Monday, June 13, 2011

Christian Character Study Ideas for my friend on June 8, 2011

I had started to answer your question about bible / character training a few days ago; but then thought I would wait and see what answers others gave; but here I am....I will offer what we have successfully used and you can see if anything looks like a potential or not. Just thought I would offer up what I had-

Idea One: Egermeier's Bible Story Book - Paperback (July 2008) by Elsie E. Egermeier **Asking the questions that are located at the end of the book for each chapter you read- we made the questions into a contest; of who could answer the questions first and that would be more fun with more kids to compete.

Idea Two: The One Year Make-It-Stick Devotions (One Year Books) - Paperback (Aug. 27, 2007) by Emmett Cooper (my dd really liked this; but I thought it wasn't as 'meaty' as I, personally wanted; but you might find it a good choice.)

Idea Three: The Greatest Stories of the Bible by Thomas Nelson (we did this one too; it was good-simple.)

Idea Four: Sword Fighting by Karyn Henley (I really like this one. Each week you get a new "sword" to fight temptation. The sword is a bible verse that helps you stay strong about that weeks issue. This week we are on 'dependability' and we memorize the 'sword' - and each day we read another bible verse that pertains to dependability from the bible. We read that part from our family bible and discuss the questions. It spends a week on each character trait.

Idea Five: (my computer just ate a huge comment I made about idea I go...again:

If I had a group of girls to work with for character training, I would go to my library and ask to ILL:

The Basket of Flowers : Lamplighter Theatre (Dramatic Audio) - Audio CD - Audiobook (2009) by Christoph Von Schmid and John Rhys-Davies

The Basket of Flowers is an amazing story. It has character values coming out it's ears! You could either listen to the audio (which is AMAZING) or read it yourself. You could have the girls each write what lessons they learned from this story. The possibilities are many with this source.

You could go to the website and look at the specific books listed as 'character training' and choose the books or audio's that you think would best fit the girls; and then ILL them for free. The only thing I would be specific about is that my library keeps getting me the book, or another audio company; and NOT "Lamplighter"; which is the specific copy I want to listen to...but, I get it eventually most of the time.

Those are the bible/character/value books we have used the most. We did Egermeier's over and over again. I was surprised that some people never found the quiz questions at the back; which we really liked. Or you could make it very simple and copy the daily bible reading from core 1, or 2, or 3 and just fit in a little bible each day. There is something about just reading simply from the bible without adding anything. Or you could use more than one source..piecemeal it together with different things.

I hope maybe one of these ideas will be something new for you to consider. I am also very curious to hear what other ideas the other SL'ers give to you. I love hearing what bible/character curriculum's other people use. I have tried a few others that I didn't like that I didn't mention.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this! Maybe I will use the Lamplighters and the Starting Strong... A personal Bible Study and a group study!


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