Sunday, February 8, 2015

SL / "Ancients" Core G Week 8 "D" Feb. 2-6, 2015

Core G
Week 8 “D”
Feb. 2-6, 2015
23rd week on the Ancients!

We are still on our "bunny trail", off from what Sonlight has scheduled, and continuing to add in our in-depth study materials.  As always, I am using one of SL's "Additional Scheduling Pages" to use to pre-organize my schedule and Dd's schedule.  I've included pictures so you can see.
My Weekly Schedule for this week

Dd's Weekly Schedule...she often forgets to check off the things she has completed, even though I encourage her to do so!  Unlike me, she doesn't get that wonderful sense of accomplishment by checking off completed items!  Not a Type A personality! 

This week's Bible Page

We did not complete our books on the Ancient Greeks this week, although we really gave it all we could!  Perhaps next week we can wrap this section up.  Then I think I want to start over, at the beginning again, and review what we have studied so far these past SIX months! 
My goal for the upcoming week is to finish up a few books that we are in the middle of, and have a fairly easy week.  We need a light week!

Last week we had super cold, negative temperatures (not wind chill), and more snow!  The ground is about 10 inches or more of snow, accumulated these past few months and growing and decreasing, but never melting all away.  The sides of all the roads are mounds and mounds of snow pushed to the side..and is such an odd sight for me to see.  Michigan is totally different than Indiana! The soil, the snow, the trees, and lots of other differences to!  Dd has told me over and over how she misses the SUNSHINE that we use to get in Indiana winters, and she is right, it is very often gloomy and cloudy here.  Whenever I see the blue sky I rush out and take pictures!

Last Saturday we all went to the Fredrick Meijer Sculpture Garden, and liked it so well that we went again on Friday.  Friday though, it was just Dd and me, and we spent longer there enjoying ourselves.  I really like it there!  My favorite spot right now is this huge greenhouse that has a waterfall, palm trees, cacao trees, birds singing and fleeting around, and it is bright and warm!  Coming in March they will have LOTS of butterflies released!  They have already brought in the building/sheds for this exhibit!!!!  I just  love butterflies (and there will also be a moth too!).

Our lessons:

Dd finally hit her limit on Jeremiah! I have been asking her, as we have gone along these weeks on Jeremiah for her to let me know when she has had her fill.  The book of Jeremiah is the longest book in the Old Testament, and I’ve brought in tidbits from various sources.  We had finished Jeremiah 36 last week—having skipped a few chapters, but read/studied most up to this point.  Last Sunday I spent the day with my bible and Believer’s Bible Commentary (BBC) and studied the last 16 chapters and took notes to read to Dd on Monday.  I also picked out a few chapters that I wanted her to hear.  I decided to spend this whole week on finishing up Jeremiah.

I finally ordered (and received) the Holman Bible Atlas and the What The Bible Is All About books that I had noticed on Chelle’s blog, and they came in so handy this week regarding Jeremiah.  I am beyond delighted with the quality of these two books, and wish I had bought them sooner!!!! 

Jeremiah 6, 37, 38 (with Bible and BBC)
My Notes from Chapters 37-52

What the Bible is All About: New Book

Holman Bible Atlas: New Book
73, 115-118, 146, 152, 156-157, 160

Journey Through The Bible:

Survey of the Bible:
115-117, 257-264

Veritas Press (VP) Card 79: COMPLETED!!!
The Ministry of Jeremiah
(Next week we will go on to Card 80)

The Book of the Ancient Greeks
Pg’s 264-290

The Book of the Ancient Greeks: Student book:

We have a thick book (The Book of the Ancient Greeks), then the “Teacher’s Manual” and a “Student Manual” which has 2 pages of questions about each chapter that we read.  We have eight pages left to read in our book, and two sections left in the worksheets.

Invitation to the Classics:
(I had scheduled to study Homer, Aeschylus, and Sophocles’ sections this week, but we didn’t have enough time.)

Tools of the Ancient Greeks:
Pg. 32-63
(This really is a great book, you learn a lot about the Greeks and it is written in such an easy to understand way!   

There are 10 chapters:
1. Ancient Greece and the Beginnings of Democracy
2. Farming, Trade, and the Greek Way of Life
3. The Arts of the Ancient Greeks
4. Greek Gods
5. Sports and the Olympics
6. Philosophy
7. Architecture
8. Science, Math, and Medicine
9. Mapping the World and Stars
10. Warfare in Ancient Greece

BP Ancient History Hands-On Maps
I couldn't resist doing one of these BiblioPlan maps myself!
I also purchased a new book called BiblioPlan Maps, and this week we each did: The Minoans of Crete map.  I’m looking forward to doing more maps, we’ve been doing the ones in our SOTW Activity Book –Ancients- but these are a bit more difficult—in a good way!
This is Dd's map.  She doesn't ENJOY doing maps, like I do, she does them, but it isn't a joy for her like it is for me.  I actually really like doing maps...a LOT!

