies that seemed to love goose poop---go figure.
Dd, Dh and I helped Giz & Grampy out in their huge garden. We picked this and that---okra, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers, banana peppers....
While at Giz's house, Dd had a good piano lesson! They enjoy their lessons together!
Dh and Dd got to go swimming twice (or 3 times) together. I stayed in the garden picking or talking with Giz so they could have time alone--just the two of them--having a blast!
Dd finally decided what to do with her Christmas and Birthday money that she had been saving---and boy was she one super, super, super, super HAPPY kid with this present. We have only bought Lego's at yard sales before, and she bought a brand new kit from Amazon.com!!!! She put the whole thing together all by herself!!! This was really Christmas in July for her! She decided to get this instead of her other option; which was a new bicycle- since she is outgrowing her old one. But, she figures she can still manage a few more months on her old (small) one. Here is the kit she bought:
LEGO The Lord of the Rings 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep by LEGO Lord of the Rings
Well, you get the idea of all the fun we had---but now for our lessons:
Apologia: Who Is My Neighbor? pg. 182--203
Monday--We studied the David from the bible.
Tuesday-We studied Queen Esther story.
Wednesday- The story of Nehemiah
Thursday- Jesus and the story of Gethsemane- Mount of Olives--Book of Luke
Friday-Story of Josiah, Book of 2 Kings
Language Arts:
Explode the Code 7--pg 1-16
Poster making for VBS
The Seventeenth Swap
Seventeenth Swap by Eloise McGraw
Math U See, Worksheet generator for Epsilon, lessons 22 & 23
daily M-F
Family RA:
The Freedom Tree by Rebecca Caudill
Fun Book:
Graphic Novel: Wrinkle In Time
Dd did a LOT of reading this week---but I really don't know what all she was reading! I know she read a lot; but I was too busy to write it down.
Do Hard Things by Harris--disc 4 & 5 COMPLETED! Great Audio! We highly recommend!!
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis--discs 3-5--COMPLETED! (We have listened to this repeatedly before.)
Kindle: Dd had this 'Flags of the World' game that she loves and has been playing with Dh at night on my Kindle---and advancing through the levels.
Teen Program with R.L. to see The Pirates of the Caribean movie with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom...the girls had a great time at the program.
This week, since I was spending hours each day painting on the posters--guess who had to step up and do a LOT more chores than normal??? Yup, Dd!! She cooked more dishes than normal and did so much of the hanging up and taking down of the laundry on our lines. She really did a great job of helping out this week with extra chores!!!!
The "bummer of the week":
Dd got stung by a bee while watering Giz's flowers on Sunday--her foot was so swollen for over a week!! Poor kid! There is a big line across her foot from the sting.
Dd took some pictures from our garden and some pictures of the Black Swallowtail we released this week:

The "bummer of the week":
Dd got stung by a bee while watering Giz's flowers on Sunday--her foot was so swollen for over a week!! Poor kid! There is a big line across her foot from the sting.
Dd took some pictures from our garden and some pictures of the Black Swallowtail we released this week:
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