Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 12th thru 18th, 2012 (Core E) Week 10 L.O.W.

Nov. 12th thru 18th 2012 (Core E) Week 10 L.O.W.

Nov. 12-18-2012 (Core E) Week 10 L.O.W. (This week really wasn't a real "LOW" because we weren't behind on anything.  We just wanted to/ needed to do some other things to round us out a bit.

This is the week we finally got to go to the  notorious "One Room Schoolhouse" in Pittsboro, Indiana.  I've heard about this place for years and am so happy we finally got to go see if for ourselves.  It really was a lot of fun.  We spent last weekend at the farm (the 10th & 11th).  We left home on Friday night and returned home on Sunday night.

Dd is standing to answer a question to Miss Phoebe

Every day (90% at least) we start the day with BrainPop:  on Monday's we also see the once a week video from BrainPop,Jr.:

This week Dd also sewed some dresses for her dolls--Bo Peep size (Large Barbie).

Monday Dd lost another tooth!
Tuesday -Swim & Gym.  Meet the Coach Night for Upwards Basketball.
Wednesday-Dd and I worked out together--Leslie Sansone's dvd's.
Thursday-One Room Schoolhouse!
Friday-Dh was home.  Dh and Dd worked in the garden and got it finally all winterized. We headed to the farm!
Saturday- Dd was officially SICK!  Gasp! Stayed inside at Giz's for a while, then came back to the farm...miserable.
Sunday-Dd was WORSE!  Her tonsils were swollen and had big white spots on the sores...worst ever.  Got her on antibiotics and headed home to our home and our beds.

Lessons for the week:

Veritas Press: Genesis Thru Joshua: Bible Card 6: God's Covenant with Noah

We started MUS: Epsilon: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F
Skip-Counting: 8 family
Life of Fred: Farming: Ch. 1

SL: 3
Week 33

Language Arts:
AAS 4: Step 1 (Review chapter-in progress)
First Language Lessons: Lesson 12 & 13

Lamplighter Read Aloud:
The Forester's Daughter by Urban Olivier

*Did you all know that Clara lived near our farm in Mitchell/Bedford, IN.?  We drive by the "Red Cross Cemetary" that is connected to her, on the drive each time we go there or come home.

Dd's Reader's:
(Monday she finished last week's book on Frederick Douglas by George E. Stanley)

Clara Barton: Founder of the American Red Cross (Childhood of Famous Americans) by Augusta Stevenson

Childhood of Famous Americans: Clara Barton: Founder of the American Red Cross by Augusta Stevenson.


The Mysterious Visitor (Trixie Belden #4) by Julie Campbell

Dd also finished her Trixie Belden book---Mystery off Glenn Road; and started a new one.  Since I've previously linked the Glenn Road book, I will link the new book this week.

This was a difficult week.  With all the traveling back and forth to the farm; "we" all have a difficult time getting back into our lessons.  Switching up our schedules, our beds, our foods, and everything else that gets changed during this time of year always causes a lot of strife in "our" attitudes.

Magic School Bus: Holiday Special on Recycling! (guest star: Dolly Parton)

We brought Dd's friend with us---we were the first 'scholars' to arrive and had the whole place to ourselves for a little while!!

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