Galileo and the Stargazers; narrated by Jim Weiss
1)Archimedes 2. Galileo, Ptolemy vs Copernicus
Yes, we’ve heard this about five times over the past 8 years and really like it!  Actually, we like all of Jim Weiss’ stories!
Christian book description:

Product Description

Jim Weiss' storytelling recordings have received the highest awards from the Parents' Choice Foundation, Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, The Film Advisory Board, NAPPA and the American Library Association, and have been widely praised in major publications across North America and internationally. He has captivated and deligted child and adult audiences with his original stories and retellings of ancient and modern classics. In "Archimedes and the Golden Crown," Weiss reads "Archimedes and the Golden Crown," "King Hieron's Challenge," and "Soldier and the Scientist." On the same CD, he also reads, "Ptolemy vs. Copernicus," "Tycho Brahe Scans the Skies," "Kepler and Galileo," "The Trial of Galileo," "Isaac Newton," and an epilogue. Running time: Approx. 1 Hour. 1 CD.

Youtube History:
Socrates-Encyclopedia channel 6:59

History Reader 1:
 The Trojan War
The Trojan War
Trojan War by Coolidge: FINISHED!!!
Pg. 219-253

History Reader 2:
Dd gave it 4 ½ of 5 stars, she really liked it and told me all about it. Here is what I saw Rainbow Resources have listed as a product description:

(description by publisher) Glaucia, the Greek Slave masterfully depicts the intricacies of a momentous time in human history. Ancient Rome and Greece are the backdrop for this dramatic account of the early Christians, whose belief in the one true God stands in stark contrast to the polytheistic world in which they live. Great faith, perseverance, and unyielding courage are paramount as they live according to what they know to be right and true.

Famous Men Of Greece (Reader, this week):
The Adventures of Odysseus, Lycurgus, Draco & Solon, Pisistratus the Tyrant, Miltiades, the Hero of Marathon read this week. This book has fantastic illustrations! 

*We own all the Anne of Green Gables books, but most are boxed up, but I found Anne of the Island at the library sale for $1.00 and snatched that up for Dd.  She has been reading Anne of Ingleside as her part-time, non-official reader for the past month, but had to return it to the library before she completed it.  Now, we finally got a copy back to us, but it isn't the same book and she has lost her spot! Poor Kid!  She so loves Anne!

Exploring the World of Physics by John Hudson Tiner: reread Ch. 3: Gravity
Ch. 4: Simple Machines
in process, we spent a lot of time on video’s:
I’ve taken to youtube to watch some episodes on the science topics we have been studying this week about Simple Machines:
Eureka is Mech advantage” (lever mechanical advantage) (good video)
Bill Nye Mechanical Advantage” (not  good - not informative)
Pulleys- simple machines” peace 6:07
Chinese windlass” 2:54 (VERY informative)
Rope and Pulley Systems: Segment 6- The Block and Tackle” 7:07 (okay…)

Science 2:
Pg’s 71-101

Nature Hikes:
Mon, and Thur.

Language Arts:
Pg. 47-55

IEW Fix-It Frog Prince:
Week 24 completed

All About Spelling 6:

I did our “Tricky Words” this week, I underline any words she has trouble with during each lesson, and then used those words to make our own lists for this week.

Writing With Skill
Week 5 completed

Letter writing!
She is working on new letters!

Dd found this form in one of her books, and typed it up for us to see...she is hoping for an Ipad or something like that and thinks this form will sway us! Good Try!


Prima Latina -
Lesson Two completed!
 Dd is still really disliking this program, but voiced so less often this week.  Dd is really annoyed by the "southern accent" of the woman "magestra" (teacher).

Dd's project

Dd likes this book, and it is way easier than I thought it would be.

Product Details
Product Details

Pre-Algebra Instruction Manual

by Steven P. Demme

Math U See: Pre-Algebra
Lesson 18: completed
Dd's clay pot
Busy Hands:
Crocheting daily
CLAY pot!

Ranger Cookies
Moo-less Pie

Dd's project

Dd's project

Dd's project

Bilbo Snaggletooth on the left, and Opis on the right

Opis and Bilbo Snaggletooth are both doing very well.  They have “found” each other and will periodically go over and be beside each other for a while.  It is nice that they have each other.  Now, if only the tank didn’t smell so awful! 

Music study—
I’ve decided to pick a musical band or person to study each week from my lifetime, my experiences.  I’ve done a lot of Classical music, jazz, hymns…and now I want to show her some of the stuff I was listening to growing up.  So, I just pick one song each day by that artist and show her on youtube.  I just thought it would be fun to do!
Meijer doesn't have ANY more of this yarn that I started this scarf with...I keep waiting, but it is frustrating!

FUN Reader:
Dd is REALLY enjoying Wisdom's Kiss by Catherine Gilbert Murdock, the author of Princess Ben.   I've not read this, and don't recommend it...just documenting.

Family Read Aloud at bedtime, read by Pappa:
(we have heard this on audio, a year or two ago, but Dh and Dd wanted to hear it by him reading it.)
Product Details
Product Details


1 comment:

  1. I'm going to come back and read this again. So much good info shared here!!
    I love mapping too ;)
    Keep posting - enjoying all the visuals and type ups... and your darling snails. Grinning at the Bilbo's surname.


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