Wednesday, August 21, 2019

July 28-Aug 3, 2019 "L" Family Visit, IN. State Fair, Blanching and Freezing Greens

July 28-Aug 3, 2019 
Blanching and Freezing Greens, Water Keifer, "L" Family Visit, IN. State Fair

Hello Friends!
It's that time of year again....the Indiana State Fair time!  The "L" family was kind enough to invite us to stay with them for a visit and share the fair with us again this year.  Words just don't express how much I enjoy having a friend to chat with.  I know that for Dd her empty hole for having 'family' is filled whenever we are there; for me too.  She really thinks of the "L" kids as her adopted siblings.  They (the "L" kids) have each other and probably don't have the same appreciation for us as we have for them!!!!  They are so special to us!  I can share this here because Heather always apologizes for not having time to read my blog, so I'm probably safe sharing my heart!!

We didn't leave until Friday morning, so we had the whole week to get ready for our trip.  No matter how much time I have to prep I still put off packing until the day before! I had been sick Saturday and Sunday (fever and run-over) so I had to mentally overcome my physical limitations to motivate.  I have endless chores and trying to 'get ahead' is practically impossible.  I did get lots of things like: mowing, laundry, cleaned the chicken coop, garden harvest (blanching LOTS of greens and freezing), shopping and I attempted to water my garden for the next week too!  I watered twice a day before we left!  I tried to tidy the house extra too since Hailee was going to be stopping by each day to let Henry, our dog, out when Dh was at work.

I meant to have nice little gifts for the kids and Heather, but somehow never found the 'right' gifts.  Heather always has such thoughtful little gifts and I sheepishly smile and bring maple syrup, Nutella, and various practical things.  One of these days I will think of a good gift!

This week the garden was spectacular!  I always wait and try to decide when the garden has it's "peak week" and this was it.  (as I type this another week has gone by and I was right!  the squash bugs arrived while we were in Indiana and they took a major hit.)  The flowers I planted are blooming among the veg and it just looks so awesome.  This year's garden has really been a delight.  Normally I fight something major, but the bugs have really taken the year off and I'm ever so thankful!

Painting Deck:
I'm still working on painting the deck that I spent weeks spray washing.  It's a slow and steady job.

Water Keifer:
The friend who gave me the Silkies also gave me some water keifer.  I've been enjoying it but wonder about all the sugar I am drinking now... I can't decide if I want to keep this up or not.  It is tasty.

Travel Prep:

  I felt bad for Dh having to do all the dog, cat, chicken, and garden chores each morning and evening around his work schedule.  He didn't get much else done while we were gone.

Greens: Main Chore of the Week! 

Blanching and Freezing
This week, my focus was blanching and freezing as many greens as I could.  I did load after load!  I tried to have a balance of the following greens:
Swiss Chard, Dinosaur Kale, Russian Kale, Turnip Greens. and beet greens.  This took up most of my time this week, it is so time-consuming, but will be so healthy throughout the cold Michigan winters.

Silkies: Chickens

This week was a big transition for the Silkies.  They started out in the chicken tractor beside the run during the days and in another tractor, in the garage, during the nights.  During the day I take an hour or more to bring them into the run and stay there and babysit their time with the hens.  Wednesday they stayed with the hens for hours without me. By Thursday they were spending the night inside the inner coop.  I have to carry them up each morning and then down each evening...they don't seem interested in learning how to climb the ramp!  I had to get them out of the tractors before our visit since I didn't want Dh to have more work than necessary.  

Regular Chickens:
Dh and I took the chickens for a romp in the woods on Sunday.  They sure do love to get out of their pens and scratch, scratch, scratch!  I wish I could take them every day, but they are so hard to round up in the end.

Botox: Migraines

This is my last session of Botox...for now.  I've talked with my MIL and we decided to go ahead and try a new product on the market, a new one.  If the new product doesn't work I might consider using the Botox again; even though it didn't cut down the number of migraines, only the pain levels.

Vacation: "L" family First Days of Trip to "L" family (Indianapolis, Indiana):
Dinner: shishkabobs were grilled for our dinner and boy, were they delicious!  After dinner, the kids played Glow-in-the-Dark Batmitton and watched Captain Marvel.

