Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Core G Week 27 "B" IOWA TEST May 21-29, 2016

Core G Week 27 "B" 
May 21-29, 2016

Hello Friends!  If you are looking for a post about Middle Ages reading material; this isn't going to be a good one to read!  I scheduled Dd to take the IOWA Test this week, and I wanted to give her some free time to watch some movies, read "her" books, and be.  Then she ended up getting run down and sickish Wed. and Thurs.  Just getting through those IOWA Tests was a major accomplishment, and seemed to take it out of her.  Now to wait one or two months for the results!
The chickens keep flying out of the tractor so they can perch on top!  Kinda funny!

We signed Dd up for 4-H this week.  She decided to show one male (Buff Orpington) and one female chicken (Black Sex Link).  She signed up for a few other things too---she is going to make a cheesecake, show a drawing....
The chickens are doing well.  We have been working so hard at building the chicken coop, meanwhile they are spending their days in the chicken tractors.  I will put up a whole new post on our construction days after this post.

After Dd and I had bought all our plants we had a lot of planting to do!  Our lettuce, garlic, leeks, spinach, celery, red, orange, and yellow peppers, tomatoes, kohlrabi....are all planted and growing.  The things we brought from Indiana are all doing really well too---asparagus, strawberries, cone flowers, daisies, red poppies,black-eyed susans, grapes....

Just how did Agnes manage to squeeze under the sunshirt and hat?  The chair was already full, and she somehow made it under all of it!

  Some cute kitty pictures of Agnes for Chelle and her Dd!

I had had a really awful time of it last week, as I had allowed myself to believe I could have a bite or two of gluten, and a bite or two of ice cream...but, suffered miserably afterwards.  Last week I got back on board, and started having less reflux and heartburn.

Chicken Coop:
Dh took Friday off to focus on coop building.  Dd started to feel a bit better by Friday, so we all worked together Friday and Saturday.

Lessons for the Week:


IOWA Testing:
Monday and Tuesday 
7 hours


4 hours this week

Barred Owl viewing a few times this week!

4-H meeting


Chicken Coop Construction:
15 hours throughout the week


Private Lesson with Mrs. March, and she passed her memorization test on National Emblem...YAY!

Sax: 4 hours
Piano: 4 hours

5 hours

Busy Hands:
Chocolate Cupcakes, gardening, chickens.....

Fun Books:
Product Details

The Trials of Apollo, Book 1: The Hidden Oracle

May 3, 2016
Trials of Apollo, Bk 1 by Rick Riordan

Product Details


Sep 1, 1990
Dune by Frank Herbert
in process

Anne of Green Gables....
and our library loaned us the Mockingjay Part 2 movie as well!

The hummingbirds are back and very thirsty!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

SL Core G Week 27 (BiblioPlan Wk 16) Middle Ages May 16-22nd, 2016

SL Core G Week 27 
(BiblioPlan Wk 16) 
Middle Ages 
May 16-22nd, 2016

Hello Friends!  A whole week of mostly spring weather!  We got a lot of things done, in our education and around our new home.  We were invited to go plant shopping with a church friend, Doris, the woman that had invited us over for lunch a few weeks back.  So, in one week's time we bought our plants, bought dirt and peat moss, brought in at least 22 buckets of humus from out in the woods (manually), and got 75% of our garden planted.  I still have two raised beds that I haven't planted in because they are still breaking down the compost inside them, but should be ready fairly soon.

What is growing in our garden so far? LOTS of celery, two lettuce types, kale, leeks, garlic, tomatoes, three kinds of peppers, marigold flowers around the plants to prevent buggies, broccoli, lima beans, kohlrobi, and lots of herbs...Dd has a lot of seedlings started, that we need to plant into the garden---lettuces, pea's, herbs....

Dh bought and mixed the sixteen bags of dirt he bought for us into the beds, and that was his contribution to the garden this year (and we both made the raised bed frames together last week).  He has been sticking to working on the chicken coop, with Dd and I rotating on helping him.  Dd helped me plant the young plants we had picked out with Doris.  Dd also filled the pretty two hanging planters I had bought at Aldi's, with some of the flowers she picked out.  She had been really looking forward to designing those baskets.

This week Dd planted the three lavender plants I bought at Costco.  The cashier there had been joking about who was going to plant them, and that put a bee in her bonnet!   She has still been adding more containers to start other seeds, and she is doing well with her efforts.

This has been a good music week for her.  She had her private lesson (alto sax) with Mrs. March, and had her National Emblem song memorized for the most part, but needs to clean up a few sticky area's before she can be passed.  She played a lot of piano again this week, and is doing well with that.

