Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Garden Pix June 15, 2013

Garden Pix (and some birds joined in too)  June 15-ish, 2013

We have already worked in the garden and built new things up in there since Saturday--so things have changed already!  I'll post those pictures later.  But, here is what the garden looked like on Saturday.  Saturday I took many of the sunflowers out of our garden and planted them in our backyard.  I planted them in groupings, set up against the fence, so they could lean up against the fence for support (with the help of some twine if needed).  I love growing the sunflowers and watching the finches eat the seeds.  Things are coming along, and I am enjoying my backyard the most out of all the years I've lived here.  Our backyard finally has enough trees, bushes, plants, flowers, and birds for me to feel 'at home'....finally!

3 birds
 The other cool thing about our backyard is the 2 ponds to the left--we have Blue Herons that live there.  I saw one creep up and hunt on Saturday.  It was very interesting to see it catch a frog.  Mallard ducks, geese, green herons, and the Blue Heron live there.

 These onion blooms are my FAVORITE right now!!!  Just so beautifully shaped!

 This is the whole "Left Side".

This is the "Right Side"

We planted  2 rows of Kohlarobi, 2 rows of Fennel, and 3 rows of 1 type of Giant Bib lettuce, and 3 rows of Salad Bowl lettuce.  You can't see, but 6 ft. to the left I planted 2 rows of leeks.

 Our Blackberry bushes had branched out and grew off shoots, so we took those off shoots and on Saturday we started 2 new Blackberry Gardens, in 2 different locations. This spot had 1 Blackberry plant, now it has 6 or 7 plants in a line---you can't see the 3 small ones on the left of the big plant very well in this picture.  The birds really like eating our berries, so maybe if we have a lot of plants in various places we will stand a chance at eating more ourselves!!

 These were those 5 tomatoes that the rabbit had eaten the bottom 2 so much that you could barely see them--now you can see where the plants are much better!  Plus the safety screens we set up!

This year we planted 6 new asparagus plants and 5 have sprouted up! We had planted 2 last year (Sophie dug 1 up and 1 safely made it to this year).  We devised a safety net around them to keep them safe until we can build another screen.  Can you see the sprouts?


1 comment:

  1. I particularly liked the first few pics on this post. How peaceful. Your garden is amazing!


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