IN State Fair:

Saturday we had pancakes for breakfast.  Dd and the kids (D, L, J) played video games while we prepared for our big day.  Eventually, we all packed our lunches (except David, who decided Larkin could make his sandwich for him! funny!) and filled our water bottles and headed downtown.  

We went to the building with the giant cheese sculpture first and talked to the ladies making it.  Then we went over and bought honey sticks at the honey place that Dd used to get honey ice cream from.  The stacked can goods sculptures had been moved out to another building this year.  In its place were lots of 4H displays, including lots of Christmas evergreen trees.  Heather found that some of her flowers at home would have received a blue ribbon if she had only brought them in as some of the flowers in the competition were very small and underdeveloped.  It is always interesting to see other people's flowers and varieties.  

Then we went to the art exhibits for 4H in another building.  Dd wanted to look at the photography entries.  She has wanted to exhibit her photographs for years but after years of trying to get accepted into 4H and failing I have given up on that dream.  4H seems to a pretty inclusive organization; you really have to have a connection or grow up in it with your mom or day having also grown up in it as well.  But, we all had a great time looking at all the various things people made and showed.

The circus was next on our agenda, so we walked to that exhibit, waited in line, and eventually were granted seats.  We enjoyed our lunch and watched the tent fill up with hundreds of people while we ate.  Bello Nock, a circus clown, was back again this year.  His first trick was putting his head in a balloon.  It looked like his goal was going to be to fit his entire body in the balloon, but the balloon popped and he ran off the stage...quite a letdown!  All-in-all, it didn't quite match up to last year's circus events.  There were a few moments, here and there, that was interesting, but after such a great show last year, it was a bit of a disappointment.  Regardless, it was nice to take my Dd to a circus!  I remember my dad taking me to see the Ringling Brothers and Barney Bailey Circus in the 1970's and had always hoped to take my child too.  Although, when we went there were men snapping whips at elephants, tigers, lions, and dogs!  I prefer humans doing the work!  Glad we went again.

After the circus was Pioneer Village; my favorite!  We tasted maple syrup and creamed maple syrup!  Oi! is that spectacular!  We went into the big building with the old log cabin inside.  We stopped and looked at this year's display of rug weaving.  Heather bought some bee's wax candles like she did last year.  The kids bought penny candy from the little store beside the old fashioned working kitchen.  Everything in the building is a treat to the eyes!  I just love that building!  The mini-stage was going to have a hymn singing later in the evening that I would have loved to attend.

Then we went to the very smelly swine barn and sheep barn before we went to the place where the kids always get their ice cream.  As they sat eating their ice cream together I went and bought my annual elephant ear and Heather bought a Lemon Shake-up for the kids to share.  I am GF except for this one treat each year as it is worth it for a walk down memory lane.  Then Andrew (the eldest son) arrived from work and walked with us to see the rabbits and chickens.  There were only around 10 chickens again this year.  I'm thinking they must arrive later in the week and this day must have been reserved for the bunnies.  David especially loved the bunnies!  It is so great seeing kids when they really are interested in something.  It was a treat to walk around and hear his comments on which rabbits he liked and why.

The kids wanted to ride the trolley (pulled by tractors) around the fairgrounds.  It only costs $1.00 each, so we went ahead and agreed on it.  The hardest part is trying to fit T, H, L, J, D, L, R, and A on all at the same time!  We couldn't find enough spaces when the first trolley arrived, but we managed to squeeze on the second one.  After the ride, we decided it was time to head home.  I had had too much fun and my migraine was brewing.  I had to go right to bed and was feeling awful.  I wish my brain wasn't such a pain and an inconvenience.  I could have had hours more of talking with Heather that evening if I wouldn't have had a migraine.


That ends Saturday and the rest of our visit with the "L" family will be continued on next week's post!

Dd's Activity:


Dd still loving working at the pizza shop.  Dd bought a fresh pizza to take to Indiana to share.  She wanted them to taste how good the pizzas are where she works.


Dd spent most of Thursday babysitting the "S" family kids.  Boy, she loves those two!  

Dd went to Sunday School at our old church this week.  I was sick Saturday and Sunday so I didn't go to church. On Saturday, the day before, Dd had done face painting at our old church for their "Carnival Day."  They had a big bouncy house that was so much fun that Dd went back Sunday late-afternoon to bounce some more with Hailee.  I'm glad her friends from our old church are staying friends with her even though we've stopped going there.

Next Week:
At the "L" house until Tuesday!


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