Chicken coop
One night this week Dh and Dd got one wall put up, and then on Saturday Dh and I got the last wall up!  So now, all four walls are up.  This week Dd helped Dh most nights, working on the coop. We put in the ceiling insulation, plastic, and started on the final vinyl cover, one of three boards in, two to go.  Dh got the electrical wires for the three lights and one ceiling fan in.  Dd put the ceiling fan all together, now we just need to test it.  Lots of progress going on in there.  We used up all the insulation we had bought for the coop, and will need to buy more, same with the vinyl ceiling boards--need one more piece.  All-in-all, it is coming along, but we still need to cut a window into the wall, and a small chicken 'door' into another wall.  It is a bit scary cutting into exterior walls!  

Our Lessons:

The Beautitudes
Matt 5

Product Details

Believer's Bible Commentary   [BELIEVERS BIBLE COMMENTARY -SS] [Hardcover]

Mar 31, 1995
by MacDonald, W.(Author) ; MacDonald, William(Author); Farstad, Arthur L.(Editor)
Bible and Believer's Bible Commentary--the BBC has pages of material on this...it is taking a while.

DC Cook Journey Through the Bible
Journey Through the Bible: pg 250

Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations
Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations
Do Hard Things by Harris, pg. 153-155

Sax  and Piano
Sax - 5 hours this week
Piano - 2 hours this week
Private lesson with Mrs. March- sax
This week Dd has been practicing really hard, memorizing the National Anthem, that she has to pass to be in the Marching Band.

Language Arts:

Writing-Various assignments

Easy Grammar Plus Workbook
Easy Grammar, Plus
pg's 289, 293, 


Introduction to Genes & DNA
Usborne Intro to Genes & DNA
pg 26-62: Completed

Apologia General Science Student Notebook:
pg's 151, 155, 316


Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 Kit, Version 2.0
Dd redid some lessons she didn't get a great score on, -
28, 32, 35 x 2, 31

Foreign Language:

Rosetta Stone French Version 3 Levels 1-5 With Audio Companion
Rosetta Stone French 
10 minutes Mon-Fri

Sign Language: Tue & Thurs

Product Details 

by Tom Humphries and Carol Padden

Word Roots Level 1
pg 24-28
Word Up DVD 
Lesson 6-10

Dd has been drawing 45 minutes per day

SL Timeline and Mapping: Week 26: completed

The Rus besiege Constantinople, Vladimir, Ivan the Great, Queen Elizabeth, Ottoman Turks settle in Asia Minor, Ottoman Turks settle on edge of Byzantine Empire, Shakespeare writes Hamlet, Bubonic Plague begins in Central Asia, Black Death kills one-third of Europe's population.....

BiblioPlan Companion, a Text for Medieval History
Ch. 16: India: Completed

BiblioPlan Advanced Medieval Maps
Week 15 & 16

The Magna Charta

The Magna Charta
Magna Charta:
pg 17-101
The Samurai's Tale:
Dd read the first few chapters, but isn't liking this book, she is reading another samurai book that she is liking more.

Story of the World Middle Ages


A Star Wars Audio--I forget which one... 

Product Details
Hawksmaid by Kathryn Lasky
Robin Hood type story--we've read it before.

Product Details

Garden and Chicken Coop May 16-22nd, 2016

Garden and Chicken Coop  
May 16-22nd, 2016

Hello Friends!  We were able to fill our new raised beds.  Dh bought 16 bags of topsoil and a huge bag of peat moss.   Then I luckily found a spot out in our woods where a huge tree had decomposed.  I first brought down two tall paint buckets at a time with the humus, but then I was wearing myself out for little return.  I then thought of using the wheel barrel, filling it with four buckets of humus, and then pushing the wheel barrel up from the woods.  The only problem is that our woods are down hill to get there, and then steep up hill to get back!  What a good way to avoid having to do workouts!!!  I still have another raised bed to fill, plus Dh bought more lumber to put up another one or two beds for us to use for seeds.

This garden has a bit of everything---Dd helped Dh and me this week on our projects.   

 We've put in marigolds around the veggies to help slow down any buggies

Dh checking out my planting after all his coop work.

The coop is coming along:

He still has a lot of space in this room--

Dh is looking forward to having this front part of the barn clear of chicken coop stuff so he can get back to working on his truck---it has a little leak.  But, we still have a ways to go on construction.

All the walls are up!

Dd brought in a few chickens to check out their future coop

Dd put the ceiling fan together

Dh putting in the electrical lines, and this is where the switches for the lights will be-

After the wiring, the insulation, then the plastic...

This was one of the hardest bits, holding up the plastic, trying to match up our holes for the electrical boxes (for the future lights and ceiling fan), and keep out any warping of the board...fun.

While the coop is being built, the chicks are enjoying being in the chicken tractors outside during the day, and hauled back into the garage at night.  Funnily enough, now that the chickens are outside, the barred owls are around a lot more often!  I wonder if they have high ambitions?!
