Monday, April 27, 2020

Dear Mamma

Dear Mamma,
    I opened up the laptop today and your blog was up. Looking at it made me realize how much time, love, patience, and care you have taken all these years writing this blog and raising me. As we near the end of my education and I start new things I want to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done and sacrificed for me all this time. I know I wasn't the easiest child or teen but you instilled in me how to work hard and how to love unconditionally no matter what. You are a role model for me as a Christian and as an independent woman. The life lessons you have taught me over the years have given me an understanding of the world beyond my years and will help guide me as I enter into adulthood. I hope to always be able to look to you for guidance and love whenever I need it.
    You have taught what it really means to be loving to others and how to put their needs first, even though I think you need to put yourself first more sometimes. I realize now that you have spent not only my life, but also your life putting me first. I wish that there was some way I could repay you for the 18 years you have spent solely on helping me grow but know that while I'm not the best at showing it, I truly appreciate the time and care you put into helping me become who I am. I hope I have made you proud and can continue to make you proud in being the Christian woman you want me to be. You are an incredible woman and a loving mother and God couldn't have blessed me with a better person to raise me. I love you so very much!
    Your Puddin' Pop