Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sonlight Core G Week 24 / BP Week 13 *Middle Ages* April 4-8, 2016 Anselm of Canterbury, The Great Schism of 1054, Norman Conquest,

Sonlight Core G *Middle Ages* 
Week 24 / 
BP Week 13  
April 4-8, 2016

Hello Friends! 
I'll post the chickens again in a few days, they are doing really well.  This weekend they got a lot of veggies and extra good food!  I've been giving them some sprouts too--which they love.  So far the only thing the chickens didn't like was potato peels.

Prayers Answered:
Yesterday, after ten days, our band teacher emailed me to say that one of the families in our band had contacted her, telling her they found TWO sax's in their home when they got home from Spring Break!  I'm so glad, but I also feel a bit worn down from this whole thing.  We went through so many emotions, and rented the sax for a month, which cost.  I'm thankful.

It snowed everyday this week.  Snow, snow, after day.  I'm somehow going slow enough to not get in an accident; my trick---get in the slow lane, and never-ever pass anyone!  I just go slow and keep a LOT of distance between me and the car ahead of me...a lot of distance! so I might have lots of time to stop, without hitting them.  So far it is working well.

I saw a Baltimore Oriole - this is a very rare sight!  How exciting.  I saw three Sandhill Cranes flying/landing.  Pine Siskins are coming to our feeders regularly--which are a new breed for me to see.  Oddly enough, I haven't heard the Barred Owls this week, and they had been really talkative.  Then there is the normal birds, the Phoebe's, Black-Capped Chickadee's, Cardinals, Hairy & Downy Woodpeckers, finches (we have had House Finches and Golden Yellow Finches here, Blue Jays have visited 2-3 times this week.  And a few Sparrows--I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but that is a good summary.

Activities this week---
Our town library
Band/Choir classes 
1:1 lessons with Mrs. March
Dd had two friends spend the night!  They had a lot of fun.

Dh is still working on the truck---he is re-doing the automatic brake system.

Our lessons:

Veritas Press: Gospels
Card 113: in process
Focusing on the Miracles of Jesus

Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris
We are loving this book, and trying to slow it down as much as we can so we can absorb as much as we can.  High Recommend!

Christian Studies IV: Memoria Press
pg's 4-11

Apologia General Science
Module 7: Completed, test passed

Audio 1:
How To Read A Book by Mortimer Adler
(This is another resource that we are trying to do it very slowly so we can absorb.)

Sonlight Read Aloud:
The Second Mrs. Giaconda by Konisburg
*Highly Recommend!  This was a delight to read!*

Sonlight Reader: In Process
Adam of the Road

Favorite Poems
weekly assignment

Kingfisher History Encyclopedia
weekly assignment

BiblioPlan Books:

BiblioPlan Companion: A Text for Medieval History
Ch. 10: England After the Norman Conquest: Completed
Ch. 11: Germany, Russia : Completed
Ch. 12: The Crusades, the Diaspora: in process

Monks & Mystics:
A Divided Church: The Great Schism of 1054
Anselm of Canterbury

BiblioPlan Advanced Maps
Map 9 & 10

Trial and Triumph:
Peter Waldo 
Alfred the Great

The Crusades- Pilgrimage or Holy War? Crash Course World History #15

Language Arts:
assigned Dd to write up the Battle of Hastings for me

Easy Grammar, Plus:
265, 269, 271

The Creative Writer: PLOT
started this book, chapter one

Teaching Textbooks: Algebra I
16-20 and Test

Titus: A Comrade of the Cross

Foreign Language:
Sign Language: Lessons 1-4
Rosetta Stone: French

Current Events:

Lots of music this week.  Dd has been enjoying her rented sax!  She had a "chair challenge" this week.  She had her two band friends bring their instruments and they all jammed and tried each other's instruments.  One friend plays two instruments (flute and trombone), and they all got to experiment.

Busy Hands:
Lots of drawing going on, she has a good friend that is also into drawing, so that has helped encourage her to draw a lot more.  

Glass beads/loom--she has made two bracelets, made out of thread and glass beads, done on her "Bead Weaving Loom Set."



  1. Daisy and I keep coming back to look at these beautiful snow pictures. We don't want to be in the snow though :-)
    Thanks for sharing your 'world' with us!

  2. I had to take a few pictures of us out doing our lessons on the deck table---under the umbrella! It was so sunny and nice; hard to believe one week ago we had another major snow storm that I was driving 20-30 mph on the highway, passing accident after accident! What a contrast for one weeks time! The radio officially said today that 'spring has arrived!' It was so pretty, but I'm ready for spring-pretty now! How is your autumn coming along? any chilly nights yet, or still too hot?! So nice to see you this evening! I was eating coconut shavings today and thinking of you! Sending along a hug for you, and tell Daisy I hope to see some of her crochet creations again sometime! or loom bands! I so enjoy our sharing! So great to think I have such a lovely Christian friend all the way around the world!

  3. That is also how I drive in the snow! I am praying it will warm up soon for you. I am so glad that your dd got her sax back - and to have fun with other band members trying out other instruments! I remember doing that in band - but I could never get a noise from the flute or a trumpet or trombone or tuba. Reed instruments work well for me - I did get a NOISE out of an oboe once - not a note, not a song - just a horrible horrible noise and I rejoiced greatly that it responded to my clumsy attempts.

    I also have "How to Read a Book" on my list - perhaps we will start that one sooner than later.

    I wondered how teaching textbooks is working out - feel free to email me if you have a chance.

    It is really good to hear chick updates. Sounds like they are eating well!


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