Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pictures from Jan. 2-6, 2015 snow and sculpture garden

Pictures from Jan. 2-6, 2015 
snow hikes and sculpture garden


the snow pile is two feet taller than the minivan!

This is what the roads in our apartment complex look like.  You can see the bobcat that clears our complex roads.

These are the mounds that Dd and I slide down.

Michigan seems like a very cloudy place, and whenever it is sunny we head out and try to appreciate it all we can.  Here are some SUNNY pictures, or as sunny as it gets!

 Friday Feb 6th, 2015 Dd and I went back for our second trip to the sculpture garden -- we love the huge greenhouses full of plants, trees, flowers, and birds!

This visit, Dd and I went through the big, amazing, outside "Children's Sculpture Garden".  It was SO cool!

Dd and I got through part of one of the paths with large  outside sculpture gardens. 


1 comment:

  1. The laws of contrast: Sunny and summery for us here and you with all that SNOW there.
    Dd and I are pretty fascinated by you all getting out and about in it. Loved the pictures of Sophie in her dog coats :)
    We go to visit the snow here - it never (thankful) comes to us.
    Hope your week is going well!


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