Friday, April 26, 2019

April 7-14, 2019 Birthday Party, Migraines, Dd's Interview at Subway

April 7-14, 2019
Birthday Party, Migraines, Dd's Interview at Subway

Hello Friends!

Happy Henry!

We had crazy weather this week, it snowed twice and warmed up and was so beautiful throughout.  The pictures do look like they are from different seasons, but that is just how crazy spring has been here in Grand Rapids, Michigan!

Dd had a birthday this week!  We celebrated with some of our Youth Program from church: Joy, Hailee, Kaleigh, and FaithAnne.  The other girl in the group, Rebekah, was sick and working and unable to attend.  
I have mixed feelings about my daughter getting older and I think she does too. 

 I miss being the parent to a little kid and all that entails.

She misses being a kid (sometimes) and can get overwhelmed at the prospect of being an adult. 

 I'm SO proud of the wonderful young lady she has become, but miss collecting bugs with the eight-year-old tomboy I so enjoyed.  It's complicated.

On Monday I saw a flock of wild turkey on our front drive. 


We had deer in front of our pool fence...again.

More buds on trees.  I saw my first butterfly on Monday and then saw another on Thursday!  Finally this week we saw blooming daffodils!!!  Not at our house, but around town.  I'm still waiting for our bulbs to bloom.

Migraines: week was a migraine day, but some days were not as bad as others.  I managed to stay out of bed and get a few things done each day and put one foot in front of the other. 

 I was *highly* motivated to get my house in order as I had a group of teen girls coming to spend the night and these are the kids of the women I share my Sunday School class with!!!  

I also have Giz and Grampy coming next week and that also means I need to organize and get the stacks of books off the dining room table!!!  I really look forward to a time when my migraines aren't a burden I have to carry so often.  My mom said her migraines became less frequent when she was over 50 years old and I hope that maybe my scenario too. 

Check out the huge egg among the smaller ones!  Eek!  It had two yolks inside.

I've had the same "Happy Light" by Verilux for over 10 years now and the bulbs have dimmed quite a bit.  So, I finally went ahead and ordered myself a replacement one on Monday.  I'm hoping maybe some more sunshine might help decrease my migraines?  I'm up for trying anything at this point.  

Barred Owls: Danger for Chickens~
The owls are getting too close and too familiar with our hens.  I just happened to disrupt an attack this week, I didn't see it but had walked in the bottom run before going into the coop.  Then I heard a chicken freak out and came right out to find about 15 feathers on the ground and a shocked hen standing there.  It all happened in something like 2 minutes.  I gathered her up, fortunately, uninjured and brought her inside to safety.  The hens haven't been back out in the un-roofed area since.  I'm so glad I was right there!  BUT, I'm not sure the owl could have actually picked our hen up as she is a Buff Orpington and a very big girl.  I'm sure my hen weighted about the same as 5-6 owls put together (or more!).  The owls are definitely active right now, they must have a nest of babies.

Grace Schedule 2019-2020:
We finally registered for next year at Grace.  Dd has decided to not do the KCTC (tech center) high school.  She just wants to focus on getting her credits in and doing a good job.  It literally took days to figure out which classes she would take.  We are still up-in-the-air regarding her math class.  The teacher she clicks with isn't teaching the Algebra II class and isn't able to confirm that she can be her tutor just yet.  We are hoping and praying she can fit Dd into her busy schedule.

Interview at Subway:
Dd had her first interview on Wednesday!!!  She applied online on Monday and was delighted when they texted her to set up a time for her to come in and be interviewed.  They told her right away she had a job and to contact them as soon as her Grace classes were completed so she could start her training.  I worked at Subway when I was in college and feel good about this being her first official job.  She really liked her boss, a woman that was very friendly and understanding/supportive about Dd not having to work on Sunday's due to church attendance.  

Marie Condo strikes again!  We took 4 boxes of clothes and things to donate at our local thrift store.  Then we went through the store and found that someone with the same shoe size as Dd donated some awesome and perfect shoes!  What perfect timing--the week of her birthday she finds some awesome practically new shoes!  I think she found 4 pairs, what a score! 

Computer Move:
I'm still rearranging the furniture in this house trying to get things settled in the right places.  I'm glad I am finally getting things sorted out better and more to my liking.

Dd was asked to babysit again this week for Jason and Teresa.  Dd had a great time with the two kid's, especially when Elliott fell asleep on her shoulder---so sweet!

Crochet Blanket:
I'm coming along on my latest blanket!

Happy Birthday to Dd!!

Birthday Details:
We took Dd to the China Buffet for her special dinner.  Dh made GF crepes for her special breakfast---with his from scratch sauces: strawberry, blueberry, and walnuts.

Birthday Gift Opening!
Thanks to Goodwill and our local thrift store Dd had some good gifts.  We also bought her some Rubix Cubes, like the "L" family had been playing with when we visited.

Dd found that wonderful "vacation" shirt!  Also a big stack of books!  The picture only shows half of them.  Also, here is one of the Rubix Cubes!

We had found the "We Can Do It" and Captain America wall hangings.  Dd found two Star Wars blankets, that Dd has over her head as she plays with Henry.

Her Party with Church Youth Group:
We met up with Joy and Kaleigh in town, then drove to next drop-off spot to meet FaithAnne.  Hailee met us at the
bowling alley.  

We had an awesome time bowling two games.  The best part was all the high-fives after each one of us bowled!!!!  

They had great Motown music going---"My Girl" and we all sang throughout our stay!  
BC Pizza pick-up on the drive home so the girls could have pizza for dinner.  Then Dd took all the girls on a hike before they played baseball.  Then they had cake and opened presents before playing games all night.  They really enjoyed playing Hide & Go Seek, Apples to Apples and playing music on the record player.  Joy got picked up around midnight, but the rest of the girls slept on the floor in Dd's bedroom.  In the morning they had croissants with Nutella or chocolate cupcakes before we all went to church and they were back with their families again.  It was a lot of fun.  Dd was tired for two days afterward!!


Oddly, we had two vultures hanging out around our chicken pen this week; quite ominous!

They left hungry!

Baltimore Orioles:
We don't usually see these birds in our neighborhood and for some reason, they stayed for a few days!

The chickens enjoyed being outside, even in the snowy weather---thanks for their umbrella that kept the dirt dry!

Picture of my mom, from the 1980's
 my mom- 1980's

Church,  Sunday School  (After S.S. Dd went to Hailee's house then Youth Program in the evening)
Independent Bible Study: Word of Life and Awaken: 90 Days With the God Who Waits

Grace Classes:
Cultural Geography (BJU)
Spanish I (BJU and DuoLingo daily)
Algebra I (Saxon)
Introductory Logic
Exploring Economics (Ray Notgrass)

Home Economic's:
Dd made cookies to take into Grace for her birthday
Dd made her own birthday cake for her party

Physical Exercise:
Hike with girls at the party (and baseball game)
Bowling (2 hours) 
Hike with Henry: 5x this week


Soon the garden will start to look different!  The seedlings are looking very good.


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